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Introduction to Information System
8 pages (2427 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Introduction to Information System" presents enterprise resource planning systems that involve business management software that permits some organizations to utilize a system of integrated applications to administer the business.... ... ... ... The system usually involves some term for the wide set of activities that enable the business to manage the most significant sections of the business....
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Process in Developing Intermodal Freight Strategies
8 pages (2334 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Process in Developing Intermodal Freight Strategies" focuses on the role of reorganizing transport chains and improving the co-operation among transport partners for increasing the efficiency of intermodal freight strategies, that focus on developing a chain of the transportation system....
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Government Contract Warranties
10 pages (2685 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "Government Contract Warranties" focuses on the prime objective of warranty in a Government Contract that is to demarcate the privileges and obligations of the contractor and the Government for defective goods and services and to promote quality functioning of the product.... .... ... ...
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History of Reflexology
15 pages (4062 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "History of Reflexology" presents reflexology that refers to the applying of appropriate pressures to the specific points or areas of the feet, or hands, and ears.... Modern reflexology forms its basis on a particular form of therapy that has been practiced for hundreds of years.... ... ...
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Globalization Based on Political, Social and Economic Perspective
6 pages (1652 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Globalization Based on Political, Social and Economic Perspective " is a wonderful example of a report on sociology.... The paper "Globalization Based on Political, Social and Economic Perspective " is a wonderful example of a report on sociology.... Evidence from Venezuela, American Economic review, vol.... Srin ivasan, (2002), “Trade and Poverty in the Poor Countries”, American Economic review Papers and Proceedings, 92(2): 180-3....
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Same-Sex Couples in the United States Should not be Legally Permitted to Get Married
8 pages (2383 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Same-Sex Couples in the United States Should not be Legally Permitted to Get Married" presents same-sex marriage that has become a common social issue in contemporary society, and it is a form of marriage between two individuals of the same identity.... ... ... ... Legalizing same-sex marriage has created a heated debate among societal members, and gay couples should not be allowed to marry as this practice weakens the marriage institution....
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The Japanese Reasoning for the Attack on Pearl Harbor
8 pages (1961 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Japanese Reasoning for the Attack on Pearl Harbor'' tells that the incident of Pearl Harbor has been and will forever remain in the minds of the people for the years to come.... This took place on the seventh of December, in the year 1941.... ... ... ... The attack was expected yet the Americans there were caught unawares, which led to more casualties on their side even though the Japanese lost some men, too....
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Keele PLC Balance Sheet and Income Statement
5 pages (1005 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Keele PLC Balance Sheet and Income Statement' is an actual example of a finance & accounting report.... The paper 'Keele PLC Balance Sheet and Income Statement' is an actual example of a finance & accounting report.... The paper presents a financial and management accounting assignment and first of all, it's Keele PLC Balance Sheet as of 31 Dec 2012 and 31 Dec 2013....
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Shipping Strategies in Transportation
6 pages (1675 words) , Download 2 , Report
iterature review ... hipping Strategies: A review ... The report "Shipping Strategies in Transportation" focuses on the analysis of the main strategies of shipping in transportation management.... Increasingly, shipping services are recognized as comprising a system....
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Homelessness During the Transition from Fostercare into Adulthood and its Effect on Youth
5 pages (1475 words) , Download 1 , Report
The American Economic review 97.... Housing for youth aging out of foster care: a review of the literature and program typology.... The report "Homelessness During the Transition from Fostercare into Adulthood and its Effect on Youth" outlines the main problems that youths who are transiting to adulthood have to face without having a well-developed self-efficacy skill and self-esteem that will equip them to easily manage their relationship in different contexts including employment and education settings....
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Effects of World War on Europe from 1900-Present
15 pages (3817 words) , Download 0 , Report
uclear weapons and nonproliferation: a reference book.... This report "Effects of World War on Europe from 1900-Present" investigates the effects of the world war on Europe from 1900 to present with a focus on important historical happenings over this period.... It also discusses the problem of nuclear proliferation which has continued to present years....
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Business Process of Apple - Focusing on Leveraging the Brand Value in the International Market Place
7 pages (2036 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Business Process of Apple - Focusing on Leveraging the Brand Value in the International Market Place' is a meaningful example of a marketing report.... The paper 'Business Process of Apple - Focusing on Leveraging the Brand Value in the International Market Place' is a meaningful example of a marketing report....
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Setting Up Production Facility in Indonesia by KHS GmbH
9 pages (2174 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Setting Up Production Facility in Indonesia by KHS GmbH' aims to analyze the German company, KHS GmbH; performance in the German market, and the move to venture into the Indonesian economy.... It also discusses the advantages and disadvantages linked to investment in Indonesia.... ... ...
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Licensing Agreement
8 pages (2262 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Licensing Agreement" identifies issues that Alarmz ltd might face by entering into an agreement with a Brazilian company and how identified problems might be overcome, as for a product to be availed in the market, there needs to be the creation and execution of an idea.... ... ... ... Alarmz Ltd is a company that prides itself on the use of technologically updated car alarms five years running....
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Tesco and Morrison Companies
8 pages (2455 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Tesco and Morrison Companies" discusses and analyzes the two companies Morrison and Tesco and a brief comparison between them highlighting its nature, strength and weaknesses is prepared.... It also recommends whether or not the potential investor should invest in Morrison.... .... ... ...
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What Is an Effective Teacher
9 pages (2498 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper "What Is an Effective Teacher" will shed light on an effective teacher.... The first part is an outline of the author's own belief of an effective teacher given experiences at low grades of learning and higher institution of learning and teaching.... .... ... ... The author of the following paper will address the role and pedagogy of teaching, theories of learning and teaching, the learning environment, and how social justice issues can be handled by an effective teacher....
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Tool for the Travelers
7 pages (1892 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Tool for the Travelers" presents the increases of load beyond the recommended level lead to failure of the tool.... The design ascertains how multi-tool could be coordinated under various variations of its parameters to give a more reliable and controllable functioning of multi-tool....
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Machine Tooling and Environmental Impact and Issues of Sustainability
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 0 , Report
From the paper "Machine Tooling and Environmental Impact and Issues of Sustainability" it is clear that while adopting a sustainable approach to the selection of materials, consideration has to be made to improving the environmental, social and economic performance of the machine.... .... ... ... During machining operations, the selection of a material for use in the operation is important for the success of the operation....
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The Capital Gains Tax
8 pages (2322 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "The Capital Gains Tax" focuses on the amount paid by a taxpayer for selling capital goods at profit.... CGT is also defined as the tax that is charged on any gain resulting when a chargeable person makes chargeable disposal of a chargeable asset.... ... ... ... Given that CGT is computed when a chargeable person, chargeable disposal and a chargeable asset it is of utmost importance that the meaning of the mentioned terms are made clear to concerned taxpayers....
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Consumer Behaviour
8 pages (2152 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work called "Consumer Behaviour" describes the automobile market in Malaysia and the various factors that have an effect on the consumer psyche.... From this work, it is clear how the decision regarding making a purchase is made in the target market, the factors that the company can do by which it can increase its market share in Malaysia....
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The crisis in Ukraine
8 pages (2184 words) , Download 1 , Report
This paper ''The crisis in Ukraine'' tells that The crisis in Ukraine, which largely began as an internal conflict, can currently be understood from the perspective of an international conflict, it has transformed into an international conflict due to the involvement of other partisan states such as the US and the EU states....
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Air Traffic Control System
9 pages (2594 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Air Traffic Control System" critically evaluates the Web application security and intrusion detection in the air traffic control system.... This helps to analyze and understand the different areas which are of prime consideration and requires specialized efforts to control accidents.... ...
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Market Sector Analysis of the Food Sector in the UK
7 pages (2313 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Market Sector Analysis of the Food Sector in the UK" conducts a market sector analysis of the UK's food industry and analyses the trends in the UK food market in recent times.... UK's food sector is undergoing huge changes after the introduction of globalization and liberalization.... ...
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The Effects of Globalisation Which Singapore Faces and How the Government Is Tackling These Impacts
7 pages (2097 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'The Effects of Globalisation Which Singapore Faces and How the Government Is Tackling These Impacts' is an informative example of a report on social science.... The paper 'The Effects of Globalisation Which Singapore Faces and How the Government Is Tackling These Impacts' is an informative example of a report on social science....
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A Fruit and Vegetable Market Evaluation in Sydney and Melbourne
10 pages (2619 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "A Fruit and Vegetable Market Evaluation in Sydney and Melbourne" presents an examination of data from a fruit and vegetable market that supplies fresh produce to supermarket outlets in NSW and Victoria.... The market evaluation is focused on Sydney and Melbourne.... ... ... ... In general, the quantity sold in tonnes per day and the prices in dollars per kilogram are directly related....
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Construction Characteristics of Trusses
9 pages (2419 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Construction Characteristics of Trusses" critically analyzes the load distribution among the structural members of cantilever statically determinate and indeterminate trusses by experimental analysis.... A truss is a structure comprised of two-force members assembled to behave as a single object....
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Mousetrap Car Project
7 pages (2340 words) , Download 0 , Report
This work "Mousetrap Car Project" describes the various design alterations that were made on a standard mouse trap (provided by the customer) in a bid to achieve the best performance.... The author outlines that the maximum speed developed by the mousetrap car is subject to the friction losses between the car's moving parts and the rolling friction with the ground....
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Selection between Four Metals Whose Mechanical Properties Have Been Determined through Tensile Test
9 pages (2326 words) , Download 0 , Report
"Selection between Four Metals Whose Mechanical Properties Have Been Determined through Tensile Test" paper describes how the material properties in the spreadsheet may be used to determine the desired performance characteristics and ability to deform inelastically when subjected to earthquake loads....
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Nationalism in Japan
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Nationalism in Japan" describes the evolution of nationalism movement in Japan.... Ever since the Liberal Democratic Party achieved a landslide victory, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been pushing for increasing nationalism.... Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's push however, has led to concerns that Japan will become more isolated from its neighboring countries as well as the rest of the world....
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Tourism in Paris and New York
8 pages (2357 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Tourism in Paris and New York" focuses on the Statue of Liberty in New York and Eiffel Tower in Paris, some of the chief tourist attraction sites in the world.... These global structures have been designed to give a symbol and were constructed with exceptional technical support.... ....
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The Scientific Revolution
7 pages (1921 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Scientific Revolution'' tells that The phrase ''Scientific Revolution' is used to refer to primarily the transition in the accurate sciences in addition to its wider consequences near the 18th century.... This is one of the numerous descriptions that is currently used to define the phrase....
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Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism
7 pages (1981 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism" sheds some light on the religion that was introduced in China by a popular philosopher called Confucius, and is believed to be the foundation of all the religions existing in the country.... ... ... ... Confucianism means school of scholars since it came up from the teachings of Confucius....
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Current Issues and Prospects of Brazil's Emerging Market
6 pages (2133 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper 'Current Issues and Prospects of Brazil's Emerging Market' is an outstanding example of the social science report.... The paper 'Current Issues and Prospects of Brazil's Emerging Market' is an outstanding example of the social science report.... The markets and production processes of companies in different countries are becoming interdependent on each other....
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JavaScript Wrapper
6 pages (1856 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, if a request to a web page has resulted in a HTTP error 404 (page not found), and Squid receives a subsequent request for the same web page, then Squid will check if the response is still fresh and will return a reply from the cache itself.... For example, writing the following, ... Another example is ... For example, ... This example constitutes perfectly legal JavaScript, but the interpreter cannot tell until runtime that invoking window....
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We No Longer Live in a Society of Producers; We Live in a Society of Consumers
13 pages (3480 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, the entry of iPhone and Samsung Galaxy forced many people to buy it even though they do not have the necessary skills to operate them.... For example, even though situated in a hot climatic region, India was a country in which soft drinks such as Pepsi and Coca Cola failed to create any waves until a couple of decades before.... For example, modern smartphones, operating on Android operating system can conduct Google search for knowing the prices of the products using a simple barcode scanning application....
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The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism
11 pages (2748 words) , Download 1 , Report
Introduction After the book of Malachi, Christians believe that there was a 400-year period of no communication between God and the people of Israeluntil the birth of Jesus Christ1.... This report "The Rise and Fall of Jewish Nationalism " discusses life in the intertestamental period of Israel that reflects a struggle between the Greco-Roman powers and their quest for expansion into Israel and the Jewish people's quest for homogeneity and observance of Torah principles....
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The Sexual Theme in Goldfinger
7 pages (1825 words) , Download 1 , Report
There are, for example, four scenes that demonstrated this point.... The name Pussy Galore, for example, was almost changed for Goldfinger's American exhibition.... The writer of this report "The Sexual Theme in Goldfinger" aims to explore the theme of sexuality in the film called Goldfinger....
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Change in a Company
8 pages (2092 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example of a quote from the interview that supports this opinion is that, "I communicated to the management chain that I believed in the new direction [then] I emphasized to my subordinates the importance of the change.... This will allow him to be able to reward those who win, or those who lead to promote change in the organization, hence allowing the others to also strive towards emulating the good example that has been rewarded....
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Defining the Subliminal Reality: Virtualization
7 pages (1913 words) , Download 2 , Report
For instance, a unique type of virtualization that is known as desktop virtualization is a prime example of the benefits that are illustrated in virtualization.... This report "Defining the Subliminal Reality: Virtualization" presents one of the most essential concepts that will continue to play a dramatic role in the century....
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User Experience Evaluation for Carphone Warehouse Website
8 pages (2199 words) , Download 2 , Report
In reaching the terms and conditions for example the user journey would be Home>Help>Terms and Conditions. ... The paper "User Experience Evaluation for Carphone Warehouse Website" highlights that online business remains a common trend that has been adopted by many business entities....
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The Automobile Industry in the United States of America
8 pages (2117 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "The Automobile Industry in the United States of America " is a worthy example of a report on technology.... The paper "The Automobile Industry in the United States of America " is a worthy example of a report on technology.... Another thing under this segment is that manufacturers are also coming up with different colors, for example, flashy and bright colors for the young....
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Popular Media and Society in Gender
12 pages (3162 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Popular Media and Society in Gender" discusses how certain gender problems change with a relentless conviction, which demonstrates a positive viewed goal in the film.... Gender policies are set in the real political, social, and economic arenas to achieve such desired goals.... ... ... ...
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Under-nutrition in Elderly People
13 pages (3631 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Under-nutrition in Elderly People'' tells that Much emphasis is usually placed on the importance of a good diet mainly in the context of concern about the dangers of obesity while ignoring underweight.... This under-nutrition is attributed to a combination of age-related social, physical factors....
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Melbourne City Football Club in the Australian A-League Competition
11 pages (3013 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper "Melbourne City Football Club in the Australian A-League Competition " is a good example of a report on sports and recreation.... The paper "Melbourne City Football Club in the Australian A-League Competition " is a good example of a report on sports and recreation....
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The Effect of Globalization on the Legislative and Substantive Work of the Fire and Rescue Services
10 pages (2656 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Effect of Globalization on the Legislative and Substantive Work of the Fire and Rescue Services" presents different sectors of the country that are affected including areas like agriculture, mining, tourism, and manufacturing sectors, when disasters occur.... ... ... ... Financing such public sectors in dealing with disasters is a big challenge....
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Mousetrap Powered Elevator Device
10 pages (2646 words) , Download 0 , Report
This work called "Mousetrap Powered Elevator Device" focuses on the device powered by the energy of a wound-up mousetrap spring.... The author takes into account that the system carries a high amount of payload to utilize all available power and move it to the desired location.... ... ... ... The main aim was to design a mousetrap-powered elevator that can lift a payload of about 100gs from the ground through a pole of diameter 150mm to the shelf which is 450 mm tall....
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H&M Marketing Strategy
10 pages (2685 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "H&M Marketing Strategy" focuses on the critical multifaceted analysis of the market orientation and segmentation strategies utilized by Hennes and Mauritz (H&M).... To understand to what extent is H&M market-oriented is an important marketing action.... ... ... ... There is evidence of corresponding supporting details which boil down to the fact that the firm tries to provide high value for its customers, since at the inception of the onset of its high market recognition....
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Organizational Mindfulness
12 pages (3322 words) , Download 2 , Report
Secondly, during the Cork workshop is heard saying, “…we need to a better job at skill sharing and making sure that we don't have a person who is less for example a GIS expert” (1:03:25).... Another participant of the workshop who is curious as to the concept of the user stories asks; “Can we clarify more what will be in the user stories… because I missed what you talked about the user stories and the user example that you went through earlier....
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Object-Oriented System Engineering
9 pages (2179 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, in a banking system, some of the entities involved are customers, account, loan, etc.... For example, in the above diagram, the data involved for the customer object would be customer id, customer name, customer address, customer contact number, customer email, etc.... Though there are many data/methods involved in real scenario for each object, only few are shown in figure as example.... For example, in order to create a new customer, we create a new instance of the CUSTOMER class and call its Add_Customer_details method to add the details of the customer....
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Teamwork Development
12 pages (3268 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper ''Teamwork Development'' is a great example of Management report.... The paper ''Teamwork Development'' is a great example of Management report.... Based on the need to develop a more productive and functional group in line with the changing needs of society, there is a great need for each person to form up any group or team to contribute immensely to the success of the entire group....
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