The issue of environmental sustainability occupies a center stage in the new urban development plan in which the structural plan takes into consideration the protection of natural vegetation among other aspects of the natural environment within the different precincts (Urban Taskforce Australia 6). The structural plans address environmental sustainability in different ways including creation of parks to conserve natural vegetation, reduction in energy consumption, and sustainable water use. The plans entail strategies to reduce personal car travels and encouragement of other energy friendly means of movement such as cycling, and reduction of travel demands through creation of local job opportunities.
Other plans include establishment of water recycling and treatment facilities to promote sustainable use of the water resources. The structure plans additionally address the problems of housing experienced before projects such as building of large houses on small blocks of land and lack of diversity in housing to accommodate age diversity in the urban population (Maher 8). The South West growth center precinct structural plan comprises of proposed urban areas, mixed use town center, medium density residential areas, industrial development areas, civic use lands and street designs with walk radius.
It is estimated that Sydney’s population will surpass about six million people by 2036 translating to an additional 770,000 houses (GCC). The housing development aspect has been put under the Greenfield development program aimed at addressing the forecast demand in the housing sector. The Greenfield development program is crucial for achievement of the housing development under the new urban development plan through the commitment to deliver about 30 percent of the future housing demand in Sydney.
DEVELOPMENT PARAMETERS The precinct planning process on Sydney takes into consideration several development parameters including population density, number of houses, allowance for pedestrian, and cyclist sections in the development of infrastructure, areas covered by natural vegetation and parks within the city. The land occupied by different development projects is given in terms of lots. For example in the South West precinct, the Edmondson Park occupies 7,500 lots, Oran Park, 7,000 lots, and the Turner road 4,000 lots (GCC).
The current Oran Park precinct status entails 7,500 new dwellings, about 23,000 new residents, 50, 000 square meter town center and two neighborhood centers. Turner Road on the other hand comprises of about 11,000 new residents, 4,000 dwellings, 266 hectares of residential areas and a mixture of densities and a golf course related area. Other development parameters include the number of employment opportunities, hectares of employment areas, hectares of open areas, walking and cycling routes, and commercial areas.
All precincts have specific allocation of development parameters capable of establishing whether the intended goals in the development have been attained (NSW Government Metropolitan Strategy). The development process focuses on population, housing and job parameters to propose the necessary measures towards attaining the expected development levels within the Sydney region. Infrastructure development needs are accessed on the basis of the precincts demands in terms of population density, industrial areas, job opportunities and number of commercial centers.
ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS The two Sydney growth centers have emphasized on the issues of sustainable development through various environment friendly plans within thin the master plan. Almost every precinct plan has an aspect of environmental planning where the focus is on the conservation of natural vegetation within the urban development areas (State of New South Wales). Adherence to sustainable development in the new urban development plans is also determined by the number of land hectares left with natural vegetation.
This ensures that the development process does not exclude environmental impact assessment as a key part in every modern development.
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