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Management for Social Service - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Management for Social Service " discusses that generally, the recruitment strategy starts by defining the amount of money dedicated to the process. Assuming there is a good budget, the organization will engage the services of a recruiting firm. …
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Management for Social Service Management for Social Service Question Assessment of the Financial Situation Part One Assessment of Community in Schools’ financial situation helps to reveal the financial health of the organization. The financial situation analysis is a vital step in enabling the organization to enjoy improved financial management whereby it helps understanding the current and future financial health of the organization. The assessment helps in understanding the financial net worth of the organization and help in informing effective financial management strategies. The assessment also facilitates an understanding of the organization’s financial weaknesses. Notably, there are diverse ratios that are applicable in assessing financial situations. These ratios provide corrective measures in cases where potential financial problems are identified. I. Liquidity ratio –helps in determining the capacity of an organization to meet its planned expenses during emergencies. a. “Liquidity ratio = cash or cash equivalents/ monthly committed expenses or = “liquid assets/net worth” = 10,190,904/ 8,859,636 = 1.15 The expected ratio is 2 but the result indicates 1.15 this shows that this organization is slightly ill prepared to deal with its financial emergencies especially those that may call for greater involvements. Therefore, it should increase its net worth to attain the required limits to enable it cope with its future financial challenges (Johnson Lambert & Co.LLP, 2011). ii. “Asset to debt ratio = total Assets/ total liabilities” = 19,875,866/1,282,656 = 15.5 This ratio shows that the organization has much of what it owns compared to what it owes. iii. “Current ratio = cash or cash equivalents / short term liabilities” = 3,988,719/ 961,242 = 4.15 This is a positive ratio and it predicts that Community in Schools can service its short term liabilities but not to greater extents. iv. “Debt Service Ratio = Short Term Liabilities / Total Income” = 961,242/13,724,116 = 0.07 Lower ratios shows that the management are in good position to manage debts. v. “Saving Ratio = Monthly Surplus / Monthly Income” = 1357057.5/126410.75 = 10.74 The ratio is above 10 thereby indicating that if the organization works within its current operation limits, it is in a good position to achieve its future financial goals. vi. “Solvency Ratio = Net Worth / Total Assets” = 18, 593,210/19,875,866 = 0.93 This ratio is positive thereby indicating that the assets are more worth compared to liabilities. The figure is too low; thus, that the organization needs to increase its net worth in order to stand in a better position in repaying its debts using its available assets. vii. “Investment Assets To Total Assets = Liquid Assets / Total Assets” = 10,190,904/18,593,210 = 0.55 This shows that this organization has fewer assets that it can convert into cash easily; hence, engage on activities that will increase its assets especially the fixed assets to meet this financial safety. Part Two From the assessment of Community in Schools financial ratios, there are possible recommendations that can be made. First, in the case of financial performance, the organization has an increasing surplus in its budget and the trend can still get better through growing the liquid assets base. The organization still needs to benchmark the financial management of other successful organizations. Particularly, there are needs for the organization to reexamine its management of revenues. The organization should initiate proper and efficient utilization of all program funds in order to minimize operation expenses. As the organization continues to grow, the costs of delivering its programs will also increase (Tuckman and Channg, 1991). This is likely to cause economic problems during emergency situations. Therefore, the organization should focus on enhancing its net worth. The organization should also focus its attention more on fundraising in order to enhance the revenue sources. It also needs to improve its fundraising efficiency ratio by gaining more revenue through resource mobilization. According to Better Business Bureau (2003) organizations can get additional financial impetus through engaging in fundraising. Nonetheless, the organization should keep up making available to all its annual report which contains information on the mission statement, a summary of the past year’s activities, a roster of the staff, and board of directors, and financial information comprising of the total income in the previous financial year. The organization should continue to make available program expenses and ending net assets. The financial evaluation helps in assessing the performance and financial indicators of Communities in Schools. The financial statements of the organization provide the main source of information for the evaluation. Therefore, using the information the financial evaluation focuses on the expenditures of the program activities (Griffin, 2007). The evaluation of the organization business performance and financial status plays a critical role in the organization in terms of financial managerial decision making because it enables the organization understand the risks and probable benefits of instituting performance planning (Howard, and Cyril 1991). The financial assessment method reflects on the Communities in Schools goals and programs in many ways. An understanding of the organizations cash flow analysis is essential in knowing whether funds are coming into the organization as scheduled to help in meeting the projected expenses on programs and administration (Griffin, 2007). The cash flow analysis shows what the organization hopes to get as income and what it hopes to spend on programs. The assessment strategy will help understand whether Communities in Schools will face financial shortages and when that is likely to take place. The assessment also reflects the organizations goals and programs as it is captured in the annual audit reports. The examination of Communities in Schools financial records and statements enable an independent evaluator to issue an opinion on the financial position of the organization and the potential abilities to deliver on its programs (Moyer, McGuigan, Rao, and Kretlow, 2011)). The goal of the organization is to work with communities to keep children in schools. The assessment enables stakeholders understand how the organization complies with the commonly used accounting principles. The assessment also shows a strong effort on the part of the organization to build confidence among its grantors; thus, building its financial health (Griffin, 2007). The assessment also reflects the organizations goals and programs in terms of its responsibility to make IRS reporting. As a charitable organization, Communities in Schools must file financial returns with the Internal Revenue Service (Johnson and Co.LLP, 2011). Therefore, because the organization needs to remain in business it has to file IRS reports in a timely manner to ensure that its programs are not impacted upon due to non-compliance. Analyzing Communities in Schools performance using financial ratios based on financial statements offers diverse strengths (Griffin, 2007). The financial ration analysis is vital in comparing financial situation with the past years. This is important in helping the financial analyst identify the organization’s strengths and weaknesses, assess organization’s financial position, and foresee future risks (Moyer, McGuigan, Rao, and Kretlow, 2011). The ratio analysis also enable financial analysts execute plans to facilitate increased profitability and liquidity for the organization. The ratios analysis is also applicable in predicting future financial problems such as whether the organization’s liquidity ratio is good enough to help it pay future debts. Analyzing Communities in Schools financial position using ratio analysis also present various weaknesses. The ratio analysis can be misleading sometimes particularly when used to compare the performance of the organization with other companies (Moyer, McGuigan, Rao and Kretlow, 2011). The use of estimates and assumptions during ratio analysis also affects financial accounting information as it limits the application of different accounting standards in the process of the analysis. Ratio analysis is more focused on previous performance yet stakeholders are normally concerned on the current and future financial situation of the organization (Moyer, McGuigan, Rao and Kretlow, 2011). Question 2 The mission of Communities in Schools “is to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school, and achieve in life (CCH Australia, 2011).” Notably, this reflects the organization’s purpose which seems to the same as the agency’s strategy. The strategy starts with identifying a student at risk in any school (CIS, 2014). The organization then sends a school based coordinator to the school who then bring together available resources in the school setting, makes them accessible to the student, coordinates and ensure their accountability. The school based coordinator works with all stakeholders involved with the student (CIS, 2014). The site coordinator acts as the contact for the student at risk and coordinates integrated student services, connect students, and families through community partnerships and links them to resources that address academic and non academic needs. The site coordinator works with all the stakeholders to provide the student with resources needed in and out of school (CIS, 2014). The strategy incorporates a monitoring and evaluation approach which enables Communities in Schools assess the outcome of the program after students are given human and financial as well as community resources that enable them stay in school and achieve in life. Through this strategy, 99% of the students manage to stay in school, 96% of the supported children get to graduate, while 84% of the students meet academic goals (CIS, 2014). The services offered by Communities in Schools are highly consistent with the mission and the programs. This is because the organization’s mission is narrow in terms of helping at risk students stay in school and achieve in life through surrounding them with a community of supporters. The services offered by the organization is effective in putting a community around students; hence, enabling them to stay in school and achieve in life (CIS, 2014b). The consistency between the organization’s mission and services can be seen from the high number of students being able to stay in school, graduate, and meet academic goals. The high level of customer satisfaction gives Communities in Schools a competitive advantage. The organization has done the program for four decades and has gained massive experience and has developed best practices that give it an edge over other organizations. The fact that the organization has developed partnerships with highly reputable organizations and companies also gives it an edge (CIS, 2014). The organization shows the public and potential donors that they can get value for their money since if they invest 1 dollar in the program then later that amount will return over 11 dollars to the community. The focus on building relationships for students through having social support systems around them makes the organization’s programs popular. The slogan, “its relationships, not programs that change children” also makes the programs popular; therefore, giving the organization an edge in its operations (CIS, 2014c). The organization has presented their organization with the work they do in a very professional way (Diggs-Brown, 2012). The organization has used the website to its strategic advantage in so many ways. The website is very easy to navigate and writings are made legible. Furthermore, the use of percentages in showing their program outcomes gives one an immediate picture of how successful the organization is implementing its programs (CIS, 2014d). The organization has also provided different publications that help people learn more about its programs and accomplishments. In addition, the program strategy’s description using a simple diagram with very few words makes it very easy to understand how the organization undertakes its programs (CIS, 2014d). The use of individual testimonies is also very effective in promoting the image given to the public about the organization. The organization would appeal to different stakeholders who are interested in promoting education attainment for marginalized children or children at risk of dropping out of school. The stakeholders would include funders, donors, other organizations implementing programs targeted at children, policy makers, and the children themselves. The website already looks so perfect there would be nothing to suggest for improvement. In order to comprehend what is really happening within Communities in Schools from an operational standpoint, certain techniques and approaches are useful in conducting an evaluation. Application of different qualitative research methodologies which involve undertaking desktop review of the documents presented by the organization will prove helpful (Holland, 2006). Furthermore, the researcher will use other qualitative research methodologies such as interviews and observation to determine what is really going on in the organization based on the programs appearing in the organization’s documents. Additionally, on site visiting is important in helping in data verification and documentation of the programs and how they are being implemented (Holland, 2006). Understanding what is really going on in an organization in terms of operations can also be understood through conducting focus group discussions with staff of the organization, affiliate organizations, and beneficiaries. Question 3 The Four-Frame Model was developed by Bolman & Deal. The structural framework emphasizes on goals and specialized roles as well as formal relationships. It further concentrates on organizational structures, the use of responsibilities, rules, policies, procedures in an organization (Bolman & Deal, 2013). Communities in Schools emphasizes on the goal of helping students achieve in their education and in life with the mission of surrounding them with a community of support and empowering them to stay in school. The leadership of the organization is in different stages including the board of directors, national leadership council, national staff, and network leadership (CIS, 2014e). The formal relationship between the organization and its different partners and affiliates has really supported its programs. The partnerships with individual schools enable the successful implementation of the program through the site coordinators who have their specialized responsibilities. The human resource frame depicts an organization as an extended family where individuals with needs and those with skills work to get the job done while feeling good about what they are doing (Bolman & Deal, 2013). In the Context of Communities in Schools, the state directors are happy to work together with the community based coordinators to implement the strategies at the local level; thus’ helping in keeping students in school and support them to achieve good academic grades (CIS, 2014e). According to the documents developed by the Communities in Schools, the political frame is not a major issue in the organization. The symbolic frame sees an organization as a theater where actors play their roles while audiences form impressions of those actions (Bolman & Deal, 2013). In this context, the symbol revolves around surrounding students with a community of support, exposing them to different empowerment programs to enable them stay in school, and achieve in life. This is the symbol that the organization seeks to create among its stakeholders so that as the different people involved in this work such as community based site coordinators working with schools to keep students in school (CIS, 2014e). The students and stakeholders on the other hand form impression of the work done by the organization as helpful or not. The impression formed by students is critical and as can be seen the organization’s website that contains student testimonies about the importance of the programs offered (Better Business Bureau, 2003). The structural frame reveals more than the others and the assumption is that Communities in Schools has strengthened its leadership and program implementation than its other aspects. Question 4 Job Description for a Gang Intervention Specialist The position holder will be expected to work with children and youths aged 10- 18 identified as either potentially or presently participating in gang related activities. In liaison with school administration, family members, teachers, and the community specialist support children and youths and assist them come out of gang culture and participation (Gaines and Miller, 2014). The gang intervention specialist will also develop employment related skills and capacities in project beneficiaries. The specialist will also monitor academic progresses of children and youths and develop socio-emotional and conflict strategies and abilities. The specialist will also be expected to engage project beneficiaries in service projects and refer children and youth for additional support services (Gaines and Miller, 2014). He or she will also strive to promote desirable relationship between identified beneficiaries and schools through one on one and group counseling and mentoring sessions. The recruitment strategy starts by defining the amount of money dedicated for the process. Assuming there is a good budget, the organization will engage the services of a recruiting firm. The recruitment process should start early enough because this is a new position in a new city and would therefore require a competent and well trained individual. The process should take a bit longer so that the organization is able to get the best candidate for the position (CCH Australia, 2011). Then recruitment strategy also considers the resources available for the process. There is need to determine who in the organization will lead the recruitment process and his/her availability for the task. In case an external recruiting agency is engaged to undertake the recruitment then the organization has to consider resources to pay the firm. Furthermore, the organization has to develop and submit the job description to the firm to ensure that they are guided in the kind of candidate they should recruit (CCH Australia, 2011). The recruitment strategy also considers the availability of the person specification the organization seeks to recruit. The strategy should consider the approximate number of people with the skills needed in the job and competition. The compensation should also be factored into the recruitment strategy because rewards affect the quality of candidates who the organization can employ (CCH Australia, 2011). The three questions to ask would include; a) briefly describe your understanding of “Hard Core” Gang program, b) how would you describe your work experience in programs such as “Hard Core” Gang Program, c) what would be your first responsibility when you are successful in this interview. These questions are important because they help understand whether the potential candidates have the understanding and experience of the program. A training schedule for the gang intervention specialist will take five days running from morning to evening. The first day will start with orientation. The second day will involve introduction at the department including mission, responsibilities, job description, and performance expectation, dress code, and organizational culture among others (CCH Australia, 2011). . The third day will focus on current workers on similar position, departmental staff meeting, and training on communication strategies. The fourth day will focus on information technology training and handling of organization assets. The fifth day will focus on observing staff working in similar position do some of their activities and review organizational procedure manuals.   References Better Business Bureau. (2003). Standard for Charity Accountability. Retrieved on 10 December 2014 from Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2013). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership. CCH Australia. (2011). Effective Recruitment and Selection Practices. Melbourne: CCH Australia Limited. CIS. (2014b). Communities in Schools Spring 2014 National Impact Report. Retrieved 10 December 2014 from CIS. (2014c). About Us. Retrieved on 10 December 2014 from CIS. (2014d). Our Unique Model. Retrieved on 10 December from CIS. (2014e). Our Leadership. Retrieved on 10 December 2014 from Communities in Schools (CIS). (2014). Learn More about How We Work In Schools. Retrieved on 10 December 2014 from Diggs-Brown, B. (2012). Strategic public relations: An audience-focused approach. Boston, Mass: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Gaines, L., and Miller, R. (2014). Criminal Justice in Action. Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning Griffin, R. W. (2007). Fundamentals of management: Core concepts and applications. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin. Holland, J. (2006). Methods in development research: Combining qualitative and quantitative approaches. Warwickshire: I T D G Publ, UK. Johnson, L. & Co.LLP. (2011). Communities in Schools, Inc. Audited Financial Statements and Other Financial Information Years ended September 30, 2010 and 2009 with Report of Independent Auditors. Retrieved on 10 December 2014 from Moyer, R., McGuigan, J., Rao, R., and Kretlow, W. (2011). Contemporary Financial Management. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning. Quarterly, 20 (4), 445-460. Howard, T. P., & Cyril, C. F. (1991). A Methodology for Measuring the Financial Vulnerability of Charitable Nonprofit Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Read More
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