Health The health of an individual be it physical or mental wellbeing is vital since it determines how far a person will climb in the society ladder (Atkinson and Kintrea, pp. 2277-2298). It shapes the opportunities and the life of an individual in so many ways. It can culminate to an early death, lead to suicide and limit a person’s education, acquisition of skills and employment opportunities (Vinson and Homel, pp. 21-31). Suicide As a result of political social and economic disorders, Australia has one of the highest rates of suicide in the world.
Studies have shown that unemployment is the main factor leading to suicide especially among the youth(Atkinson and Kintrea, pp. 2277-2298).This can be linked with psychological effects and social isolation experienced by the unemployed. Unemployment precipitates mental illness and stress, which predisposes individuals to commit suicide. Apart from unemployment, there is a range of factors that also in one way or another result to suicide. Loneliness has also been identified to cause suicide especially among the female youth.
Dwindling financial resources, loss of asset, loss of loved one and job are other causal factors. Structural disadvantage, which has resulted from the change in the nature of jobs available, the change from industrialization to service sectors, has dealt a blow to many who have technical skills. Many end up in crime for lack of alternative opportunities and there has a direct relationship identified between crime and suicide (Atkinson and Kintrea, pp.2277-2298). Community safety Community safety is upheld by having social order .
child abuse has been identified as one of the major social problem in the world today (Bartolo, pp. 321-341). It has long term impact on the young child’s mind and life .Studies indicate that child abuse is usually clustered in different geographical regions, for example in a city like Sydney there existed great social detachment in issues relating to child’s abuse among neighbouring households. Data derived from the United States panel indicate that there is a range of social and economic factors that come into play when looking at the prevalent of child abuse (Bartolo, pp. 321-341). The most salient ones being family income level as well as the employment status.
Households that were found to have low income or living below poverty line had higher levels of children maltreatment and abuse. Unemployment, which leads to a constellation of, factors that that alienates individuals from the normal social setting and consequently predisposing young one in such homes into unprecedented misery and abuse (Vinson, pp. 29). Poverty is associated with poor housing, slums, lack of adequate basic services, crime and lack of family support and cohesion. Prison admissions Imprisonment not only limits an individual’s opportunities but also subjects them into social isolation(Hirschfield and Bowers, pp.
1275-1295).Prisoners more often than not have low education opportunities and skills and many come from families that may be experiencing social and economic hardships. Crime is directly related to poverty, deprivation and economic hardship (Hirschfield and Bowers, pp. 1275-1295). Education Research indicates that formal education has positive impact on the health of individuals. Individuals with high levels of educations experience few psychological problems since they are able to manage their affairs avoid depression and stress (Vinson, pp. 26). Children who attend pre-school have their chances of completing their education and benefits of education are known to flow up to old age.
Research conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics point out that, the level of a household’s income has a direct bearing on the participation of children in pre-school education. How high children fly in education is also affected by the level of parents’ education and income. the variables that cause children in Australia to drop out of school include, urban setting, juvenile delinquency, early pregnancy, indiscipline and poor social –economics status (Vinson, pp. 27).
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