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Stragtegic Management: Band of Merrymen
3 pages (871 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
obin Hood has the unique opportunity of encouraging People to travel through the forest by not robbing them and instead levy a transit tax.... The band also aims at improving the living standards of the lesser privileged People in the region by targeting rich individuals and distributing their loot among the former.... The group also works towards establishing alliances with People who have similar grievances against the government and are interested in fighting against this injustice....
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Geography, Demographics, and History of Guatemala
40 pages (9737 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
An interesting take on the contemporary economic problems that plague Guatemala involves the position that a culture of exclusion persists, hampering the ability of its People to better themselves and contribute meaningfully to the economic development of their country.... But its People – with their unique heritage – are struggling to make the country a better and more prosperous place to live in....
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The Principle of Employment Law
3 pages (864 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
nder the Disability Discrimination Act of 1995, it is unlawful to discriminate against People because of their disabilities in relation to employment, education, transport, and the provision of goods/services.... The paper "The Principle of Employment Law" describes a sales executive who has joined a cult that believes that members should dress in pink, have long hair, and wear an earring and nose-stud....
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Organisational Change & Transition: a Case of Power Co
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
It is basically created and agreed upon by a group of People to overcome their external problems and progress and to improve the internal integration (Schein, 1995). ... The culture as defined by Schein is the assumptions agreed by group of People, however here the employees were kept in dark rather than preparing them for the changes.... Culture cannot be changed because People and nature of job remains the same; nonetheless the new innovations can always be submerged in a way that is not too difficult to comprehend ( Tichy, 1984)....
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International Trade Law, Its Features And Application
42 pages (10500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The aim of the paper "International Trade Law, Its Features And Application" is to understand the reason behind the emergence of a common international trade law, Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and its applicability in the context of different socio-economic and political systems.... ...
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Improving Australian Precision Agriculture
9 pages (2640 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The many definitions of PA suggest different ideas to different People across the world over the real meaning of the agricultural concept.... The paper 'Improving Australian Precision Agriculture" is a good example of an agriculture case study.... The climate of Australia is relatively arid conditions, greatly weathered soils, averagely huge farmland mass that generates little farm revenue....
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Lifespan Development Stages
10 pages (2906 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Since she had a difficult childhood exposed to violence and separation from People she had learned to trust in infancy and childhood, Alice fears that the same might happen to her children.... Normally, older People with attachments to their families including children, parents, and friends derive their happiness and well-being from having such People around them and taking care of them.... Older People may react to violence differently....
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Microsoft Opens the Gates: Patent, Piracy and Political Challenges in China
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Its foray into Chinese market was met with huge opposition, both from the government and Chinese People.... Microsoft anticipated the vast potential of Chinese market and invested heavily into various areas of socio-economic interests of China so as to gain confidence of the People.... Bill Gates has summed Microsoft's presence in China by stating that ‘People don't pay for software… as long as they are going to steal it, we want them to steal ours....
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Change Management - Challenges and Opportunities Offered by e-Government
10 pages (2660 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Only a few technologies have received quick recognition and acceptance from a large number of People and the Internet is certainly one of these technologies.... Only a few technologies have received quick recognition and acceptance from a large number of People and the Internet is certainly one of these technologies.... nly a few technologies have received quick recognition and acceptance from a large number of People and the Internet is certainly one of these technologies....
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Work Organization Analysis
5 pages (1605 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
et al (1995), a team is a group of People working together towards the attainment of one goal.... In most cases, the overall success of the team depends on functions of each member where there are likely chances of attaining great results if there is proper cooperation and there are less likely chances of conflict when People in an organisation are working as a team. ... The participation philosophy is based on the notion that, “the vast majority of People can make significant contributions to business and both human and social endeavours if they are provided the opportunity, knowledge, support and reinforcement t do so,” Stamatis (2001:199)....
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Fires in Buildings
10 pages (2768 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Buildings are more prone to fire than the fields around them since crowding of People increases the fire density and structures tend to pack fuels.... The survey on the fire conducted among the People who were present at the building during fire highlighted the difference in perceptions between the regular users and infrequent users of the building.... Similarly, there were also People at the seventh and eight floors attending conferences who were infrequent visitors though they had visited the building on earlier occasions....
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Mamagement of information technology
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Management Information Systems (MIS) is one of the key tools for an organizations endurance as it plays a significant role in the commercial industry as it does in all further industries.... It offer the management by the essential information in a punctual and precise manner that can help them in making decisions, prospect planning and all further business functions....
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Facilitation on the Stroop Effect
8 pages (2254 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This will seek to provide further insight into how People with various conditions diagnosed by the stroop-effect can be assisted. ... The paper "Facilitation on the Stroop Effect" presents that the Stroop-effect measures a person's reaction time when faced with the task of reading out words that have been written in different colors....
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The Right to Religious Freedom
15 pages (4716 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Although the intentions of the various governments can be justified from the specific countries' cultural traditions, it is important to acknowledge that the laws breach the right to religious freedom on the sides of the People who are affected by the bans.... This case study "The Right to Religious Freedom" presents the margin of appreciation as a concept used in international law, mainly in the European Court of Human Rights and the United Nations legislation which gives a maneuvering space to national authorities....
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Leading Global Workforce
5 pages (1493 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The majority of them belonged to Asians and African Americans b origin, but a considerable number of People were Europeans.... As the say goes, ‘birds of the same feather flock together', it becomes easy for People to make groups of People with similar views.... This happens because of the general perceptions of the People about color, language and cultural choices.... The effectiveness of communicating and interacting with People of other culture depend on the quality one practices for each changing situation....
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Total Rewards Program Geico
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Kaplan shows that People strategy adopted by companies play critical role on making employers acceptable among employees.... eico needs to link business strategy, People strategy and total reward program altogether in order to fulfill all the five advantages.... Business strategy, People strategy and total rewards....
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Effect of Tutoring on Student Performance
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The delivery of the curriculum to disengaged young People in Scotland.... The paper "Effect of Tutoring on Student Performance" concludes that whatever forms of educational strategies used, whether formal or informal, the school administrators and tutors should be reminded that real learning in kids happens in a setting where they can freely express their opinions....
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Risk Management Planning: Royal Berkshire Fire and Rescue Service
6 pages (1677 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Generally, risk management planning is the constant process by which People, organizations and communities manage hazards in order to avoid or reduce the impact of the catastrophes that result from the hazards.... Moreover, risk management planning should be collaborative where risk managers should develop and maintain broad and open relationships among People and within organization in order to encourage teamwork and effective communication....
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Poverty over the Last 15-25 Years in Nigeria
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
On the other hand, many projects have been applied – but just for a short time – on Nigeria aiming to the limitation of poverty and the improvement of the conditions of life of People – especially in urban areas where the problem is more serious.... This paper "Poverty over the Last 15-25 Years in Nigeria" discusses one of the main priorities for governments around the world is the reduction of poverty....
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Balance of Power between Football Players and Football
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
uton, a locally pronounced town and a unitary authority of Bedfordshire is a relatively small town in England with a population of about two hundred and thirty thousand People.... he new trend of rich People in the world buying football clubs has affected the powers of the players in their respective clubs.... Indeed the fact that Luton area has in the past and still participates in many football sporting activities makes Ethnographic research design a better methodology to use since People would be more receptive....
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Training and Development - Etihad Airways
5 pages (1373 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The company has looked to build a national workforce which shall result in creation of employment opportunities, motivating young People and equipping them with right skills for the workplace (Etihad Airways Annual Report, 2013).... Future manpower requirements of an organisation requires right type of People in the right number and at the right time and place are further recommended features....
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Principles of Management - Cygnus Company and Marintek
8 pages (2348 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Allocation of work among the concerned persons and distribution of resources among various People have to be done in a proper way so that achieving our plans become easy.... It has often been found that a brilliant plan has often failed to materialize as People involved failed to organize themselves (“Going from Planning to Organizing”, n.... So to achieve the objectives the managers have to motivate and lead People who are entrusted with the achievement of the objectives....
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Planning and Conduction of Evaluation
15 pages (4049 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Programmes, policies, procedures, units of an organization and People performance are some of the components that may constitute an evaluation.... The evaluators apply knowledge based on how People who get the knowledge might apply it in real life situations.... uidance is always required for those People who would like this programme implemented.... valuation in general is highly dependent on People and context.... Primary contribution of other People at that primary level is very important....
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The Concepts of Strategic Management
8 pages (2503 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
inally considering the environmental factors, the changes in the outlook of People and their buying behaviour has had a major impact on the business.... For instance, with the declining economy, People prefer to buy less expensive clothing and to cut out on the luxury goods.... Fashion for the People: A History of Clothing at Marks & Spencer....
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2 pages (500 words) , Download 22 , Case Study
According to Sagner (2010), Widget Manufacturing had been started by Arnold Parks' father, Arnold Sr.... in 1946 soon after completing his military service during the Second World War.... During its inception, Widget Manufacturing mainly concentrated on radio components before.... ... ... The company had undergone tremendous changes, and by 1976 when Arnold Park took over as the president, the annual sales had shot to about $75 million (Sagner, 2010)....
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Fatal Electric Shock in a Workplace
11 pages (3177 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Therefore, there were several People (about 10) working in the building.... The author of this paper "Fatal Electric Shock in a Workplace" will make an earnest attempt to review a fatal electrocution incidence, which occurred when an employee was terminating electric cables to a column that rose in a building under construction....
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Managing Organisational Change - Wilders Departmental Store
10 pages (2725 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In the haste to attend to customer needs, some sales People may forget to record their sales, leading to discrepancies in the stocks and sales.... 47) notes, “the more often a particular routine achieves successful outcome, the more likely People are to develop an unwarranted belief that success is assured.... 36) notes, transforming how things are done in a business entity requires the management to establish a sense of urgency, which then acts to motivate People towards achieving the desired outcome....
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Recognizing and Acting on Clinical Deterioration
7 pages (2178 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This makes medics and other related professionals to stand a platform of recognition for their endeavors and the outstanding struggle that fosters saving the lives of People under critical conditions.... This makes medics and other related professionals to stand a platform of recognition for their endeavors and the outstanding struggle that fosters saving the lives of People under critical conditions....
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Starbucks Franchise in China
13 pages (3678 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
By its strong marketing activities Starbucks is able to able to influence Chinese People and attract more customers.... The major target customer Starbucks in China is its rich People or the white collar person.... Moreover the coffee shops of Starbucks in china do not have sufficient space where People can sit and chat for a long time.... By its American culture the company is influencing the People of Chine to get use to with American culture....
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Attachment between friend and romantic partner
26 pages (6500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Throughout childhood and adolescence, working models of new People and new relationships begin to develop based on these earlier models.... A difference in the attachment style between a friend and a romantic partner of students is the major concern area of this study.... The study has focused its concentration in finding out the differences in the attachment style of students with their friends and romantic partners at different ages through the identification of their dependency and competitiveness level with their friends and romantic partners....
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Dubai Financial Crisis - Causes, Bailout and After
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The three largest constituent or emirates of the country are Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah.... All these emirates are governed by an.... ... ... The paper 'Dubai Financial Crisis - Causes, Bailout and After' is a fascinating example of a finance & accounting case study.... The United Arab Emirates (UAE) was formed in 1971 after the United Kingdom ended its age-old treaty relationship with seven crucial coastal states....
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Document Logistics at Deutsche Post World Net
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
These are subjected to different kinds of regulations and also deal with a wide variety of People (Suhaimi, et.... The firm could face problems in hiring experienced People as most of the People do not view jobs in the outsourcing industry to be lucrative as compared to other jobs....
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Reflective Professional Development
7 pages (2090 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
While analysing any critical incident, one has to look at the setting of the occurrence, People involved, descriptions of physical and emotional response to the occurrence together with the action taken (O'Conor, 2008, pp.... Dementia is a well known disease among the old People in the society, it occurs due to continues reduction of the cognitive functioning in the body of the individual....
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Managing Professional Intellect
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
For Ibis hotel, at the same time there has been ignorance on the approach used by People in several departments who acquire, create and share new knowledge.... This case study discusses what is the professional intellect and how can the organization develop and in what ways can we leverage this professional intellect since a number of leaders and managers in most organizations have created systematic answers to questions concerning professional intellect....
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Breakaway Bicycle Company Analysis
4 pages (1177 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The market has great potential as is evident from that fact the People between the ages of 24-45, with some college education and having a median income of $40,000 prefer custom built bike frames.... This case study "Breakaway Bicycle Company Analysis" presents Breakaway Bicycle Company (BBC) that is a professional design and customized bicycle frames company....
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The Impacts of Organizational Behavior on the Employee Output, Motivation and Attitude
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Emotions are defined as physiological behaviors and episodes experienced by individuals towards specific People objects or event which affects their ability to do certain functions.... Emotion has an overall control on our thoughts and reactions towards specific People and therefore shapes our attitude and overall behaviors.... This makes the recruitment and selection process essential for an organization to select the People that have the ability to develop positive emotions that are needed for the success of the organization (Kusluvan, 2003)....
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Is the Concept of Sex as Crime Important
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
People of all backgrounds are likely to become victims of domestic violence and rape under specific terms and conditions.... The researcher of this paper claims that the form of criminal behavior in countries worldwide tends to be differentiated in accordance with the local ethics and culture, the conditions of living and the support of the state....
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Psychological disorder of choice
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
She avoids People in her house and at work.... People with obsessive-compulsive disorder can even feel that some catastrophe can happen if they fail to perform their daily rituals (Jenkie, 2004)Osgod-Hynes distinguishes another serious symptom of OCD that can help to recognize the disorder - sexual thoughts (2006).... The difference between normal People having sexual fantasies and People with obsessive-compulsive disorder is frequency and intensity of these ideas....
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The Catholic Church on Death Penalty
8 pages (2348 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Some countries do not listen to the clamour of ending the death penalty and not a few People have tasted death.... Still, however, some countries do not listen to the clamor of ending death penalty and not a few People have tasted death through either the lethal injection or electric chair.... Generally People point to two reasons: retribution and deterrence.... Some People judge that some crimes are so horrible that the only appropriate punishment is death....
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Analysis Definition of Benchmarking
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
aving been in operation for over 100 years, Ford Motor Company has been recognised as one of the largest American motor vehicle manufacturers, employing over 280,000 People globally and trading with more than 11,000 suppliers according to the US Environmental Protection Agency (2012).... Ford found out that the accounts payable staffs for Mazda were only five as opposed to 500 People doing the same task at their company.... he company noted that in order to achieve its new ITBS vision, that is enhanced performance, there was need for effective customer service, highly motivated and trained People and cost effective processes and products....
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Decline in the Value of Currency and Trade Balance
15 pages (5687 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This was unsettling to a number of influential People of that time.... Some People even began arguing that the trade deficit will never have a positive response to the change in the value of the US Dollar and that foreign trade barriers will make it hard for the United States of America to expand its exports sustainably (Qiao 752).... In recent years to make the economy more stable the government of Saudi Arabia is started to focusing on other industries as well to ensure that there is an alternate source of income for the nation as well along with alternate option for the People of the country to get associated with....
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Chinese Patient Might Get Worse in an American Hospital
6 pages (1876 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
When two People from different cultures contact, it might cause conflict.... When two People from different cultures contact, it might cause conflict.... In America, all People believe they have equal rights and each should have complete control over one's own destiny.... Cancer is still like a death sentence to old People even though medicine and treatment for cancer is very advanced....
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Decision Making at Coca-Cola
3 pages (1068 words) , Download 15 , Case Study
Collaboration value means that the company is focused on People and teamwork.... Global sports events such as the Olympics and Rugby World attract People from all over the world and generate the target audience, which Coca-Cola Company is trying to reach, and establish in the minds of these People association of the sporting event with the brand of the company (Nufer & Buhler 2010)....
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Thorntons Ways to Gain a Competitive Advantage
10 pages (2636 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These occasions are often held with great esteem by many People and the response to market offering is quite high.... Boxed chocolates offered by the company are of great value and they appeal to the interests of many People since they are also of great quality.... Its products are unique and they have premium prices focused on targeting the affluent People.... A product that is presented in a good way is likely to appeal to the interests of many People....
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Patient-Provider Relationship Scenario
9 pages (2381 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
A case study is a statistical method of data collection, recording and presenting of information relating to a specific person, or group of People in a specified area or a situation over a period of time.... Affiliation: Case study – LAW Introduction A case study is a statistical method of data collection, recordingand presenting of information relating to a specific person, group of People in a specified area or a situation over a period of time....
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Carriageworks - Operational Management, Accessibility, and Location
9 pages (2826 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
arriageworks is committed to encourage and promote development in the art sector, which is inclusive of all People.... Statistics indicate that the number of People attending shows in the facilities has quadrupled.... In addition, the presence of Carriageworks has attracted many foreign People into the inner city suburb of Redfern.... erforming arts is attracting more and more People.... The organization has brought many advantages to the Australian People because there have been availability of employment opportunities, increase in tourism activities, and spread of cognitive skill....
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The State of Fitness Industry in Australia
9 pages (2894 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The fitness section has not been fully evaluated and documented; currently there are no records for the number of People actively involved in such facilities, despites having so many fitness facilities across the entire country.... It was therefore important to carry out a study in finding out the perception of People on the proposal that the government takes up all the fitness facilities in the country whether local, national, club based or owned by individuals....
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Signs, Symptoms and causes of Dementia
13 pages (3739 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Case Study: Dementia Introduction Different types of mental disorders such as dementia can affect old People because of various reasons.... Many People have the belief that Alzheimer's and Dementia are different diseases.... When People are getting old, their cognitive abilities and memory will also face age related problems and they may show symptoms of mental disorders.... In other words, dementia can affect even younger People at times....
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Cost-Estimating Studies Comparison
2 pages (641 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In this example there is a causal relationship because extreme weather causes People to use more electricity for heating or cooling; however, statistical dependence is not sufficient to demonstrate the presence of such a causal relationship.... This case study "Cost-Estimating Studies Comparison" presents the 2 case studies that were the same in the way that the cost and risk distribution would be summarized, but they just have a difference on how they would come up with those values....
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The Red Cross Blood Donation Campaign
13 pages (3493 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
They are humanitarian entities that are known throughout the world and they have a basic desire and expectation to do nothing more than serve their generation and help People to survive severe and difficult humanitarian circumstances and situations.... The Red Cross has a history that goes back to the First World War and this adds up to the entitys goodwill and positive view in the eyes of most People.... They are a humanitarian entity that are known throughout the world and they have a basic desire and expectation to do nothing more than serve their generation and help People to survive severe and difficult humanitarian circumstances and situations....
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