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What Is Morality DB Unit 5 - Assignment Example

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Deontological is a non-Consequentialist and duty oriented moral approach. It entails a person’s conviction of taking the rightful, honorable, and just step regardless of its outcome. At workplace, the concept of right and wrong is derived from the policies. David does…
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What Is Morality DB Unit 5
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Ethical Dilemmas regarding business policies Ethical Dilemmas regarding business policies No Deontological is a non-Consequentialist and duty oriented moral approach. It entails a person’s conviction of taking the rightful, honorable, and just step regardless of its outcome. At workplace, the concept of right and wrong is derived from the policies. David does not need to explain anything since an ex-sister-in-law does not contemplate as a relative anymore. Moreover, the boss also imposed restriction on researching and hence, it became his duty too.

(Reily, Sirgy & Gorman, 2012)No 2. Teleological or Consequence-based perspective entails that the person must consider the pros and cons or outcome of his/her acts and decisions (Fernando, 2009, p.9). It is a concept in which logical reasoning and evaluation is given preference over the ethical concepts. David must acknowledge that no rules have been violated since the president is his boss’s ex-sister-in-law, and hence, he does not need to inform the company about the discovery. No 3. It is a fact that a person ceases to have any legal relation with his or her in-laws after divorce.

However, it would have been better to bring this into Sanders knowledge since it would definitely have impressed him, cautioned him in advance, and proven David’s efficiency and honesty towards the job and company.No 4. In this situation, by not informing the authorities David has not disrupted the company’s policy regarding ethical requirements. Hence, there will be no negative remittances whatsoever that he will be facing. Instead, it is likely that by enlightening the authorities about this aspect and further informing about the legalities involved might prove beneficial for him professionally.

ReferencesFernando, A. C. (2009). Business ethics: An Indian perspective. (p. 9). Pearson Education India. Retrieved from, N. P., Sirgy, M. J., & Gorman, A. (2012). Work and quality of life: Ethical practices in organizations. (p. 478). Springer. Retrieved from

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