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Social Acceptability of Pornography - Research Paper Example

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This research paper “Social Acceptability of Pornography” examines mixed public opinion about the impact of sexual images on the youth’s psyche. The author believes that pornography should not be prohibited because its denial to the public will increase the breaking of such laws privately.
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Social Acceptability of Pornography
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Pornography and Feminism Abstract Pornography is visualized as a sin traditionally because of the numerous myths associated with it. But as per the current trends the above concept seems to be changing rapidly. Most of the people irrespective of young or old are interested in watching pornographic materials either publicly or privately. Feminist movements are also not unique in their opinion as far as pornography is concerned. Radical feminist movements strongly oppose the spreading of pornography in general and the portraying of women nudity in particular. But individualist feminist movements have different opinion about the above subject. They strongly believe that pornography should not be considered as a sin and the myths associated with pornography must be cleared in order to create a strong future generation which is free of any prejudices, illusions or superstitions. Introduction “Pornographic materials have been in existence for long has man created art out of stone and clay. The production and distribution of pornography adapts easily new media whether they be pictures, print, photography, movies, or computer files” (Sprague, p.1) Pornography from its evolution onwards a controversial subject because of the superstitions associated with it. Sex is considered as a divine act by the traditional society and it was considered as an elderly act and the children or the adolescent people were prohibited from engaging in sexual activities. Immaturity in the way of thinking and activities which may lead to social problems, violence and crime was the main reason for the denial of sexual activities to the underage people. Segregation of good and evils is difficult at the adolescent period because of the growth of sexual hormones at these ages and hence most of the social organizations oppose the access of pornography to underage children. Surprisingly, public perceptions about exposure to pornography from a survey shows that only 49% believe pornography can cause men to rape and only 56% blame it for a breakdown in morals (Sprague, p.2) The above statistics show that majority (51%) believe that pornography may not cause any social evils which is totally against the general beliefs. The above statistics again show that the public view about sex and pornography is changing rapidly. Thesis In my opinion, pornography should not be considered as an untouchable activity because, the denial of certain things likes pornography, by social laws or regulations to public will definitely increase the chance of breaking of such laws privately. Sex and sex related topics should consider as general things rather than specific as the existence of human generation on earth depends on the sexual relationships. Feminist argument towards pornography Feminist movements were not unique in their attitude and opinion towards pornography and sex related materials. “Opponents of pornography have long argued that pornography has a corrosive effect on individuals, families, and society. Social conservatives view it as capable of undermining monogamous marriages, leading unmarried men into sexual depravity, and corrupting young, impressionable women. However, social mores have loosened over time and the shame or stigma associated with viewing pornography has also decreased. (Sprague, p.1) Traditional feminist activist like the radical feminist movements are still opposing the spreading of pornography through different medias like internet, print media and television. On the other hand individualist movements did not find any harm in using the pornographic materials. Individualist feminism views Individualist feminists are of the view that pornography is harmless and the stigma associated with pornography is exaggerated. They believe that the governments have no business in the private lives of the citizens as far as their private life does not cause any problems to others. Because of the major decline in the price of pornographic material, the Internet appears to be acting as a substitute for rape. In fact he states that he finds that a 10% increase in Internet access is associated with a 7.3% decline in reported rape victimization (Kendall, 2006). According to Kendall’s findings, there is no link between the rise of Internet accessibility and the incidence of other types of crime (Sprague, p.3) Sex is a physiological and psychological need for all the living things. The thirst for sexual pleasure will be fulfilled in different ways by the living things. Married persons have easy access to the sexual activities whereas others may not have that mush direct access to the sex activities. It is difficult for a person to suppress his/her sexual energy for a longer period. It is desirable for him to release his suppressed sexual energy using some means. Rape is one of the common activities selected by such sexually oppressed people which will generate lot of social problems like unwanted and unintentional pregnancies. On the other hand if the persons under suppressed sexual energy may be able to find some other sources to release his energy, he might be well refrain from rape like activities. For example, pornography and pornographic materials are a reliable source for such people. A person who was able to watch some pornographic materials through internet or playboy like magazine may get some kind of sexual pleasure which may relive his thirst for sexual activities. One of the social scientists, Todd Kendall’s says that pornographic material may actually serve as a substitute for sexual aggression, and even rape (Sprague, p.3) The facts that (a) the person’s smoking did not act alone and (b) many nonsmokers suffer heart attacks means neither (c) that smoking was not a cause of the heart attack nor (d) that smoking is not a cause of heart attacks in general (Eaton P.702). Smokers often argue that since even nonsmokers were suffering from cancer and heart attack like diseases, there is no point in prohibiting smoking. Same way even the married elder people who have life partners and have definite ways for relieving their sexual energy, engage in rape like activities. So it is meaningless to say that prohibition of pornographic materials may prevent the social evils like rape and sex related violence. A 2005 public survey indicated that 47% of respondents believe viewing porn improves marital sex. More liberal feminists believe that the presence of sexual material in society enables women to explore their sexuality and removes guilt about the experience and expression of sexuality. Male and female progressives are more likely to view the suppression of sexual material as a form of censorship that deprives individuals of knowledge about sexuality. Liberal feminists take a similar view: the suppression of pornography is one way of preventing women from learning about sexuality and keeping them under the control of men. Liberals don’t see sex as the dangerous territory that conservatives and radical feminists do. Rather, they tend to oppose strong control over morality and perceive censorship as harmful (Sprague, p.4) In fact the myth associated with sex; prevent even the adults from getting proper knowledge about sex related activities. The social stigma will prevent them from achieving the sex knowledge before and after marriage. Because of the above fact they were forced to engage in same type sex activities on their everyday life and will get bored after some time. But the awareness about new methods in sexual life will definitely encourages them to test such knowledge in their private life and thereby their marital life and sex life will be more interesting and meaningful. Liberal feminists think that the prohibition of pornographic materials or restriction on access to pornography will definitely prevent the women from getting more knowledge about the sex related activities which will always keep them under the wings of their male counterpart. The society is watching the same activity, pornography, differently in the case of males and females. Pornographic materials and sex related activities were considered as the male dominated areas of public life by the traditional society. When females engage in such activities, most of the civilized societies will look that issue quite differently. Morality and ethical principles are definitely required for the development of a society. But control of certain behaviours will definitely bring harm rather than the good. For example, we know that America has tried many ways to counter the terrorism and terrorist activities after the 9/11 incident. The war on terror is still going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. But the reports from these countries show that the terrorism and the terrorist activities has neither declined nor controlled even after a long period. Same way it is impossible to control pornography and sex related materials for a longer period. Pornography benefits women, in several ways: it gives a panoramic view of the world's sexual possibilities. It allows women to 'safely' experience sexual alternatives and satisfy a healthy sexual curiosity. It provides a different form of information than textbooks or discussion. Pornography strips away the emotional confusion that so often surrounds real world sex. Pornography breaks cultural and political stereotypes, so that each woman can interpret sex for herself. Pornography can be good therapy. Pornography provides a sexual outlet for those who—for whatever reason—have no sexual partner. By sharing pornography, the couples are able to experience variety in their sex lives without having to commit adultery. Legitimizing pornography would protect women sex workers, who are stigmatized by our society (McElroy) Radical feminists’ view “Radical feminism states that the defining feature of women's oppression is the society’s sexist and capitalist hierarchy” (Brookes) Women are discriminated in the patriarchal society because of the male dominance. Even in the current civilized societies, the discrimination is still going on as per the radical feminist’s view. The utility of the women is equated against the sex related issues mostly by the male dominant societies. Radical feminists have views which are entirely different from that of the individualist feminism. In their opinion, pornography would increase the violence against women and domestic disharmony (divorce or neglect). Most of the pornographic materials show female nudity and sex activities which provoke the males and some of them might not be able to control their emotions and sexual feelings and may attempt to rape innocent females. The above argument seems to be baseless since it is possible that a person who never witnessed any obscene materials may attempt to rape a female if he gets enough suitable opportunity. Sexual feelings are related to psychological and physiological aspects and hence only a person with high will power can control his sexual feelings. Radical, or cultural, feminists believe pornography portrays women as “objects merely to serve and submit to male sexual pressure” (Sprague, p.4) They believe that portraying of woman nudity is more compared to male nudity which is an intrusion into the dignity of the women. The society is already dominated by the male in almost every aspect and women are considered for enjoyment rather than any purpose by most of the males. “Women are more inclined to value the relationship, not sexual objectification” (Allen et al p.553). Women have different physical and psychological features compared to men. They believe in normal relationships more than sexual relationships. But their thirst for normal relationship quite often misunderstood by their male counterparts. They often consider the friendly attitude of a female as an invitation for sexual relationship. “Our society is marked by gender inequality in which women suffer many disadvantages as compared with men (and boys). This inequality is evident in both individuals’ attitudes and conduct and in institutional practices” (Eaton, p.678) A prostitute, in radical feminist view, does not act out of free choice but is a victim of coercion in both its most subtle and direct forms. Radical feminism focuses on men as oppressors. (Radical Feminism) Males always have the upper hand as far as muscle power is concerned and it is easy for them to overcome the protests of a female for a sexual relationship. Most of the pornographic materials were produced by the males using their muscle power and they distribute it using different mediums. The male oppression is based on gender identity, race, and social class, perceived attractiveness, sexual orientation and ability (Brookes) Even though, the above arguments are correct, it should be remembered, that a female don’t have existence without seeking a male’s help. Physiologically and psychologically a female needs the company of a male. Moreover, the increased need for pornographic materials related to women nudity and sex activities clearly shows the beauty and importance of womanhood in the current world. The popularity of pornographic materials should be considered as recognition of women and their caliber. Conclusions Pornography and pornographic materials are viewed with different perspectives by radical feminists and individualist feminist. While radical feminist visualize the spreading of these materials as oppression by the male community over the women dignity, individualist feminism does not see any harm in the spreading of such materials. Individualist feminist believe that the suppression of sexual energy is more harmful than releasing it by watching pornographic materials. In my opinion, the current world requires the views of individualist feminism in order to reduce the massacres against the female community and to create a world with equal status for both males and females. References 1. Allen Mike, Tara M. Emmers-Sommer, D’Alessio, Timmerman Dave Lindsay, Hanzal Alesia, & Korus Jamie, 2007, The Connection Between the Physiological and Psychological Reactions to Sexually Explicit Materials: A Literature Summary Using Meta-Analysis Communication Monographs Vol. 74, No. 4, December 2007 2. Brookes Lucy, 2009, What is Radical Feminism?, Retrieved on 18 August 2009 from 3. Eaton A. W., 2007, A Sensible Antiporn Feminism, Chicago University Press. 4. McElroy, Wendy. Feminists Should Work to Protect Pornography. Opposing Viewpoints: Feminism. Ed. Jennifer A. Hurley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2001. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Apollo Library. 17 Aug. 2009 5. Radical Feminism, Retrieved on 18 August 2009 from 6. Sprague Carolyn, 2009, Pornography, Great neck Publishing, EBSCO Research Starters® • Copyright © 2009 EBSCO Publishing Inc. Read More
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