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Social Political Ideology on Same Sex Marriage - Assignment Example

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This assignment "Social Political Ideology on Same Sex Marriage" presents political ideologies of conservatism and liberalism. The politics of the country split along these lines; hence, the issue of the same sex marriages as a social subject of concern continues to elicit debates…
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Social Political Ideology on Same Sex Marriage Introduction Ideologies shape the lives, beliefs and practices of every society across the universe. They are of particulate concern in their contribution to the making of stance points on issues and subjects that affect the society. The American political ideologies constitute several variations on classical liberalism. Most of the ideologies present related views with significantly notable similar beliefs. However, the American ideologies despite holding almost similar views on issues of concern within the society, such as governance, free markets and individual liberties among others, they differ slightly. The difference emanates from the differences on the procedures of achieving the goals best. Moreover, the political ideologies also constitute a monolithic aspect, in which there are variances of opinions and stance within a group that holds the same ideology. However, all these are possible because of the eminence and respect of personal liberties. Social issues continue to beat the society, creating vast divisions between the people. These issues are several, however, in this case, this paper analyses the subject of the same sex marriage as a social issue with respect to the political ideologies and their conceptualization on the issue. Literature review A social condition is any neutral and communally acceptable quality within the society. Marriage is an example of a socially accepted quality and practice, recognized as the norm and protected within the laws and declarations of rights of people of that society. However, a social condition evolves into a social issue when debates emanate terming the condition as a problem. It becomes a social issue when those of a contrary view persuade others that it is a problem and initiates measures to act contrary to the beliefs of the people. Thus, viewing same sex marriage as a social issue is subject to the debates within the society and the various stances taken by those who oppose or support the topic of discussion (Whitehead, 2012). A social problem exists when the subject of dissertation meets the following aspects in its existence within the society. Firstly, it is a social problem when the cause of the problem is social, it harms a vast number of people within the society it harms the continuation of the society, and that there is a widespread concurrence that the trend is wrongful and there is a need for action to change the condition. Thus, this discussion draws from these criteria to establish the factor of the same sex marriage as a social condition. Within the past few decades, the society evolved into adopting several practices that today are changing the perspectives of the world on several subjects that concern the security and safety of humanity. Same sex marriage is a societal subject that emerged within this period, qualifying as a social issue from several perspectives as the guidelines of declaring an issue as a social issue state. In the precedent few years, the American civilization witnessed several states allowing the practice of the same sex marriage, and conducting weddings for couples who are the same sex (Corvino & Gallagher, 2012). However, a sufficient number of the citizens in united states seem to think otherwise, stating that same sex marriage constitutes a significant threat to the safety and security of the society; hence, labeling it as a social problem. Moreover, there are widespread debates on the issue, on the extent to which the society is wrong and need for measures to regulate the issue. Thus, as a social problem, same sex marriage forces people to take on a sociological perspective and re-examine the beliefs and norms that they hold dear. For instance, the American society leans towards the belief and practice of individual liberties, and the abolishment of practice and enforcement of traditional morals that foster cohesion and solidarity in the society. The debates feature the extent to which the society should constrain the individual liberties, which the people envision as their source of democracy and freedom. Moreover, it raises the concern on whether the society needs to revert to the adherence of traditional morals and beliefs in the process of conserving the society from such social issues as same sex marriage. Thinking about the issue of same sex marriage forces the public to re-evaluate their common beliefs on the best way of organizing the society. It helps the society to understand the sociological perspective and formulate policies related to the social concern of the same sex marriage (Whitehead, 2012). Although scores of citizens allege not to have a stance on an issue, acknowledging that the issue is a problem in the society is itself a stance. Taking a stance on the issue promotes social division, a factor that can adversely alter the peaceful coexistence of people and trigger mass violation of individual liberties as many American citizens perceive the subject. The core motives to address when focusing n the issue include prejudice, fear and power over the issue. The factor of prejudice within the society fuels human injustice, with several aspect of prejudice happening along the lines of sexism. Thus, the divisions and condemnations of the same sex-relations constitute sexism in action, which is a form of discrimination against people. Prejudices influence discrimination against the same sex relations groups creating a division within the society and gross violations of personal liberties. Secondly, the aspect fear also affects the people. The society sees the issue as a threat to the continuation of humanity; hence, they in fear (Whitehead, 2012). Similarly, the gay and lesbian community suffers psychologically and to extent physically as they live in fear of condemnation and discrimination form the society. Thus, the two groups of people, the straight and those in support of the same sex relations have their fears of the issue of concern. Moreover, both camps of the issue on same sex relations seek to have power and control over the other group. Discriminating against same sex relations means that the straight society group wants to dominate over the same sex relations groups. Those practicing the socially contrary act seek recognition and respect of their personal liberties. Thus, with these sides taking camps and the debates continuing along various lines of beliefs and perspectives, the issue remains subject to social political ideologies conceptualization and policy formulation to protect and maintain cohesions within the society. Political ideology summary Political scientists largely organize the American political ideologies into four classes with respect to their preferences of size within the American community (Ellis & Stimson, 2012). These include libertarians who favor the absence of government against the socialists who favor high degree of government intervention. The second category is that of liberals versus the conservatives, who are in the middle of the spectrum of ideologies, borrowing from both extremes and balancing the aspects advocated for in libertarians and socialists ideologies. The issue in concern focuses on liberals versus conservatism political ideologies in shaping the society and determining the course of action on the social issue in concern. Liberalism In the American liberalism, the ideology in practice is the advocacy of equality among all citizens of the country. For instance, in the past, the liberal groups in the American society focused on the promotion of civil rights for the African American and other minority groups within the American society (Ellis & Stimson, 2012). The American liberal beliefs in their endeavor to engage the society into a conducive place for all Americans is their push for expansive civil liberties, social, political and economic equality. In their ideologies, they support the poor and oppressed within the society with a concern for the government to support them, in addition, ensuring the rich or favored groups do not have too much control over others. In their view of free markets, they support capitalism and oppose a completely free market, calling for the government to ameliorate the negative aspects of the market. They advocate for actions that promote equal opportunity, job concern issues and civil liberties expansion among other liberal thoughts and views. Liberals support equality, freedom, rationalism and progress from traditions. Conservatism The American conservatism is of the view that the focal responsibility of the government is protecting freedom and proving security to the people. However, beyond this responsibility, the government does not have control over the lives and beliefs of people, how they behave and act. In the view of the conservatives, the freedoms overcome equality. They belief that the government in dealing with the plight of the society such as poverty, they should focus on facilitating opportunities for people to better themselves. This line of thought also advocates for neo-conservatism in which it advocates for preservation and respect for traditions. The conservatism emphasizes on the factors of stability and concreteness of the society, arguing that liberalism is too abstract (Ellis & Stimson, 2012). Conservatism also believes in human fallibility, that circumstances are unique, and no answer is universal to problems of the society. The classical conservatism argues that some form of monarchy is necessary, although they do not undermine the need for democracy. Analytical application and conceptualization of the political ideologies on same sex marriage In view of conservatism and the arguments proponent to same sex relations, the emphasis of conservatism is that t will stand to opposition of the relations. The ideology of conservatism first emphasizes on stability as a precious thing and that change is a gradual aspect of society and subject to the consequences of the change. Thus, in the view of the stability of society and traditions, same sex relations undermine the stability of the society (Schwartzmantel, 2008). The conservative perception of the same sex relations with respect to the society is that it affects the stability of society its beliefs and could lead to extinction of society if people of the same sex all marry. Secondly, the conservatives believe in concreteness of the society and its way of life. Thus, with respect to the issue in discussion, the conservatives will view same sex marriage as disintegrating the norms and traditions of society that form the basis of the family unit. Thus, it opposes as allowing freedom of same sex disrespects the concrete traditional morals of the society. Additionally, conservatism believes in human fallibility, in which they state that humans are ignorant, prejudiced and irrational. Therefore, in view of these defects of humanity, then the society needs stable and strict rules to regulate their actions. Thus, with respect to the issue of the same sex marriage, the conservative ideology will perceive the issue as resulting from human fallibility; thus, there is a need to control their actions. Lastly, although there is no universal solution to problems of society, however, in the aspect of violation of traditional standings and morals, the need for some form of monarchy is essential in addressing the concern of the same sex marriage. The practice is wrong in view of conservatism and the society should not embrace the practice. Liberalism, on the contrary, advocates for the freedoms and respect of personal civil liberties within the society and protection of the people by the government. The liberal’s viewpoint includes individualism in which the individual has priority over the society (Schwartzmantel, 2008). Moreover, they also advocate for freedoms of people such including the right or the person to make their own choices on matters concerning their lives. Thus, with respect to the issue of the same sex marriage, liberals support the practice as they term it as respect of the individual over the society and respect of the personal liberty of the person to decide on what they desire for their lives and their bodies. Thus, liberalism as an ideology conceptualizes same sex marriage as a personal priority and freedom that the society has no right to intervene. Secondly, liberalism advocates for equality. The belief is that no person is morally or politically superior to others; thus, this in view of the issue in discussion is a supporting argument. Therefore, liberalism in its advocacy for equality and superiority elimination forms the basis for supporters of the same sex marriages. Additionally, liberalism believes in rationale and progress. Liberals are of the view that humans can reason logically and rationally, helping them to address their issues and concerns (Schwartzmantel, 2008). Additionally, they advocate for progress, in which they seek elimination of traditions that do not have values or significant impact in the current civilization. Thus, from these arguments, liberal beliefs conceptualize same sex marriage as a legal factor that society should acknowledge logically from rationalism and as an aspect of society’s progress. Comparing and contrasting the ideologies on their take of the same sex marriage The two ideologies of the liberal and conservative perspectives on same sex marriage differ remarkably, with the proponents of the same sex relations taking on the liberal side and opposers taking the conservative side. Those who support from the liberal perspective argue that marriage is a union of people that love each other; therefore, it should be legal for all people, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender to ensure that all beings have equal rights (Miller, 2012). Thus, the liberal ideology group supports same sex marriages. On the contrary, conservatives describe marriage as union of one man and one woman; thus, oppose same sex marriages. They support the defense of the marriage act, which asserts that states should not recognize same-sex marriages licensed by other states. The liberals oppose the establishment of constitutional amendments terming marriage as unification of one man and woman. They assert their perception that regardless of the sexual orientation, every person has the right to marry. Thus, prohibiting the people who practice same sex relation from marrying is equal to denying them their civil rights (Miller, 2012). They term same-sex marriage as a civil right since sexual orientation is their choice and their individualism have priority over the concern of the society. Conversely, the conservatives are of the opinion of sanctioning same sex relations as they violate the moral and religious beliefs of millions of Muslims, Christians and Jews among others in society who believe in marriage as involving a man and woman. The liberal thought is that marriage is for private reasons, which are inconsistent with most public and social reasons of marriage including biological parenthood among others. Therefore, denying the people their right to same sex marriage is violating their civil right to be rational. Marriage is subject to wider reasons other than siring children. The ideologies on social policy over the issue There are several developments within the establishments of the American society today. The amendments in the federal constitution state that; states that do not recognize same sex marriages should not allow the relations legalized in the other state that recognizes the act. Thus, this act is in support of the conservatives’ proposition that opposes same sex marriages. However, in the liberal perspective, some states accept same sex marriages (Whitehead, 2012). They propose social policies and confines that accommodate individual rights and liberties that do not infringe the lives of people. The liberalism ideology advocates for the legalization of the same sex marriages and inclusion of practice within the confines of the constitution. They urge the conservative to accommodate others as they are arguing that, with progress in civilization, policies must change and recognize revolution of the society into modernism. However, the conservatives advocate for formulation of policies that gag the practice of the same sex marriages (Miller, 2012). Conservatives ideology advocates for heavy restrictions on the issue of same the sex marriages. These ideologies continue to contribute significantly in the debates towards the subject, in discussion. The varied conceptualizations of the two ideologies on the issue define several amendments on the policies governing the society on marriage. Some states with liberals in the government already adopt the laws that accept the practice of same sex marriage; whereas, others where conservatism is key refuse to enact such laws allowing same sex marriage. Conclusion The political ideologies of conservatism and liberalism continue to shape the American civilization. The politics of the country split along these lines; hence, the issue of the same sex marriages as a social subject of concern continues to elicit debates. The manifestation of social injustices against the people of the same sex relations gives the liberals grounds for supporting its legalization while the social traditions and morals of the past form the basis for conservative ideologies on the issue. I believe these ideologies are essential to fostering democracy and cohesion within the society even in the wake of revolution of the definition of marriage. References Corvino, J., & Gallagher, M. (2012). Debating same-sex marriage. New York: Oxford University Press. Ellis, C., & Stimson, J. A. (2012). Ideology in America. New York: Cambridge University Press. Miller, D. A. (2012). Gay marriage. Detroit: Greenhaven Press. Schwartzmantel, J. (2008). Ideology and politics. London, UK: Sage. Whitehead, J. C. (2012). The nuptial deal: Same-sex marriage and neo-liberal governance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Read More
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