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Analysis of n Stnd ut s Dyr Workers Article by Irish - Assignment Example

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"Analysis of Меn Stаnd Оut Аs Dаyсаrе Workers Article by Irish" paper overviews this article that states that it is important to have male elementary teachers is because, to begin with, they play an important role as role models to the young children as they grow up. …
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Early childhood education is perceived as a profession for women instead of men in several societies. According to local statistics collected from a number of institutions around America, it is clear that the profession of early childhood education is dominated by women. Most early childhood training colleges enroll many females in their institutions as compared to males. For instance, in 2008, Lipman College of Early Childhood graduated 41,700 graduates, and only 599 of them were male. Similarly, in 2013 Oshawa’s Durham College reported having graduated a un proportional number of male and female graduates (75 women and only 3 men).

Additionally, most institutions that offered daycare services reported employing more female teachers as compared to male teachers. This imbalance leaves a lot to be desired this paper explores the reasons for the imbalance and whether it is important to ensure gender balance amongst the E.C.D educators (Irish, 2013).Most males shy from becoming elementary educators due to salary. Most, employers pay daycare teachers as little as the minimum wages up to slightly above 30 dollars per hour, if the educator is experienced.

Since most males are the breadwinners in their families, they prefer going for better-paying jobs. Secondly, the nature of work in elementary institutions is perceived to be more favorable for women; for instance, changing diapers, cleaning the noses of the children, feeding the young ones, to name but a few. Lastly, the societies’ perspective on male daycare teachers is somehow negative. According to research carried out by Dr. Coulter and Dr. McKay from Western University, a most male who choose to peruse elementary teaching is eyed within suspicion.

Most people are skeptical about their intentions, abilities, and their sexuality (Irish, 2013).According to feedback from several institutions, it is clear that there is a need to have both genders actively represented in the early development of any child. According to Gauthier, it is imperative that the young ones have both male and female role models during the early stages of life. 

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N Stnd Ut S Dyr Workers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 Words.
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