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Strategy and Law Enforcement Agencies Security - Minister for Interior in the UAE - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Strategy and Law Enforcement Agencies’ Security - Minister for Interior in the UAE" is an outstanding example of a politics research proposal. This research proposal offers a vital research strategy aimed at examining the subject of strategy and law enforcement agencies’ security. The proposal considers the practices in the spectra of law enforcement agencies…
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GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT Name Institutional Affiliation Date Table of Contents Abstract 3 Chapter 1: Introduction 4 Background of the Study 4 Research Aims and Objectives 4 Problem statement 4 Research Questions 5 Research Outline or Scope 6 Chapter 2: Literature Review 6 Chapter 3: Research Methodology 10 Conclusion 16 References 17 Abstract This research proposal offers a vital research strategy aimed at examining the subject of strategy and law enforcement agencies’ security. The proposal considers the practices in the spectra of law enforcement agencies with an aim of measuring their readiness to implement new policies within their domain. Further, the research design focuses on developing of a model of different variable that will result in covering different practices with regard to law enforcement agencies and the role attached to their domain. The model discussed herein finds application within the context of the Minister for Interior in the UAE. Chapter 1: Introduction Background of the Study The subject of law enforcement is vital to any nation in ensuring the existence of law and order. In the UAE, the security organs assume the role of law enforcement. This means that the strategy on matters of security reflects their readiness in the implementation of policies within their domain. The available practices used by the law enforcement agencies are a subject of concern, especially stemming from the need to restore order and meet the law requirement of enforcing the existing security laws among other laws. In the past, UAE has successfully implemented laws by use of the security agencies and this can be strengthened by use of stronger law enforcement mechanisms. Research Aims and Objectives The rationale of this research proposal is to examine the field of strategy and the law enforcement agencies security. The proposal will consider the practices through a benchmark where the law enforcement agencies measure the readiness of their organizations to implement the new policies within their domain. Later, the candidate is required to come up with a model of the variable that results out of the benchmark of the literature that covers on the practices of the law enforcement agencies and with regard to their particular domain. Further, the model developed herein will find application within the context the minister for interior in UAE. Problem statement Information is, in itself, a crucial factor when it comes to security maintenance and law enforcement. One of the biggest problems security agencies are facing in the current world is lack of information or insufficient of information. Most of the shortcomings in security are mainly brought about by untimely or complete lack of information and other support strategies which inhibits necessary actions to prevent breaking of laws, and it leads to failure in the security agency. In the current world of modernization and emerging markets, economic and cultural growth is controlled by a legal and regulatory framework, which has been developed sufficiently to encourage various nations to thrive. The combination of increased demands and stagnant or declining local law enforcement strategies makes it clear that, more than ever, law enforcement agencies must pursue all reasonable avenues for collaboration with private security, as well as with each other. Security agencies face a dynamic and rapidly evolving environment that requires them to collect and process data from a broader range of sources and at a faster pace than ever before. In the future, agencies will continue to be challenged to acquire, identify, integrate, analyze, and disseminate relevant information to achieve high performance. Research Questions Research questions are formulated questions that guide the research work. It will be essential in this proposal to develop research questions that will be used in order for the researcher to focus on the research subject. The research questions are both specific and general. The specific research questions for this proposal are: What are law enforcement strategies within the security domain that show their readiness in enforcing the law? Do the research strategies used by the security agencies form a benchmark for application within the UAE? General research questions are as follows: What literature surrounds the aspect of law enforcement by the security agencies? What are the researches methods used in developing a robust research that will make comprehensive inferences to the research objectives? Research Outline or Scope This research proposal undertakes to the formulation of the research background, research objectives, research questions, research statement and research outline. The paper reviews different literature within the spectra of the research objectives. Further, the research observes the significance of employing an appropriate research methodology in ensuring appropriate data collection and analysis. Chapter 2: Literature Review This chapter covers different literature across secondary sources such as the eBooks, electronic sources, books and journals in line with the research objective aimed at strategies and readiness of law enforcement security agencies and the appropriateness of such strategies within the function of the Minister of Interior within the UAE. A number of field strategies are discussed herein as revealed by different researchers under the following strategy subheadings. The strategy of identifying Fake Id’s There is an increased number of people who are using fraudulent identifications in UAE. Majority of those involved are 21 years and below and this has been challenging to the law enforcement, retail licensees and those employed (Enter 2006). According to Arnold (2008), law enforcers are taught several strategies to deal with the fraudulent identification as shown the following discussion. Firstly, they are taught how to understand the cause of the problem. Many researchers agree that there is always a cause for any action an individual takes (Beene 1992). Understanding the scope of the problem helps to know how best the issues unfolded in the literature will be addressed. Secondly, law enforcers are given tactics to identify where this false Id’s are obtained. These fake Id’s are manufactured by individuals with access to micro printers and holograms (Mcdevitt 2009). They operate in several bases. Being able to track those bases will help reduce manufacturing of the fake Id’s in UAE. Different methods can be applied to get the information on where these places are located. Interrogation has, by far, proven to be one of the most successful ways of dealing with the same. Many random questions asked to a person at the same time leaves the suspect confused and they end up contradicting themselves hence exposing where it is obtained. Mcshane & Williams (1997) assert that legitimate documents and fake Id’s, when placed side by side, have minor but significant differences. The officers are shown how to differentiate the two documents by concentrating on every little detail on them. Several logos are only found in the government offices and accessing them pauses a challenge. According to research, the manufactures of fraudulent identifications look for alternatives to this logo by trying to come up with replicas of the same logos (Stanford Environmental Law Society 1995). The law enforcer should be able to compare the logos and notice the originals. Fourthly, there is provision of tools to help identify fake Id’s to law enforcers. The law enforcement agencies should purchase some tools that can be used in order to identify with ease the fraudulent IDs. These tools should be made in such a way that they are easy to use and made accessible to all the law enforcers. The agencies should fund organizations that manufacture the tools or reduce the taxes on the machines. This will ensure manufacturing of the tools is done on large scale hence there will be adequate tools needed by the law enforcers. This will aid curb the use the use of fake ID’s as the law offenders will easily be caught. Lastly, sensitizing business operators on methods they can use to identify fake licenses given to them is a Significant Strategy. Operating Under Fake Licenses Is A Crime, According To UAE Laws (Stanford Environmental Law Society 1995). Some business operators are given the false licenses without their knowledge which leave them in trouble with the law. When the law enforcers come in to contact with this entrepreneurs they are obliged by the law to take legal action on them. This makes the entrepreneurs suffer for defaults that they did knowingly or unknowingly. In order to deal with such instances, the entrepreneurs should be shown ways of identifying the fake licenses. Consequences of being found operating under a fake license should be made known to them, as well as, places to obtain the original licenses (Shusta 1995). Equipping Law Enforcers with Proper Technology Technology has proved to be an effective way of dealing with much issue that includes boosting security. Law enforcers need to have adequate knowledge in technology in order to make them more effective and reliable. Strategies put in place include: Use of computer technology Computer technology being used by law enforcers has increased largely in UAE (Shusta 1995). The computer has a lot of advantages that makes working easier. Law enforcers should be given proper computer training regardless of the sectors that work in. The computer knowledge can help them communicate easily from one department to another. They are able to download any amount of material and store. They can to communicate through video conferencing which saves on time and resources, as well. They can also send any message in any form to another part without necessarily going there themselves. Fingerprint Identification System Application of fingerprints Identification that are automated has helped law enforcers by large. According to research, over 90% of the law enforcement agencies are reported to have access to fingerprint identification system (Stanford Environmental Law Society 1995). One of its applications is in forensic investigation and in crime detection it is used in elimination of error of doubt. This is very helpful to all the law enforcers and knowledge on how to go about it is crucial. Video Camera in vehicles The in-cars camera have been installed in vehicles that the law enforcers use. These in-car cameras are able to take a video and hence ease communication. The law enforcement agencies have installed several vehicles with the camera and its use is on the rise. Those vehicles without the in-car camera should also be installed to ease the communication. Body-cam Technology Many law enforcement agencies have used the body-cam agencies in order to get a reliable identification of an individual. The body –cam has a proper vision acuity and hence can be relied upon when obtaining necessary information. The law enforcers also use cameras that are worn on the body. They help record events in a place where the law enforcers need to keep a low profile while collecting visual data. Surveillance equipment Law enforcers can also obtain information from surveillance installed in various places and buildings. The agency should fund the installation of this equipment in buildings order to ease the work of the law enforcers when arresting wrong doers. Offering training and education to law enforcers The law enforcement agencies are given a heavy task of ensuring security in the UAE. Therefore, to undertake such task, one of the strategies put in place by the law enforcement agencies to prepare its members adequately is funding the education of the law enforcers (Stanford Environmental Law Society 1995). In law enforcement agencies, the police are supposed to complete the police academy before they are allowed to enter the police forces. Such institutions should be funded by the law enforcement agencies to encourage a large number of applicants. Chapter 3: Research Methodology Introduction This section of the proposal looks at the approaches used in the research, research designs and techniques, the population sampling methods, the targeted population. In addition, the proposal will discuss the data collection methods and the data analysis methods based on the law enforcement agencies. Research design and techniques Descriptive design Descriptive design is fundamental in the field of research and adds immeasurable knowledge in the shape of the society (Yin 2003 and Ismail, Bayat & Meyer, 1997).  Descriptive research entails the government research, which includes the population census and the economic information. Descriptive research will be used to describe the changing age and the gender mix. The descriptive research of this proposal tries to explain the ‘why’ questions that are given by the explanatory research. Explanatory design The explanatory design of this proposal will focus on the why questions. The way by which the research questions are developed by the researchers is controlled by the nature of the research questions, whether it is descriptive or explanatory. This may affect the nature of the data collected. For the ‘why’ questions to be answered, there must be casual explanations that argue the phenomenon. Longitudinal design Longitudinal design is an expensive research method as it involves the use of funds in tracking the subjects. This proposal will employ the use of the longitudinal cohort to carry out the study as t answers complicated questions. The research questions of this proposal will be to determine over what duration will assessment be done and how many assessments need to be done. Sampling techniques Product research This proposal will make use of the product sampling method that incorporates both the quantitative and qualitative methods. Qualitative method involves one-to-one interviews and is used in the analysis of unstructured data. Quantitative research entails higher volume research and includes structured approach, and online surveys of data analysis (Jamieson, 2001). Population sampling In this proposal , a population sampling technique will be used to take subject subsets that represent the entire population of the security agencies. The size law enforcement agencies must be sufficient of the population under study for better statistical analysis (Christensen, Johnson, and Turner & Christensen 2011). The proposal will involve usual sampling for it is difficult to test single person in a population. Population sampling helps to save time while conducting the research. Testing of all the persons is necessary to obtain accurate and reliable results. Population sampling in this proposal will be conducted accurately as errors may result into misleading data. Types of population sampling Non-probability sampling Probability sampling is where population of the law enforcement agencies has no equal chances to be selected (Lee & Wang, 2003). This type of sampling represents the target population and the researcher identifies the individuals to participate in the study. This method is appropriate for the pilot research, qualitative research, and case studies. Probability sampling In this sampling technique, every person in the society has an equal chance to participate in the research. The sampling process is randomized and should not have any bias (Bordens & Abbott 2011). Names of all members of a population are listed on a piece of paper and everyone is called upon to participate. Probability method is accurate and is used in the estimation of population parameters. Steps in sampling The steps in sampling that will be used in this proposal are the same regardless of the sampling method used. Identify the target population The first step of sampling in this proposal will be to identify the target population to be sampled and the people to participate in the sampling process. Identify the population that is accessible This proposal will identify the part of the population that can be accessed in the research process. Accessibility depends on the resources and the time of the person conducting the research. Determining the sample size The proposal will identify how big the sample should be. It will be appropriate to use a bigger sample. The bigger the sample, the bigger the population size represented. The proper sample size relates to accuracy, cost, Target population of the study The target population of this proposal is to examine the field of strategy and the law enforcement agencies security. The proposal considers the practices through a benchmark where the law enforcement agencies measure the readiness of their organizations so as to implement the new policies within their domain. Data collection methods In this proposal , both the quantitative and the qualitative research methods will be used. Quantitative data of the law enforcement agencies will be made by measuring the variables and verifying the hypothesis (Levy & Lemeshow 2008). The proposal uses data to generate hypothesis of different variables based on the result. The proposal will use the qualitative research method to understand the beliefs, experiences and the ideas of the law enforcement agencies. The proposal will use both the methods to help triangulate the data collection. For example, the proposal will use the questionnaires to obtain statistical data then backing it up by the interviewing method. Data analysis methods This proposal has a number of data analysis methods that will be used. Both qualitative research and quantitative research methods. The qualitative methods include, Analytic induction In this method, the proposal will consider the events and build hypothetical statements of the findings. The proposal will consider other related events if they fit within the hypothesis. All the hypothesis will be revised to fit into the encountered examples. Finally, the proposal builds on the hypothesis that counteracts the observed cases. Phenomenology method Phenomenology is a method that will be used to analyze every person’s experience and perspective in the law enforcement agencies (Baggio & Klobas 2011). It shows the research experience of the law enforcement agencies on the researcher. Hermeneutical analysis This research will look at the hermeneutical analysis of the proposal . It looks at the meaning of the texts by the law enforcement agencies. It uses the word of the people and less interpretive. It the constructs the knowledge of the law enforcement agencies and meaning of the texts are constructed from the current situation (Mandallaz, 2008). Quantitative methods of data analysis Frequency distribution The proposal will examine the frequency distribution of the law enforcement agencies to obtain a bigger picture of the data. It finds how frequently the specific values of the agencies are distributed and their percentages. For example, the proposal finds the age of the law enforcement agencies that ranges between 20-40 years (Maree, 2007).. Descriptive statistics The proposal will identify the frequency of the observed values of the of the agencies for examples using measures of central tendency of age of the law enforcement agencies. The central tendencies include the mean, mode, and the medium. The measures of dispersion of the enforcement agencies include such factors as standard deviation and the range. When the range and the standard deviation of the agencies are big, then the agencies are more dispersed. Conclusion Discussed herein is the field of strategy and the law enforcement agencies security. The proposal considered the practices through a benchmark where the law enforcement agencies measure the readiness of their organizations to implement the new policies within their domain. In addition, the proposal was to look at the data collection method, data analysis methods, the targeted population, the type of population sampling, research designs and techniques, research objectives and questions and the scope of the research. References Arnold, R. (2008). Law enforcement within the framework of peace support operations. Leiden, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. Baggio, R., & Klobas, J. E. (2011). Quantitative methods in tourism a handbook. Bristol, UK, Channel View publications.  Beene, C. (1992). Police crowd control: risk-reduction strategies for law enforcement. Boulder, Colo, Paladin Press. Bordens, K. S., & Abbott, B. B. (2011). Research design and methods: a process approach. New York, McGraw-Hill. Christensen, L. B., Johnson, B., Turner, L. A., & Christensen, L. B. (2011).Research methods, design, and analysis. Boston, Allyn & Bacon. Creswell, J. W. (2003). Research design: qualitative, quantitative, & mixed method approaches. Thousand Oaks, Calif, Sage Publications. Enter, J. E. (2006). Challenging the law enforcement organization: proactive leadership strategies. Dacula, GA, Narrow Road Press. Ismail, N., Bayat, M. S., & Meyer, I. H. (1997). Local government management. Johannesburg, International Thomson Pub. Jamieson, L. M. (2001). Research design. Bloomington, IN, Indiana University, Instructional Support Services. Lee, E. T., & Wang, J. W. (2003). Statistical methods for survival data analysis. Levy, P. S., & Lemeshow, S. (2008). Sampling of populations: methods and applications. Hoboken, N.J., Wiley. Mandallaz, D. 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