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Proving the Biblical Flood - Noahs Ark - Term Paper Example

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The paper "Proving the Biblical Flood - Noahs Ark" discusses that generally, the Bible offers a true historical account of man’s origin. Furthermore, according to John 1:1-3, and Colossians 1:16-17, Jesus Christ is the Truth and would never tell a man a liar…
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Proving the Biblical Flood - Noahs Ark
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Proving the Biblical Flood (Noah's Ark) The Biblical account of the Great Flood and Noah’s Ark is among the famous eventsin man’s history elaborated in the Book of Genesis within the Old Testament. To this end, the Book of Genesis gives a detailed account of how God, the Creator of all things on heaven and Earth, commanded Noah to build an enormous Ark in preparation for the judgement He was about to release on the Earth. Evidently, God had grown angry at the high level of evil that was exhibited by man on Earth. Consequently, God wanted to punish the wickedness of man by sending a Great flood that would destroy the entire evil race of mankind. However, God in identified a sole righteous man by the name of Noah, whom He vowed to protect and his family from the Great Flood. To this end, God instructed Noah to construct a huge Ark that would shelter his family and also a pair of every animal and bird species in the world. It is stated that Noah complied to each and every of God’s commands and secured himself, his family plus the select pair of every animal and bird species in the Ark. Afterwards, the book of Genesis details a mega flood that rained for 40 days and 40 nights. To this end, Genesis 7:21-22 states that all flesh perished that moved on the Earth, every man, cattle, birds, beasts and all the creeping things (Beitzel, Barry, Barry L. Bandstra, and Laurie, 24). Only the people and land animals on board the Ark were spared. After, one hundred and fifty days, it is stated that the water receded from the Earth. Unfortunately, a majority of sceptics and atheists normally dismiss the Great flood as one of the many mythological tales. Most critics like to point out that there is no evidence on Earth for Noah’s flood. However, The Bible and especially the Book of Genesis is a true historical account of the universe. Furthermore, there is sufficient evidence, Biblical and scientific sources, that collaborates on the occurrence of the Great Flood. Foremost, most sceptics would ask where all the flood waters went if truly the Great Flood happened. According to Biblical account in Genesis 8:3 after the flood, the water receded continually over a period of one hundred and fifty days (Bromiley, 319). To this end, the receding waters from the flood are what came to occupy the present day seas and oceans. This fact is credible considering that all global surface water covers three quarters of the Earth surface. Evidently, some secular geologists have supported the theory that all the continents were once whole and not divided by the massive oceans of today. To this end, it is also a valid point that the receding waters of the flood were sufficient to effect the continental separation changes. Evidently, the Biblical scriptures state that God created the ocean basins by raising the land surface from the water so that the floodwaters may recede to a safer place. Most critics of the Great Flood normally seek for geologic evidence from proponents of the Great Flood. Evidently, a number of Christians are blind to the geological evidence that support the occurrence of the Great Flood. To this end, they have bought in the evolutionary idea that asserts that ‘the present is the key to the past’ (Shimmeal, 67). However, in examining whether the Great Flood really took place, direction from Biblical evidence is a starting point. Evidently, in Genesis chapter 7 to chapter 8, it states the fountains of the deep were fractured and water was expunged from within the earth’s core for 150 days. Furthermore, the heavens opened up and there was a global torrential rain for 40 days and nights. To this end, all the mountains and hills were immersed in water. In addition, all creatures on the land were swept away and died. Consequently, in attempt to check for evidence, one would expect to discover billions of dead animals and plants that have been buried and fossilized in layers of mud, sand and lime. Furthermore, such sediments would have been deposited instantaneously by water, within rock layers in all parts of the Earth. Evidently, contemporary archaeological evidence collaborate such aspects of reasoning. Consequently, as narration from Genesis 7-8 depicts, there are several geologic evidences that support the occurrence of the Great Flood. Foremost, there is geologic evidence of fossilized sea creatures that have been found high above the sea level. Evidently, there are fossil records of sea creatures within rock layers throughout the Earth’s continents. A perfect example is within the rock layers of the Grand Canyon’s walls. In this regard, the rock layers of fossilized marine creatures are situated more than a mile above sea level. Furthermore, evidence of fossilized shellfish have been discovered in the Himalayas. These evidence of marine fossils within rock layers of inland land masses are indicators that a massive amount of water, comparable to a Great Flood, had once engulfed the entire Himalayas and Grand Canyon. Second, among the greatest indicators of a global flood lies in the existence of what is known as polystrate fossils. Evidently, such fossils are normally trees that have been buried upright with multiple traversing layers such as coal beds, sandstone, shale and limestone. Furthermore, such fossils are normally perpendicular to the surrounding strata and have discovered in different parts of the world such as England, Nova Scotia, France, United States and Germany. To this end, the nature and physical characteristics of the polystrate fossils points towards a cataclysmic deposition precipitated by a global, natural event such as a Great Flood. The rapid burial of animals and plants provides another crucial indicator pertaining to the occurrence of the Great Flood. Evidently, there are extensive mass ‘graveyards’ of fossils that are perfectly preserved. For example, within the Redwall limestone of the Grand Canyon, archaeologists have discovered billions of nautiloid fossils within a single layer. Evidently, the depositions of the layer were made possible through a catastrophic and massive flow of lime sand sediment. To this end, the coal and chalk beds of the United States and Europe, the ichthyosaurs, fish, and plant and insect fossils all over the world exhibit characteristics of catastrophic decimation and burial. In this regard, a catastrophic event of such an enormity and rapid rate strongly points towards the occurrence of a great flood. The evidence of none or rapid erosion between strata of rock layers provided another critical pointer towards the occurrence of the Great Flood. Evidently, the indication of continuous deposition of layer over layer is indicative through flat and knife edge boundaries within rock layers. In this regard, such phenomenon shows that there was no time for erosion. An example is the lack of evidence of erosion that had occurred over millions of years within the flat boundary of the Hermit and Coconino foundation. These are famous layers of rock strata in the Grand Canyon. Furthermore, there is lack of erosion recorded to have happened in the Redwall Limestone and subsequent strata underneath it. Evidently, the boundaries are uniquely flat. The archaeological evidence of long distance sediment transportation offers another compelling evidence of the Great Flood. Evidently, sediments that are rapid and widespread in deposition are characteristically eroded from distant origins and transported by rapid moving water. An impressive example is the sand found in the Coconino Sandstone situated in the Arizona Grand Canyon. Evidently, its origins was the northern part of present day Canada and United States from which it was eroded and transported to the present day Grand Canyon. In addition, ripple marks which are normally indicators of water currents, have been preserved in the rock layers. To this end, in a period of 300 million years, the ripple marks have indicated the consistent flow of water currents from the northeast to southwest all over the South and North America. Evidently, this was only possible in the event of a global flood spanning over several weeks.The widespread and rapid deposition of sediment layers offers another compelling indicator of the Biblical Great Flood. Evidently, traces of rock layers are present throughout the continents. In addition, the physical features present within the rock strata exhibit evidence of rapid deposition. For example, ‘the white cliffs of Dover’ also known as the England chalk beds have been traced all over Europe, extending to the Middle East, Western Australia and Midwest of the United States of America (Godmanseed, 34). Furthermore, archaeologists have traced the Redwall Limestone and Tapeat Sandstone of the Grand Canyon in different territories of Canada, United States and up to England’s Atlantic Ocean. Evidently, the sloping layers present within the Grand Canyon’s Coconino Sandstone provide evidence of 10,000 cubic miles of sand that were deposited by rapid water currents in a matter of days (Shimmeal, 4). To this end, such water currents could have only been possible by a catastrophic and global scale flood. The next piece of evidence detailing the occurrence of the Great Flood is in recognition of the numerous strata that were laid down in rapid succession (Coffin). Evidently, it is a rare occurrence for rocks to bend. They can only break due to its brittle and hard qualities. However, in numerous areas, archaeologists have identified multiple rock strata that have been bent without breaking up. This phenomenon indicates the rapid deposition of rock layers which were subject to folding since they were still wet and malleable before hardening. A good example is the right angle folding of the Tapeats Sansdstone in the Grand Canyon that occurred without indicators of breakage. It is critical to note that such folding was only possible when the Tapeats Sandstone was wet and after the rapid and instant depositing of overlying layers. Scientists such as Robert Ballard have also claimed to have evidence of the occurrence of the Biblical flood. To this end, Ballard believes that the Black Sea was at one time a freshwater lake. However, he further states that a gigantic wall of water, which was 200 times greater in intensity than the Niagara Falls, came from the Mediterranean Sea and swept away everything else as well as Noah Ark. To this end, his theory is partly true owing to accounts from the Bible which state that Genesis fountains of the deep were fractured and water was expunged from within the earth’s core. In addition, Ballard assembled an archaeological team that sought to search for a lost Biblical civilization at the Black Sea. To this end, Ballard found some compelling evidence carbon dating shells present on a historical shoreline that is located 400 feet under the Black Sea (Millman, Effron, and Taylor). They discovered a timeline for the catastrophic event that occurred around 5,000 B.C. This timeline is believed to have been an approximate timeline during the Great Flood. In addition, Ballard found other physical evidence of a past civilization such as pottery and shipwrecks. In a nutshell, the Bible offers a true historical account of man’s origin. Furthermore, according to John 1:1-3,and Colossians 1:16-17, Jesus Christ is the Truth and would never tell man a lie. To this end, His account of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood were realistic in literal history. Furthermore, evidence of the Great Flood in Noah’s time is present all over the Earth, from mountain tops to the sea beds. Consequently, a journey and exploration of Earth’s terrain reveals caverns, coral beds and canyons which are all evidence of a catastrophic event. In addition, effects of a widespread catastrophe are evident in layers of rock strata that extend over continents. The extensive layers of rock sediments consisting of soil, and sand are presently hard rock that contains encased fossils of animals and plants that were buried very rapidly. To this end, evidence about the Biblical evidence is laid out bare in the Earth. References Godmanseed, Meek. Master Science. n.a: Meek Godmanseed, 2010. Print. Beitzel, Barry J., Barry L. Bandstra, Loretta Barnard, and Laurie Whiddon.Biblica: the Bible atlas : a social and historical journey through the lands of the Bible. Hauppage, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2007. Print. Bromiley, Geoffrey W. . The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: E-J. n.a: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing , 1995. Print. Coffin., Harold. "Scientific Evidence for a Worldwide Flood." The Age of the Earth. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Kern, Kathi. Mrs. Stanton's Bible. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001. Print. Millman, Enna , Lauren Effron, and Bryan Taylor. "Evidence Noah's Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard (World Renown Underwater archaeologist)."Latest Articles. ABC News, 10 Dec. 2012. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. . Shimmeal, Richard Cunningham. First Series. Our Bible Chronology, historic and prophetic, critically examined and demonstrated ... embracing an examination and refutation of the theories of modern Egyptologists. First Series. Pp. 234. A.S. Barnes & Co.: New York, 1867. Print. Thomas, Brian . "Did Underwater Archaeologist Confirm Noah's Flood?."The Institute for Creation Research. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Read More
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