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Florida Everglades The invasive species can greatly cause an impact to the entire ecosystem if at all they are released. This is due to the negative effects they can cause to other species and the entire human race in the surrounding environment.Among these evasive species is the commonly known python an example in the video, it has been released in Florida. This kind of snake has occupied the dry and wet forest of Florida. The first impact is that it has led to competition in terms of feeding with the lesser species in the environment.
Citing an example of the frog species that it’s the same type of food with this python. In addition, this dangerous species also feed on the same frog for defensive mechanism since it digests the frog’s toxin into its blood. Hence, this reduces the number of frog species in the ecosystem as said by the commentator in the documentary video. The python snake also poses danger to human beings in the ecosystem. An example is a snake that tries to attack the hunter in the video who is later rescued by his colleague.
This species can also endanger the lives of people around the forests. Its size enables it to attack a person because of its strength at the tail.This evasive species of the python as it moves it creates a path in the forest. This leads to destruction of small plants which breaks due to the force the species exerts as it crawls on the ground. This reduces the number of plant species available in the ecosystem.In conclusion, the release of evasive species such as the python is dangerous to the ecosystem as indicated by its impact.
The ecosystem in this video includes vegetation, birds and human beings. The anthropogenic effects and impacts are clearly shown in the video. The kind of vegetation available here are papyrus reeds that grows in swampy areas. The trees here are tall acting as habitats for the wild birds.The anthropogenic activities here have a negative impact to the ecosystem such as fire, which destroys trees burning them down. The fire does not only burn trees but it also kills small birds in the ecosystem making the bird species to reduce.
Other anthropogenic activity is the cutting down of trees whereby in the video houses are constructed using which is a product of the tree. This poses danger to the tree species as consistence cutting of it will reduce and eventually lead to exhaustion. Birds and other wild animals will migrate due to the interference with habitat. Canoes, which are the transport vessels for human beings on water, are made using timber from trees. As a result, it continues expose a threat to the tree species in the ecosystem.
Generally, anthropogenic impact is negative in the ecosystem at large. Reference
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