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Poverty and Single Parenting - Coursework Example

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The "Poverty and Single Parenting" paper states that considering that single parenthood has been associated with poverty, and revealed that poverty may reoccur in the lives of individuals growing in poor families, it follows that parenting has a connotation of competition in the lives of individuals…
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Poverty and Single Parenting
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Poverty and Single Parenting Poverty is a relative concept which may be described as a situation that may render part of a society incapacitated to afford the essentials, which may otherwise be taken for granted by others (Knapp, S. E., & Jongsma, A. E., 2005). While some members of the society juggle with payment of bills, individuals living in poverty may be forced to make difficult choices between buying food and purchasing textbooks for their children. In low-income families, especially those headed by a single parent, poverty affects their ability to provide adequate housing for their children, getting higher education, and puts their family at risk of instability and unhealthy upbringing. A bearing is created, revealing that with increase in the single parenthood, low income and inadequate basic needs together with the increasing poverty level among the members of the families are realized. This connection drawn between the situation of single parenthood and inability of families to obtain essential services presents the question: Is single parenting a cause of poverty? Single parented families are much more likely compared to other families to have their income at low levels (Senker, Cath, 2006). This is because only one person is depended upon to cater for the entire family, meet bills and ensure that children in the families obtain essential needs like education. This is especially in the case of single parented families, whose heads are women. (Knapp, S. E., & Jongsma, A. E., 2005) The growth of single parented families is the main reason for the increase in the percentage of the impoverished children. (Senker, Cath, 2006) This situation is best explained by conflict theory. The compelling need to sustain the families and also to match the living standards of the society is a nagging factor that many single parents must gamble with. (Robards, Karen, 2008) Basic needs are not successfully met compared to those children from families with both parents. SIGNAFICANCE The increase in the single parent family has been one of the emerging aspects of family structure for the last two decades. (Bender, Karen E. 2007) The number of single parent family in 1970, particularly those whose children were below the age of 18, was 3.8 million. (Hertz & Rosanna, 2006) By 2010, the number of such families had grown more than double, counting to 9.7 million. (Bender, Karen E. 2007) Other than death of their parents, for the first time, children would live in single parented families. One out of every four children currently lives with single mothers, who are mostly teenagers (Hertz & Rosanna, 2006). Study reveals that there is a high likelihood of 40% of the teenagers faced with parental breakup. (Bodenhorn, 2006) Among the single- parent families, 90% of these families are headed by female parents. (Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, 2004) Further, study has revealed that these single mothers, who also have dependent children, are also the most affected with poverty across all the demographics. (Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, 2004) 60% of US children who purely depend on their single mothers are also the most impoverished. (Greg, 2005) This compared to the children who were coming from a two parent’s family. The result revealed that only 11% of these children were impoverished (Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, 2004). The rate of poverty among children from the African-American families were noted to be even poorer than others considering that in every two out three children among the African American children were poor. (Greg, 2005). Researches that have been conducted point that among the United States children who are predisposed to diseases and sickness, those that come from single parented families are likely to be unhealthier than those coming from two parented families. (Hertz & Rosanna, 2006) Child care cost is another main expenditure that is met by the single parents and presents challenges. Averagely, poor mothers would spend approximately 32% of the income they get weekly on the childcare. (Sommer, Alfred, 2009) In the cases where that care covers more than one child, then the cost of the care may even doubles. This is one of the reasons that forces nearly 65% of the single parents to engage themselves in informal arrangements which may include neighbors or extended families to work as child day care. (Bodenhorn, 2006) This kind of arrangements may limit the manner in which the single mothers spread their income in the use of the family needs such as clothing, housing and food. Ultimately, there would be sacrifice from the quality care of the children. There is always a possibility that single parents may be forced to choose between flexibility and quality of the child care arrangements they embrace. Jobs that comfortably require good pay would demand longer hours of work. Sometimes these hours of work may not be regular to enable the parents to plan adequately for their work. This therefore may force the single mothers to appreciate the use of inexperienced caregivers who would work for long hours, or they may choose to have the caregivers who may take many children at the same time to supervise. Single parenthood presents compounding factors that play along in making single parented families poor. There is a need to critically evaluate all the salient factors contributing to the vice and seek a better way of ensuring that inequalities are dealt with in the society. A systematic study points that children from singe parented families would most likely drop out of school at tender ages, get children out of wedlock and in most cases have problems in keeping their jobs (Hertz & Rosanna, 2006). This eventually would affect them in their adult lives. These individuals may also face other problems such as psychological development sex role identification, as social behaviors. (Robards, Karen, 2008)Studies reveal that there is a direct effect on psychological development of individuals who have had troubled live during their growth. (Bodenhorn, 2006) There has however been debate on the methodology that has been used to arrive at the conclusions, particularly models that support theory of deviance to be applicable in a single parent setting. (Senker, Cath, 2006). There is a highly likelihood that mothers from the single- parented families would be poorer. This is in consideration that there is poor remuneration of women and low pay at their work places. (Senker, Cath, 2006) These women also get very poor assistance for the public, which include child care subsidies. In the cases where there are residential fathers, commitment on child support is always very poor. (Senker, Cath, 2006) This makes it had for the mothers to follow up considering that there are a lot of issues and resources that are involved in such follow ups. Averagely, the income that comes as a result of being a single parent with children aged six years and below is always one-fourth of that of the two parent’s families. (Bodenhorn, 2006) THEORY Throughout the theoretical history of single parenthood, scholars from multiple disciplines in the social sciences have grappled with a diverse set of interpretation of the definitions to conceptualize this abstract idea. (Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, 2004) Some of these perspectives have been explained by a number of scholars include the conflict theory. This paper would be able to examine the concept of single parenthood in relation to poverty. The conflict approach or conflict theory is a theory that was drawn from the ideas of Karl Marx. (Robards, Karen, 2008) According to the ideas of Karl Marx, society is a changing entity which goes through changes continuously. Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, (2004) points that the conflict theory presents a perfect undrstanding of how inequality that exist among the families headed by single parents, compares with the two parented families. First, the theory suggests that it is not easy to determine the importance of any job. This is because the society is structured in a manner that makes any position is important in the functioning of society. Secondly, the approach suggests that the society is stratified in a way that the rich manages to get richer at the expense of the poor. Likening the situation by the poverty experienced with the single parented families, Eagly, Alice Hendrickson, (2004) notes that the single parented families are disadvantaged in many ways. They do not get same advantages that other families get. This makes it difficult for them to compete in the society. There is harm that is created in the case where society does not appreciate the need to care for the disadvantage. The theory suggest that the upward mobility that is normally experienced by families due to social stratification, is normally a contributor to inequality between the single parented families and the two parented families, which results into poverty. Families therefore use social structures to seal these differences, which finally results into differences in power between elite and others. Such elite may include large corporations and government. (Bender, Karen E. 2007) The concept of single parenthood has been viewed in relations to conflict. Considering that single parenthood has been highly associated with poverty, and subsequently revealed that poverty may reoccur in the lives of individuals growing in poor families, it follows that parenting has a connotation of competition in the lives of individuals. Single parenthood relegates individuals to poverty. (Senker, Cath, 2007) This pushes them to the low level of the society stratification. As a result, they have to struggle to keep themselves in the society by struggling for the resources. Meeting their demands in the society may make them resort to unconventional way of obtaining wealth just to ensure that they survive. Although there is only limited consensus about the defining factors of single parenthood, the concept is as obvious as the way it is felt by those in it, this is also a realistic way of understanding poverty. Work cited Knapp, S. E., HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""JongsmaHYPERLINK "", A. E. (2005). HYPERLINK ""The Parenting Skills Treatment PlannerHYPERLINK "". Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Bender, Karen E., and Nina de. HYPERLINK ""GramontHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""CHOICE: true stories of birth, contraception, infertility, adoption, single parenthood, HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" abortionHYPERLINK "". San Francisco, CA: HYPERLINK ""MacAdamHYPERLINK ""/Cage, 2007. Print. BodenhornHYPERLINK "", Howard. HYPERLINK ""Single parenthood and childhood outcomes in the mid-nineteenth century urban southHYPERLINK "". Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006. Print. DeenHYPERLINK "", HYPERLINK ""AdeebHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""FatherhoodHYPERLINK "". West Lakes, S. Aust.HYPERLINK "",:HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""SeaviewHYPERLINK "" Press, 2009. Print. EaglyHYPERLINK "", Alice Hendrickson, Reuben M. Baron, V. Lee Hamilton, and Herbert C. HYPERLINK ""KelmanHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""The social psychology of group identity and social conflict: theory, application, and practiceHYPERLINK "". Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004. Print. Greg HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Dick. HYPERLINK ""Child care and child development: results from the NICHD study of early child care and youth developmentHYPERLINK "". New York: Guilford Press, 2005. Print. Hertz HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" Rosanna. HYPERLINK ""Single by chance, mothers by choice: how women are choosing parenthood without marriage and creating the new American familyHYPERLINK "". New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. Reeves, Bob. HYPERLINK ""Sort out your family financesHYPERLINK "". London: Teach Yourself, 2010. Print. RobardsHYPERLINK "", Karen. HYPERLINK ""GuiltyHYPERLINK "". New York: G.P. Putnams Sons, 2008. Print. SenkerHYPERLINK "", Cath. HYPERLINK ""PovertyHYPERLINK "". Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2007. Print. SommerHYPERLINK "", Alfred. HYPERLINK ""Getting what we deserve: health and medical care in AmericaHYPERLINK "". Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. Print. Us census bureau: county business patterns 2003HYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""S.lHYPERLINK "".: HYPERLINK ""BibliogovHYPERLINK "", 2013. Print. Annotated Bibliography Bender, Karen E., and Nina de. HYPERLINK ""GramontHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""CHOICE: true stories of birth, contraception, infertility, adoption, single parenthood, HYPERLINK ""&HYPERLINK "" abortionHYPERLINK "". San Francisco, CA: HYPERLINK ""MacAdamHYPERLINK ""/Cage, 2007. Print. This book will assist the research in elaborating how single parenthood is affected by some other fundamental factors that surround growth of a child such as contraceptives, abortion and infertility. This will be associated with the development of a child and what impact they would have on the impoverish nature of individuals. Further, the book will attempt to highlight factors that are believed to play along on deciding on the choices that are made by single mothers. BodenhornHYPERLINK "", Howard. HYPERLINK ""Single parenthood and childhood outcomes in the mid-nineteenth century urban southHYPERLINK "". Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006. Print. This book will attempt to position single parenthood as a precursor to the psychological development of individuals. Base on the historical aspect of it, the paper will attempt to associate the current situation with the history so as to allow for a comprehensive conclusion. EaglyHYPERLINK "", Alice Hendrickson, Reuben M. Baron, V. Lee Hamilton, and Herbert C. HYPERLINK ""KelmanHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""The social psychology of group identity and social conflict: theory, application, and practiceHYPERLINK "". Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2004. Print. This book illustrates in details the applications of social theories. In particular, the book will assist in observing the role of conflict theory in the case of the single parenthood. It will also assist in actualizing the theoretical aspect of the research. Greg, Dick. HYPERLINK ""Child care and child development: results from the NICHD study of early child care and youth developmentHYPERLINK "". New York: Guilford Press, 2005. Print. Using this book, the study will reveal matters that surround the growth of a child particularly in United States of America. It will attempt to vividly expose matters that the single parents undergo while trying to address the needs of their children. Specifically, this book will provide a well researched data that will aid in the analysis of the entire study. Hertz, Rosanna. HYPERLINK ""Single by chance, mothers by choice: how women are choosing parenthood without marriage and creating the new American familyHYPERLINK "". New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. Print. The book is paramount in revealing some of the choices that single mothers make in choosing to be single or married. Some of these factors that revolve around conflict theories will be presented in a clear way through the use of this book. The book will give a wide spectrum of families in America and matters that relate them to poverty. RobardsHYPERLINK "", Karen. HYPERLINK ""GuiltyHYPERLINK "". New York: G.P. Putnams Sons, 2008. Print. This book reveals in depth, the legal factors that would assist the study in understanding the evolution of single parenthood. It will reveal landmark cases that pertain to the single parenthood and how it ha shaped the lives of children in America. SenkerHYPERLINK "", Cath. HYPERLINK ""PovertyHYPERLINK "". Milwaukee, WI: World Almanac Library, 2007. Print. This book provides different perspective upon which individuals can view poverty. Specifically, it reveals how economic factors determine the struggles in the society. Broadly, this book will assist in demonstrating how conflict theory is useful in shaping parenthood. SommerHYPERLINK "", Alfred. HYPERLINK ""Getting what we deserve: health and medical care in AmericaHYPERLINK "". Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009. Print. The book Getting what we deserve: Health and Medical Care in America, is a clear depiction of the particular challenges that single parents face in economies that makes it difficult to obtain health care. It will also demonstrate how the policy factors makes it had for the single parents to keep their bills in such economies. DeenHYPERLINK "", HYPERLINK ""AdeebHYPERLINK "". HYPERLINK ""FatherhoodHYPERLINK "". West Lakes, S. Aust.HYPERLINK "",:HYPERLINK "" HYPERLINK ""SeaviewHYPERLINK "" Press, 2009. Print. This book will provide a clear balance of the literature. Considering that most of the single parents are perceived to be mothers, the book will try to highlight different predicament faced by the fathers as well. Reeves, Bob. HYPERLINK ""Sort out your family financesHYPERLINK "". London: Teach Yourself, 2010. Print. This book reveals in depth the financial aspect of the families. It will give a wider view in relation to different manner in which financial issues affect families, both single parented and with two parents. Read More
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