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The Comparison of Community Organizations - Assignment Example

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"The Comparison of Community Organizations" paper compares three community organizations, which include the community in schools in San Antonio, the United African organization in Illinois, and habitat for humanity. It focuses on the type of work they undertake and where they get finances. …
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The Comparison of Community Organizations
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The United African transitioUnitedne community organization has a focus on African Americans. The target community for this organization is quite different from habitat for humanity and communities in schools. Habitat for Humanity focuses on any member of society who cannot afford a home. Communities in schools, on the other hand, focus on at-risk school-going children. It is in this respect that theininnited African organization does not solely relate to the whole community.

This is a key difference from the other organizations, which are not specific to other members of society (Marshall et. al., 2007). The habitat for humanity organization, for example, avails cheap, non-profit mortgages to the disadvantaged members of society. This means that their focus is across the board. The communities in schools also do not have a direct focus on a particular school-going, children. Community organizations mostly have a not-for-profit system in terms of their finances.

Similarly, the habitat for humanity unity in schools and the united African, organization share the same system. The United African organizatUnitedcepts donations and sponsorships to help the needy African American community. In terms of their workforce, they use volunteers from the local communities. In this sense, they provide jobs for the locals. This is a similar strategy applied by communities in schools. They focus on volunteers and community partners. This helps them become very cost-effective.

The habitat for humanityHabitatfor-profit organization acts as a center where individuals interact to view viewability for humanity. It is in this respect that they gather donations and grants to help disadvantaged community members. Each community organization has a target society. This means that each of them has goals to help a certain group of society members. To begin with, the united African organization focuses on African focuses. Their goal is to help them access better health and education, which leads to a better life.

The communities in schools, on the other hand, have the goal of keeping children in school. They believe that through this they can make the children have brighter futures. Lastly, habitat for humanity has the goal of providing good housing to all members of society. Through building better houses, the homeless can get a roof over their heads. These three community organizations share the goal of empowering community members. Apart from sharing the goals, they also have a common system whereby they get finances from donations.

Through this, they can coordinate their community activities. The major difference among these community organizations is the target societies. Each of them has different community members which they help.

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