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Narcissism in Government Policies and How It as a Diagnosis can Affect Society - Coursework Example

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This coursework "Narcissism in Government Policies and How It as a Diagnosis can Affect Society" describes the diagnosis of narcissism in politics, the main causes of it, the most famous forms of it…
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Narcissism in Government Policies and How It as a Diagnosis can Affect Society
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Essay, English 6 April, Narcissism in Government Policies and How It as a Diagnosis can Affect Society Introduction Narcissism is in the modern society considered the persistent social trend since the late 20th century. It is an incorporated phenomenon in social, political and economic spheres across the world. The concept has evolved over time and widely spread in use to describe human psychological conditions. Narcissism is almost everywhere, in the workplaces, in politics, in families, in the media and can be demonstrated by any individuals, which makes it part of human lives. Narcissism meaning has evolved from an earlier psychoanalytical definition which entailed an exclusive meaning of self-gratifying sexuality clinically used by Havelock into constructed character traits. Freud theory of narcissism did however develop the concept in greater depths. His development of narcissism focused on two aspects; metapyschological theorizing and clinical diagnosis for certain behavioural phenomenon. He distinguishes the two as primary narcissism, which is a normal healthy phase in children development where children only get to secure their perspective by being egocentric. With maturity, people learn to lower their perspectives of self and invest their limited libidinal energy with each other; those incapable resort to secondary narcissism. According to Raskin and Terry, Freud clinically used the term narcissism to refer the following behavioral phenomena: (a) a set of attitudes a person has toward oneself, including self-love, self-admiration, and self-aggrandizement; (b) several kinds of fears or vulnerabilities related to a persons self-esteem that include the fear of loss of love and the fear of failure; (c) a general defensive orientation that includes megalomania, idealization, denial, projection and splitting, motivation in terms of the need to be loved as well as striving for self-sufficiency and for perfection and (e) a constellation of attitudes that may characterize a personal relationship with others (890). Narcissism has been criticized for its negative consequences among individuals. While the society seeks to build powerful, confident and emergent individuals there are projected issues which sway them away from reality. They tend to perceive others as inferior and interfere with real efforts for progress. The cultural shift towards Narcissism poses raising malignant threats of economic, social and political manipulators and predators (Krajco 40). Narcissism in politics The modern world is characterised of capitalism and struggle for power and identity in the political arena. Individuals enter politics seeking material riches, others just to further their quest for prestige/ power or just to promote their self-interested perspectives before the nation. In a world of politics, competition is not limited to knowledge and competence, but extends to popularity, identity and connection with others created over time. It is possible to detect the narcissists’ character traits in the current and past leaders in governments and institutions. Some are consumed by thirst for power, which may lead them to take compromising decisions just to create the image and garner support they need for a specific position. These people influence policies’ formulation and implementation, which have ways of affecting the society in general. Thesis: Narcissism is an evident element in government policies and affects the greater society through adopted strategies, plans and operation upon implementation. Such policies are influenced by narcissist leaders with grandiose belief system and decisions. The paper will address narcissism in governmental policies and evaluate how they impact on the general society. It discusses the diagnosis of narcissism in politicians and policies, the root causes, symptoms and prognosis. Diagnosis of narcissism in politics Superiority and self-admiration of politically instigated policies: Formulation of government policies is often based on competition between the two opposing forces in legislative houses, where often the majority in the house gets pass the bills. Opportunistic policies and leadership: The ascending of most appointed leaders into power of often a power security game for the top officials in government. Politicians tend to take advantage of disasters and events to pass their agenda and lobby for enactment oc certain policies. Fierce defence by politicians: The political agenda of political parties is winning elections, running the government or exposing the unmet needs and failures of the government from the opposition. Therefore, politicians fiercely defend their actions and policies to be per the societal greater expectation. Aggrandizing policies: Politicians pick on previously abandoned bills, amend and develop them but only to manipulate them for the greater desire of the party, achieving their goals or dreams of glory. Causes of narcissism in politics Media encouragement: The media has often provided a platform for political competitions, responses and analysis. Politicians, lobbyist groups and the society organize around TV and social media platforms to defend and promote their agenda. Individuals and politicians participate progressively in their political campaigns, which allow them to announce their stance, interests and values in politics, while exposing their political rhetoric (Choi 20) Internet promotion: The internet technology has become a self-promoting platform. Political parties and politicians have their websites and pages where they advertise their future ambitions, promote self-values and initiated policies to project their political image. Like any citizen, internet connections allows them to communicate with others, in styles that draw attention to themselves, using aggressive wording to defend their policies and actions (Dewall et al 57). Materialism: The wealthier and more material possession individuals hold make them powerful and elite in the society. Some are born in wealthy families and others acquire it, buts it never the end goal. Materialism can hence be taken as a value and a means to “achieve desirable end state” like envy, admiration of others and status (Bergman et al 5) Easy credit: Politicians can afford to finance projects and support political instigated policies through use of credits. What the public get to see is a projected image and support for a policy that is far from reality. Levels of competitiveness: There exist numerous differences in governance and political parties, where each team seeks to outshine each other. Intense competition may result to greater divergence in strategies and include use of profane words to discredit opponents while aggressively defending and overvaluing one’s plans and policies. Existence of narcissism in government policies Credit card policies The western nations have developed and mature credit card industry, which enable cardholders to exert their leverage through the use of the cards across the vast geographical regions. The policy has been part of the greater lending plan initiated and enacted into law by the legislative houses. Today, consumers have access to more than single credit cards majority associated with bank controlled associations, MasterCard and Visa, allowing them to function within and across borders. The customer/cardholder can hence be able to use the card to purchase and pay for goods or services obtained using the pre-established lines of credit (Akers et al 1). They have become commonly acceptable means of payment for most institutions, outlets, services and merchants. Under such marketable credit card industry, the financial institutions are in no doubt exploiting the mass trend of narcissism. The credit card policy has come to flatten out the differences between financially and non-financially capable individuals/households in the external realm. Apparently, though struggling with poverty, households of low social economic status are given an alternative to afford and meet their needs through credit card as the solution. This triggers elevated microfinance narcissism as households get to consume in advance, beyond what they can afford at given time only to pay later. The reality is being able to spend and process the consumers’ bills before they actually get hold of their payments. The policy enables the individuals to have access to money, which makes it a self-centred approach of microfinance, giving consumers magnified power and confidence to spend and borrow excessively. Such easy credit tends to work well in the short run, but could lead to bankruptcy and greater impoverishment in the long run due to high dependency. The major experienced effects of credit cards policies are increasing microfinance crisis. While credit cards have arguably been defended in reducing poverty, much of what occurs in increasing burdening of consumers with debts of pay (Bastiaensen et al 862). Consumers with several credit cards and especially those financially unstable create widening indebtness through their increased spending. Credit cards come with certain charges and costs, which could result to bad debt for the economies, where consumers default their payment. Individual debts have increased through the neoliberal credit card policies. This is contributed by poorly regulated policy practices with billions of card debts affecting the states’ economies among others. Credit Cards have also led to greater purchasing power triggering excessive spending among consumers. Mortgage policy The governments devise plans to boost economic development through eased mortgage credit for real estate and house ownership. Mortgage markets have extensively grown and proven to be profitable investments for investors. Although the markets highly fluctuate with the changing interest rates over time, it brings together the lenders and prospective borrowers of the finances to meet their needs. Government sponsored mortgage polices encourage availability and access of easy mortgage credit for housing financing and stronger residential investments. Investors buy securities (bond and stock) in exchange for funds that expand the supply funds used in mortgage markets. However, the risks involved are value speculation for the investors and defaulting of mortgage payment and accrued costs as agreed in the contract between the borrower and the lender. The policy follows a narcissistic trend by influencing the mortgage lenders and borrowers behaviour. One, lenders seek to create more profits/wealth and would take advantage of high prices and interest rates provided in the market. In mortgage markets, the lenders are attracted by the optimism and opportunities to acquire greater share of returns in foreseeable future. Therefore, financial institution and private lenders take the risk of entering into mortgage agreements with borrowers. It demonstrates the neo liberal capitalist rules with intuitive convictions of how economies work in free market driven by desire for financial expansion. Lenders will compete effectively and develop suitable packages as the best alternative in competition to attract most borrowers and win in profit maximization. An eased policy gives the consumers an opportunity to borrowers’ mortgage loans for housing and building purchase, and construction of real estates. This is a trend for narcissism as it facilitates consuming borrowers with an unlimited upward mobility through debt financing. It’s further away from reality principle, because rather than save to finance their home and real estate ownership or construction, the policy encourages consumers to finance by debts. In the short run, the borrower becomes a house/real estate owner, but garner greater liability in the long run, having to pay principal, interests, tax and insurance costs for what can at one time be forfeited in cases as bankruptcy. The policy is a strategy to fulfil individuals’ desires, raising their expectation and characterized by luxury fever. Consumers resort to binge borrowing of mortgage loans for extended housing, buildings, land and equipment acquisition. As individuals attempt upward mobility they spend much more in housing as they seek out home equity loans. Eventually consumers are entangled in their self-reinforcing mania incapable to pay due to debt accumulation lead to foreclosure losing both the property and already issued payments. The narcissism inclined mortgage policy fuel consumption and indebtness in the course of self-preoccupied materialism. Escalated foreclosure affects the greater society by causing contentious dissensions between lenders and borrowers and economic/financial shocks in the event of mortgage meltdown (Bianco 2). Due to excessive mortgage offer and borrowing the risks of losses are greater for both lending institutions and borrower. The crisis get to reveal the present individuals and economic financial state from unrealistic future bought fantasy through mortgage loans. Election and appointment policies Selective individual ascend into the power and few are appointed or elected because of the portrayed narcissistic traits and behaviours. Often the criteria of electing individuals from constituencies or appointment into state offices have fallen within narcissistic qualities. Executives feel the need to surrounded by people who are strong willed, share similar goals and supportive of the destined interests. In the free democratic world, voters normally elect individuals who possess qualities of pushing ahead: competitive, dominance, promising, persuasive, potential and admirable among others. Most end up confusing leadership qualities with narcissistic features only to elect dangerous individuals into power. Once in position they are surrounded by power and authority, and can be relentless and consumed to exert their will on others. Narcissism is an apparent phenomenon when candidates and legislatures manipulate way to build themselves greater power and maintain control over the electorate. It’s a factor evident for most dictators’ ascend into power and long standing tyrannical regimes. Their imposed decision becomes the adopted policy. Such narcissism facilitates opportunities for leadership mismanagement and misconduct, creating liabilities for the society when wrong decisions incurring costs are made from the top. Because they believe to have greater power, they execute certain actions/policies, and aggressively justify their action yet the members of the society get to pay for the arising consequences. Surrounded by power government gradually become constituted by corrupt legislators and political elites who develop and fund secret programs and push for politically centred polices of their party. Tyrants tend to be harsh, cruel, manipulative and deceptive as the situation requires gaining and maintaining power, subjecting the voters and society to non-conducive conditions (Glad 10). Most such programs and policies excessively rely on tax payers’ money and the wealth of the nation to run them. The society becomes the victim for narcissistic leadership election and their initiated policies. Jim Crow laws The design and formulations of laws and policies in the competitive legislative houses risks greater violations and exploitation of one group by the dominant one. Since politics are games of chances, the dominant political parties and leaders tend to secure their future through enactment of manipulative laws that favours the selective majority and supporters over the minority. This forms the rare narcissism phenomenon where one political group or governance enact prejudicial policies as they perceive themselves powerful and deserving. Examples are the Jim Crow Laws (vagrancy, emigrant agent, convict lease system and enticement and contract laws) that sought to solidify the dominant position of the white rate through profit maximization, while exploiting and denying the black community of their human and fair labour rights (Roback 38). Narcissism still occurs in modern economies and policies and often justified for its course in Governance. Examples are the tax break for the wealthy and war policies under President’s Bush administration The effect of the policies only favoured the minority few rich individuals in USA and destruction of life and property in Iraq and Afghanistan nations. The majority average and low income earners taxation remained the same while wealthy individuals enjoyed the rebate. Prejudicial laws are oppressive and exploitative, fail to identify with the needs of others, but to maximize the interest of the dominant group. Bretton woods agreements The agreement made after the WWWII to maintain international economic order has evolved to be a governance system suffering from narcissism. The policy that entailed set up of two financial institutions, IMF and Wold bank has over the past acted in favouritism of certain superior economies, which un-proportionately influence decision making. Narcissism is exhibited in allocation of weighted voting, where USA, Japan, Germany, UK and France dominate at 17.1, 6.1, 6.0 and 4.9 % respectively, before the Bricks and LDC (Leech and Leech R 3). The institutions are run and government by majority officials from the western superior economies while the developing countries limited voting power renders them powerless. The agreement relies on the Washington consensus policy and imposes its own conditions to borrowing member countries assuming perfect and admirable than other negotiations (Globalization 101 16). It discriminates on member developing countries by allowing superior economies to excessively influence the institutions decisions. Although they provide loans for development and bailout strategy in time of economic crisis, it’s only a short term benefit but a greater burden to repay loan, where the cost is passed down to the taxpayer. Citizens suffer from gradual tax increments while their economy are budgeted and ran with debt finances. Loan acquired to support local development create opportunities for business expansion and new entrepreneurs, boosting individuals and households economic performances. In poorly regulated economies, funding from the institutions could trigger excessive spending through government lending and subsequently pricing inflations. Biasness against the less developed economies demoralizes them and destroys existing trust and relations between the institutions and the member countries Diagnosis Comparing decades ago and present individuals tend to employ prochoice policies and strategies. Critically evaluating the society is not about to abandon narcissism behaviour. Earlier on businesses, personal transactions and financing institutions took longer processes to achieve the desired outcome. However, technology has been the centre piece backing narcissism behaviour and traits. Technology evolution will lead narcissism ailment in politics to greater heights just as intense easy credits and web money continually support spending. The future of narcissism will lead society and individuals far from their present realities through competitive self-promotions and search for identities. Administering treatment of encouraged hard work to accumulate savings, the risks of individuals increasing indebtness and cases of bankruptcy could decline. Even with reduced easy credit loans and mortgage, issues of payment default, foreclosure and triggered economic shocks can be eliminated. When politicians learn and are forced to take responsibility for their illegal actions, it’s possible to create less corrupt leader and political regimes. Practicing power balances in international treaties could result to Fair and non-exploitative policies been adopted. Failure to exercise early interventions and their regulation could result to further spread of narcissism across untapped and emerging social, economic and political spheres. Recommendations Combination of complimentary non-financial services with financial services to restore fairness and balances in micro-financing Establish balances in Bretton woods institutions through changes in voting power analysis and governance by superior nations or enlist in alternative neutral power institutions as the coming BRICS financial institutions. Adopting alternative financing policies as use of debit cards and savings in higher proportion than use of easy credit States policies, politics and governments facilitate grounds for narcissism to occur and be exercised by politicians and individuals. While narcissism had been considered a greater socials problem, it proves today to be meshed phenomenon in social and political-economic matters. Individuals grow up with it, continually discredit it, yet unaware they possess it. Many would disagree but the fact is that modern generations will be raising narcissists. Works Cited Alkers, Douglas, Golter, Jay, Lamm, Brian., and Solt Martha. “Overview of recent developments in the Credit card Industry.” FDIC banking Review 17.3 (2005): 23-35. Bastiaensen, Johan., Marchetti Peter., Mendoza Rene and Perez Francisco. “After the Nicaragua Non Payment Crisis: Alternative to Microfinance Narcissism.” Development and Change 44.4 (2013): 861-885. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12046. Bergman, J. Z., Westerman, J. W., Bergman, S. M., & Daly, J. P. “Narcissism, materialism, and environmental ethics in business students.” Journal of Management Education (2013).doi:10.1177/1052562913488108. Bianco, Katalina M. “The Subprime Lending Crisis: Causes and Effects of the Mortgage Meltdown.” 2008. Web. 9 May 2015. 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