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The Last Whig by Eisenhower - Book Report/Review Example

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The paper “The Last Whig by Eisenhower” analyzes the lecture that Eisenhower was referred to as the last Whig. Eisenhower was more directly related to the cause of business; addresses the issue of slavery and at the same time, avowed to adhere to the Constitution…
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The Last Whig by Eisenhower
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The Last Whig It can be inferred from the lecture that Eisenhower was referred to as the last Whig. This is for the reasons that Eisenhower was moredirectly related with the cause of business; addresses the issue of slavery and at the same time, avowed to adhere to the Constitution and more importantly was inclined to support concession in political disputes, a far imagery of the typical Republicans of the 1950s who were anti-communist party, who wanted to repeal the New Deal and cut taxes on businesses and business men, and those who can be seen at the Country Club among others. The Whigs, as a political party can be traced back during the period of what History considered as Jacksonian democracy which opposed the policies of President Jackson and the Democratic Party. The Whigs believed in a balanced government, however, it provide for the supremacy of Congress which can be inferred it its distrust to too much power in the hands of the Executive Branch. Aside from this, it favored an agenda for modernization and economic development. Similarly, they encourage internal improvements and the growth of Industry. I agree that Eisenhower is the last Whig. He is a Whig as can be inferred in his Presidency's domestic and foreign policies. In the domestic scene, he was able to set up the foundation for modernization and economic development by enlarging the social security program, more farm subsidies, and the minimum wage was increased; and by his budgetary restraint and a balanced budget led the United States into prosperity after the wars of the past years. Aside from these, the admission of Alaska and Hawaii to the Union were among the important historical events of his Presidency. Eisenhower's administration paved the ground work for the Interstate Highway system which has its economic as well as military benefits for the nation, which can all be referred to as the internal improvements as termed by the Whigs. Similarly, his administration provided the precedents for the succeeding administrations with regards the Civil Rights Act. He supported and implemented the 1954 land mark case of Brown v. Board of Education with regards the desegregation of public schools and likewise was able to implement the complete desegregation of the Armed Forces. The Space Race likewise challenged the administration of Eisenhower, and as such, he provided for a national loan program for higher education for producing engineers which will help in the Space Race. On Eisenhower's Foreign policy front, his administration saw the end of the Korean War and left a legacy called the Eisenhower Doctrine in relation with the Suez Crisis in the Middle East which provides that the U.S. would be prepared to use armed force to counter aggression from any country controlled by international communism. The doctrine shows a clear example that he was keen in the amicable settlement of disputes political or otherwise. Similarly, he was able to form a peace treaty with Soviet leaders which make Austria neutral The aforementioned significant events proved to be the precedent and the guide for subsequent administration in addressing the needs of time. It all provides for the foundation of important legislation and policies of the United States. Eisenhower was able to modernize the economy and the military and at the same time focused on maintaining world peace and avoidance of conflict; these can all be attributed to the Whig in him. References Name of your Professor, "Ike: The Last Whig" (presented at _____, Place, date). Dwight David Eisenhower. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Dwight D. Eisenhower. N.d. (accessed March 15, 2007) The U.S. Involvement in the Vietnam War (From Truman to Johnson) The United States involvement in the Vietnam War began during the Truman Administration by announcing U.S. support of restoring French power. Truman's "containment policy" which calls for the opposition to Communist expansion, led the U.S. to continue to recognize French rule and the French client government. Thereafter, the Truman administration send foreign aid to the French and non-combatant soldiers to assist in the supplies. By 1953, the French received almost one-third of the U.S. Foreign aid, for the reason that the U.S. supported an independent Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration increases U.S. military aid to the French in Vietnam to prevent a Communist victory. Eisenhower uses the "Domino Theory" which provides that if South Vietnam were to fall to communist forces, then all of Southeast Asia would follow. This theory was used by Eisenhower and the successive Presidents to give good reason for the U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The Eisenhower administration likewise offered to train the South Vietnamese army. In the Geneva Accords of 1954 provides for the 17th parallel which divides Vietnam to North and South and by 1955, Eisenhower pledges his support to the newly elected Diem government of South Vietnam, economically and in military aid as well. The U.S. backed government of Diem refused to proceed with the Geneva Accords' unifying election. Similarly, the U.S. rejected the U.S.S.R's proposal for the permanent division of the North and South Vietnam, the U.S. unwilling to recognize the Communist North Vietnam. During the Kennedy administration, American involvement grew larger as more Americans were killed in action. The U.S. began financing the training of the Special Forces in the army of South Vietnam in counter insurgency in the fight against the Viet Cong guerillas. He likewise sent Vice President Johnson to meet Diem and offer increased military assistance. After the assassination of Kennedy, it was President Johnson who oversaw the massive rise of the war. It is incumbent upon the new President to continue his predecesor's war against the communists. In his term, he countermanded Kennedy's order to withdraw military personnel by the end of 1963 as such, it begun the U.S.' direct involvement in the ground war in Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution became the legal anchor of Johnson as the basis for all subsequent American warfare in Vietnam. It gave the President power to carry out military operations in South East Asia without a declaration of war. Similarly, the Operation Rolling Thunder and air attacks on North Vietnam materialized. 1968 ushers the Tet Offensive, where the Viet Congs and the communist suffered a major tactical defeat, however, it also mete out severe damage to the Americans for its support for the war in Vietnam. March of the same year likewise bear witness to the My Lai massacre where over 300 Vietnamese civilians are slaughtered in My Lai by the Charlie Company of the U.S. Army while participating in an airborne assault against suspected Viet Cong encampments in Quang Ngai Province. This event further reduced the support of the Americans back in the mainland. As such, more demonstrations were held back home. The U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War basically lies in its ideology of the promotion of democracy all over the world and to combat communism. It has taken in to itself the responsibility of defending freedom and liberty at all cost. The Post World War II era, ushers the rise of two world super powers the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic, and this accounts for what is now known as the Cold War. The Cold War was a battle of ideologies as well as a battle between two different political and economic orders. It likewise engages in the control over geographical territories as well as political and economic influence over different nation states. Similarly, this post 1945 era fosters numerous anti colonial movements. These among others, can be attributed to the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. References Name of your Professor, "Vietnam and the Tragedy LBJ" Name" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "JFK: Myth and Reality" (presented at _____, Place, date). Dwight David Eisenhower. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Harry S. Truman. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) John Fitzgerald Kennedy. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Lyndon Baines Johnson. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) The Vietnam War. N.d. March15, 2007) The Vietnam War Time line. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement moved toward the desegregation among blacks and whites all over the United States. Among the Civil Rights movement I believe that the following: Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas, the Montgomery Bus incident and March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs were the most crucial for the success of the Civil Rights movement. The 1954 landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education paved the foundation for the integration of schools and eventually those also of higher education in the colleges and universities. Similarly, it guarantees the Fourteenth amendment which assures of the equal protection of the law. The ground-breaking U.S. Supreme Court gave equal opportunity to education, which in turn likewise was beneficial to the American society. Aside from these, the case was the advent of the representation of the African-American in government positions as can be inferred by the desegregation of the Armed Forces as well as Eisenhower's appointment to posts on his staff. The Montgomery Bus Incident wherein Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat in favor of a white person consequently leads to the outlawing segregation in City buses. As such, it likewise became a precedent in the eventual desegregation of public places and establishment. But I think, the most important aspect of this incident was that it raises the consciousness for the Civil Rights movements in a higher level both in the State and Federal settings. The March on Washington for Freedom and Jobs on the other hand was also crucial, wherein it is a relatively peaceful march for there was not one arrest connected with it. It is in this march that Martin Luther King, Jr. uttered his famous "I have a dream" speech which definitely was engrave in the hearts of every American regardless of color or creed. The march won for the movement the enactment of a Civil Rights Bill which will eventually outlaw racial segregation and discrimination and the Voting Rights Act which enables the African-American to cast their vote. These movements opened up the realization of the Americans that there is more to the color of the skin. It reaffirms the commitment to the Equal Protection of the law as guaranteed by the Constitution. Subsequent legislation and jurisprudence consequently safeguards the civil and political rights of the African-Americans, similarly, these impose limitations on the powers of government as a means of securing the enjoyment of those rights. Reference Name of your Professor, "America Grows Up---Civil Rights for All" (presented at _____, Place, date). Civil Rights (Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson Experience) The Civil Rights movement during the 1955-1968 periods endeavors to abolish racial discrimination of African-Americans particularly those of the Southern part of the country. History will tell that government authorities in the southern states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Arkansans, Tennessee, Oklahoma and Kansas allows acts of discrimination against African American mainly in racial segregation, voter suppression or disfranchisement, denial of economic opportunity and private acts of violence and mass racial violence. As such, many African-Americans moved to the North and somewhat, life was better. The landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education was the first major achievement of the movement. The case was decided under the Supreme Court during the incumbency of Eisenhower. Eisenhower supported the decision and moved toward the integration of public schools. He did propose to Congress the Civil Rights Act of 1957 and 1960 and eventually signed the acts, although both were weak, but nevertheless, it constitutes a first of sort a significant legislation since the 1870s. Eisenhower likewise faced the Little Rock Central High School crisis of 1957 which prompted him to place the Arkansas National Guard under federal control and sent Army troops to escort the nine black students into the school. This just show Eisenhower's respect to the separation of powers and acting within the ambit of the constitution by enforcing the law and respecting the Judiciary. Kennedy, on the other hand, likewise supported racial integration and civil rights. Though, he initially believed that the grassroots movement for Civil rights would only anger many Southern whites who will make it difficult for the passage of Civil rights law in a Southern Democrat dominated Congress. However, he still intervened in the enrolment and eventually to the admission of African-American university students in Mississippi and Alabama and eventually proposed what would be the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Johnson, even in his Senate days helped craft the two Eisenhower bills supporting Civil Rights Act over the objections of the southern politicians. He likewise overcame the resistance and eventually achieves the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which effectively outlaws most forms of racial segregation. Similarly, he was able to achieve the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which allows millions of Southern Blacks to vote for the first time. He likewise appointed Civil Rights Lawyer Marshall as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, the first for an African-American in history. It can be noted that all these Presidents were able to keep their mandate in upholding the rule of law with respect to the Civil Rights movements. It can be inferred that all have their reservation and hesitant due to political pressure from their white southern constituency, all managed to get through the boycotts, and other civil disobedience which consequently, made life for African Americans a little better than in the nineteenth century and likewise assure continuous progression in legislative and domestic policies on civil rights movement. References Name of your Professor, "America Grows Up---Civil Rights for All" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "Ike: The Last Whig" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "JFK: Myth and Reality" (presented at _____, Place, date). Dwight David Eisenhower. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) John Fitzgerald Kennedy. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Lyndon Baines Johnson. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) America in the 1950s The 1950s played a pivotal role in the lives of Americans. It is the transition from the post World War II era, it accompanies the advent of the Civil Rights Movement, a better family life, advances in technology and medical research and it set the stage for the U.S. to play its enormous part in the world stage as well. Everything seems to be at peace after the two world wars and the great depression. Civil Rights movement can be traced as far back in the 1950s with what is called as the Montgomery Bus Boycott which can be marked out by Rosa Parks, who after a hard day's work refused to give up her seat up front to a white man. The refusal to give her seat consequently ensures all African-Americans must be given equal treatment with the whites under the law. It commences the national struggle for freedom and justice. Prior to this was the landmark case of Brown v. Board of Education which ensures equal education opportunities to all children in the public school systems. This proves to leave a long lasting imprint in the nation as the minority of the African-American fight for their equal rights all through out the sixties to the seventies and eventually integrates them into the American society, which consequently helps the nation to be who it is right now, defender of freedom and equality regardless of race, color, or creed. And as America grows up, the world also grows up along with it. The United States, as a result is rewarded for being one of the most highly industrialized countries in the world who provides a long list of opportunities to many people all over the world. Aside from the Civil Rights movement, it is in the 1950s that the U.S. started to play in the world stage in terms of foreign policy and foreign aid to nations who are in the post colonialism era. The U.S. started to command international relations through its involvement in the repression of communism in Korea, in some parts of Latin America and eventually Vietnam. It became competitive in the Space Race making certain that technological advancement will work to its advantage in terms of economic and military gains as well. Its impact on the American lives, it lays the foundation of being a super power committed to the causes of freedom, equality and liberty for all. References Name of your Professor, "America Grows Up---Civil Rights for All" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "Ike: The Last Whig" (presented at _____, Place, date). Dwight David Eisenhower. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Harry S. Truman. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) The Carter Presidency Jimmy Carter described himself as a Democrat who is progressive on Civil rights but fiscally conservative. He wanted to demystify the Presidency, but did not realize that the public liked a little showiness on the office. He would like to project a regular guy image, to which he is not a regular guy, being a man of high intelligence. Carter has his greatest success in foreign policy which interweaves his Christian morality. His success in the foreign policy can be attributed to the fact that Congress could not block his actions as easily as it could in terms of domestic policies. On the world stage, Carter proves to be triumphant in building the framework for peace at the Middle East via the Camp David Accords where Egypt recognizes Israel and Israel withdrew its troops from Sinai and consequently a Peace Treaty was signed in March of 1979. On the other hand his Panama Canal Treatise where U.S. build the Canal was returned to Panama, with the provision that the U.S. will continue to operate and protect the canal. This treatise placed Carter under public scrutiny as to whether or not the President is tough enough and would stand up for the U.S. The foreign policy of the U.S. during his administration placed human rights at the forefront. He ended support to the U.S. backed Somoza rule in Nicaragua and gave aid to the Sandinista National Liberation Front. He ignored Archbishop Romero's plea not to send military aid to El Salvador. He likewise continued his predecessor's policies of sanctions to Rhodesia, and criticized Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner and Chile's Pinochet and the apartheid in South Africa. He also continued the One China policy of Nixon. He equally worked for the promotion of the Strategic Arms Limitations Talk II which reduces the number of nuclear arms produced by the U.S. or U.S.S.R. The Soviet invasion of Afghanistan ushers the Carter Doctrine that the U.S. would not allow any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf. With this, he likewise terminated the Russian Wheat Deal and boycotting the Olympic games in Moscow. After the Soviets left the rebels established the Taliban government which is considered to be the most repressive Islamic nation in the world. Carter's biggest failure is in Iran. This destroyed his presidency. The Shah of Iran is anti communist and was willing to allow American oil companies to enjoy rich concessions. The Shah's government was exactly the type of repressive regime Carter hated. It is the time in history where Iranians revolted against their leader in 1978. The Shah abdicated and the exiles returned and it saw Ayatollah Khomeini rise in power. The U.S. support for the Shah was played in Tehran. Ayatollah, revoked U.S.' oil concessions and was forced out of Iran. The Ayatollah regime likewise asked for the return of the Shah to face its court of justice. Carter was prepared to take the Shah back when he was confronted with a dilemma. It can be inferred that the Shah's fortune was within the Chase Manhattan Bank, one of America's biggest bank. Betrayal of the Shah means he would wire the money in Switzerland and as such it will cause a major turmoil on Wall street, further, other Sheiks in the oil nation would be reluctant to place their fortunes in the American bank and its consequence. It would collapse the entire American Financial structure and it will be the era of the Great Depression all over again. The admission of the Shah for medical treatment in the U.S. seemed to Iranian students giving permanent sanctuary to the deposed leader and the group of students took control of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and was subsequently exploited by Ayatollah which held hostage American embassy employees. Carter's rescue mission failed and he was perceived to be incapable for the office. On the domestic forefront, he reorganizes his cabinet by the creation of the Department of Energy and the Department of Education. There were efforts to reduce a number of government departments and signed into law a major Civil Service Reform. He also signed into law increasing the payroll tax for Social Security and appointed women, blacks and Hispanic to the government. He made it possible to have national park lands in Alaska and was successful in to some extent deregulating the trucking, rail, airline, communication, oil and finance industries. Over all, America failed to see the real warrior in Carter, for America has undergone crucial changes, a decay in the national leadership in the guise of Nixon and Agnew, a national guilt over Vietnam, higher inflation rate in the Ford presidency. This proves to be a low point for American self-confidence. References Name of your Professor, "Confused America" (presented at _____, Place, date). James Earl "Jimmy" Carter, Jr. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Iran-Contra Scandal The Iran-Contra Scandal is said to be the principal scandal in the United States in the 1980s. It occurred during the administration of Ronald Reagan. It implicates a number of the Reagan Administration in 1986 who helped and facilitated the sale of arms to Iran considered to be the U.S.' enemy and the proceeds of the sale was used to finance the Contras, the anti-communist guerillas in Nicaragua. The Middle East's militant organization like the Hezbollah took Westerners for hostages, six of whom were Americans. The Reagan Administration claim that by selling arms to Iran, Iran in turn would influence the Hezbollah in releasing the hostages. During the said period, Iran is in the center of the Iran-Iraq war and could not find any western nation to supply its weapons. Previously, the sale was made through Israel and later on it became a direct sale and the proceeds from it would go to the Contras at a mark up. The Contras, on the other hand were a guerilla organization engaged in the insurgency against the leftist Sandinista government of Nicaragua. The sale was reported in a Lebanese magazine in 1986 which alleged the weapons-for-hostage deal. The truth of the foregoing were all confirmed by the Iranian government and Reagan himself, but the latter denied that it was in exchange of the hostages. Reference Name of your Professor, "Serenity and Deceit" (presented at _____, Place, date). The Turning Points of the Vietnam War The Geneva Accords of 1954 divided Vietnam into North and South Vietnam and in its midst is the 17th parallel. The partition was supposed to be temporary pending the national election of 1956. The 17th parallel was stipulated cannot be interpreted as a political territorial boundary. The Diem government refused to follow it maintaining that it that South Vietnam was not a signatory to it; it likewise questioned the legitimacy of the election held in the North. It proves to be a major turning point in the war, for the reason that the Treaty was not given a chance to uphold the elections which may altogether alter the course of the war or probably end the war itself. For the war fare anchored its sentiments for Independence from the French and what system of government will govern in Vietnam. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 1964 proves to be another turning point in the war. This is for the reason that the President of the United States (then President Johnson) was given the power to conduct military operations in South East Asia without a declaration of war. It should be noted that the American Constitution provides that the declaration of war needs the concurrence of Congress. As such, the resolution makes it incumbent upon the President to determine the state of necessity of war in the Southeast Asian region without further consultations with Congress. The Tet Offensive in 1968 on the other hand, was a tactical defeat of the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese. The picture of the war was now apparent to the American public and the support for the war deteriorated. Again, it is a turning point in the war, for the reason that the Communist was successful in mounting a country side assault which was indeed a blow for the U.S. winning the war in the soonest possible time. Subsequently, President Johnson stop the progress of bombing North Vietnam. March of the same year, Vietnam witnessed the My Lai massacre where over 300 Vietnamese civilians are slaughtered in My Lai by the Charlie Company of the U.S. Army while participating in an airborne assault against suspected Viet Cong encampments in Quang Ngai Province. Upon entering My Lai and finding no Viet Cong, the Americans begin killing every civilian in sight, and was interrupted by helicopter pilot Hugh Thompson who lands and begins evacuating civilians. News photos of the massacre showing a mass of dead children, women and old men, lingers as one of the most enduring images of America's involvement in Vietnam. This event further reduced the support of the Americans back in the mainland. As such, more demonstrations were held back home. The War in Vietnam is a result of the U.S. commitment to democracy and a capitalist economy anchored on freedom, liberty and justice among others. The U.S. Presidents involved in the war justified the U.S. involvement by using a wide range of theories from the Domino Theory and most importantly, its commitment to stop the wide spread of communism which is detrimental to U.S. interests in the global setting. The U.S. likewise suffered its own setback of the war. Sacrificing much lives, mostly innocent at that all in the name of liberty. References Name of your Professor, "Vietnam and the Tragedy LBJ" Name" (presented at _____, Place, date). The Vietnam War. N.d. March15, 2007) The Vietnam War Time line. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) The Significance of 1968 The generation of the year 1968 have bear witnessed to major historical events of the twentieth century which definitely alter the course of history and have foremost importance both in the domestic and foreign policies of the U.S. The generation who were eyewitnesses to the year's event is a generation which have a remarkable political awareness and cultural alienation. They all stand at the cross road of new policies which will afterward affect the lives of the future generation. 1968 go through and endure the important events which involves assassination of the Democrat Presidential Nominee Robert Kennedy, a prominent political figure who has shown a remarkable capacity to understand the hardships of others, and another assassination of a well revered leader of the Civil Rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King. Add to these is the Kent shooting And as if bloodshed is enough in the domestic scene, not until one saw the lifeless bodies of civilians, fellow Americans in military service there is the Tet Offensive of 1968, proved to be the bloodiest military of the Vietnam War launched by the North against the South. In the same year, the My Lai massacre occurred. It is where American troops shot and killed defenseless civilians while participating in an airborne assault against suspected Viet Cong encampments. This was often referred to as the result of the Search and Destroy missions and was widely presented in the media. The bloodshed of 1968 grounded the Americans. Americans begin to reassess their values and reconsider their stand on the ongoing war in Vietnam as well as the domestic events which unfolds. Media representation convey to the Americans and to the rest of the world, the real score and casualties of the war. It is a pivotal year in American politics for policies currently implemented were all re-assessed to fit the calls of the time. Similarly, it shows the increasing significance of media reportage in the awareness of events locally or abroad and how it shaped public opinion on important issues of the day. References Name of your Professor, "Vietnam and the Tragedy LBJ" (presented at _____, Place, date). The Vietnam War. N.d. March15, 2007) The Vietnam War Time line. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) Lyndon Baines Johnson. N.d. (accessed March15, 2007) The Presidency's Growth and Progression (From Kennedy to Bush the Elder) The Presidency of the United States of America is always in the midst of the global stage. His policies, domestic or foreign, were all given bearing in world events. Almost all countries world wide benefited from these policies. Aside from these, it can be inferred that it being of a political nature is not precluded by its own series of controversies and misgivings, but nonetheless assure continuity and all vowed to defend freedom and liberty at all costs. The Presidents from Kennedy to Bush the Elder all have its ups and downs in its respective administration and this essay will mention the significant events and contribution made by each. President John F. Kennedy, probably the most iconic of all, being the youngest to be elected and radiates his youthfulness in office promised to end racial discrimination which serves as the ground work for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and assures a limited military action to fight communism in Vietnam. He took full responsibility for the Bay of Pigs Invasion. Similarly, he intend to keep in check communism in the nearby Latin America by instituting the Alliance for progress which sent foreign aid and assure of human rights protection among the countries. These were all ended by an assassin bullet in 1963. His successor President Lyndon Johnson continues the reform of his predecessors in office. He also championed the Civil Rights Act Legislations of 1964 and thereafter the Voting Rights in 1965. His administration was deeply involved in the war in Vietnam and amidst the tumultuous year of American history in 1968. The miscalculations in the Vietnam War prompted him not to bid his re-election since his popularity plummeted due to the Tet Offensive and My Lai Massacre among others. President Richard Nixon, best remembered for his achievements in foreign policy. Despite his feat in the foreign policy, the country suffered economic recession during the oil crisis, which can be attributed to his lack of foresight on the economic side of the issue. His abuse of power as manifested by the Watergate affair costs him the Presidency and made him the only President to have resigned from office, which overshadowed his achievement locally and abroad. President Gerald Ford, the only person to become President without having been elected either as President or Vice President was burdened by the so called blunders committed by his predecessors in office. His administration is in the focal point where America was disillusioned by their current lost in Vietnam and add to that the scandals which rocked the institution of the Executive department. He received strong criticism when he pardoned Nixon for all crimes the latter had committed whether known or not. This is considered to be the foremost wrong step he had made, for the public was not given the opportunity to find out the truth. On top of these, were inflation and mild recession problems, wherein his administration failed to address squarely. On the other side, he championed equal rights for women and signed into law the Education for all Handicapped Children Act. On the international side, the administration saw the withdrawal of American forces in Vietnam. He likewise continued Nixon's policy of dtente with the Soviets. He likewise gave the signal to the invasion of the Portuguese's East Timor which resulted to the massacre of its people. And likewise faced the Mayaguez Incident in 1975. His most important foreign policy is the execution of the Helsinki Accords. President Carter on the other hand, despite numerous set back in the home front, was a success in foreign policy. He was able to build the frame work for Middle East Peace Agreement via the Camp David Accords among others. He equally worked for the promotion of the Strategic Arms Limitations Talk II and the morality towards foreign policy issues. However, his biggest failure is the Iran Hostages wherein he failed in the rescue mission and was caught in the middle of returning the Shah and the investment of the latter in U.S. Banks all amidst the economic recession in the U.S. He relatively become successful in domestic policy by signing into law increasing the payroll tax for Social Security and appointed women, blacks and Hispanic to the government among others. President Reagan was attributed in the revitalizing economy and morale after the difficult times of the sixties and the seventies. Often times he is also credited for having won the Cold War and credit was given to him for the collapse of the Berlin Wall. On the home front, he implemented his Reaganomics which is on the supply side of the economy. Although there are disagreement towards his economic policies, he was still able to push through which encourages economic growth and curb inflation. His second term was mostly foreign affairs. He moved away with the dtente of his predecessors, instead he implemented a new policy towards the Soviet Union. He still supported anti-communist groups all over the world. The Iran-Contra Scandal proves to be a blow in his Presidency, being considered one of the largest political scandals of the 1980s. President George H.W. Bush is the President amidst the uncertainty of the latter part of the twentieth century. He ordered the invasion of Panama in the early period of his administration due to its increasing role in drug trafficking. He is best known internationally for leading the Gulf War in 1990, when Iraq led by Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The operation sought after the Iraqis removal from Kuwait and to prevent the invasion of Saudi Arabia and subsequently declared that it is a war against aggression. After soaring ratings after the Gulf War, it went down because of the economic recession after the end of the war. Subsequently, 1991 witnessed the end of the Cold War era and a new world order emerges. References Name of your Professor, "Confused America" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "JFK: Myth and Reality" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "Serenity and Deceit" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "Tricky Dick" (presented at _____, Place, date). Name of your Professor, "Vietnam and the Tragedy LBJ" (presented at _____, Place, date). Nixon and his Foreign Policies Richard Nixon is best remembered for his achievements in foreign policy and the Watergate affair and other related humiliation, in which he became so absorbed that he was compelled to resign from office. Nixon was a skilled negotiator with his extensive comprehension of world affairs, coupled with a reliable adviser in the person of Henry Kissinger. He followed a foreign policy marked by dtente with the Soviet Union. In 1972, it limits the anti ballistic missile deployment of both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. and consequently the Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (SALT). U.S. Relationship with China likewise improved which accordingly resulted to an open diplomatic relationship with the People's Republic of China and was able to travel to China and be photographed with Mao Zhedong. As such, these events reduced the tensions with both the U.S.S.R and China. On the Vietnam frontier, he implemented the Nixon Doctrine which called for the "Vietnamization" of the troops. Another part of his strategy was the resumption of U.S. bombing of North Vietnam should they violate the Peace Agreement and subsequently, puts an end the fighting in Vietnam by ending American involvement in the war. On the other side of Asia, his policy on the Indo-Pakistani War failed for the reason that it costs the dismantling of an ally, Pakistan and he seems to have fallen short to prevent the Bangladeshi independence. On the Latin America, he backed the Pinochet regime of Chile in 1973 which over throw the Socialist government. In the Middle East, on the other hand, together with Kissinger, they were able to secure the negotiation of disengagement agreements between Israel on the one hand, and Egypt, and Syria on the other. Aside from this, he likewise championed the cause towards a lasting peace in the Middle East. However, this does not prevent the limiting oil policies of the oil rich middle east countries, as such American economy failed into a set back which resulted to a recession of the economy. As such, he and Kissinger over looked the economic factor of the oil crisis. References Name of your Professor, "Tricky Dick" (presented at _____, Place, date). Richard Milhous Nixon. N.d. (accessed, March 15, 2007) Read More
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Analysis of Eisenhower's farewell adress

- The theme in the address The farewell speech delivered by eisenhower on the last night of his post as president was centered on subjects vital for citizens of any country aspiring towards progress and better quality of life.... eisenhower'sFarewell Address Introduction Dwight D.... eisenhower was elected to presidency in the year 1952.... Five decades ago, on January 17th 1961 President Dwight D eisenhower gifted the nation words of wisdom concealed in his Farewell Address....
4 Pages (1000 words) Term Paper

War Decisions of Eisenhower

hellip; Some of the decisions made by eisenhower have been argued by scholars and individuals worldwide on whether they were strategically realistic for the current stage in the combat or whether they were made out of personal whims.... Gerras' critical thinking model can be used extensively to discuss the decisions made by eisenhower during the war.... The other decision made by eisenhower was the decision concerning General Patton's slapping incident, where Patton was accused of slapping two ill soldiers, yet Eisenhower decided to retain him as one of his top commanders....
6 Pages (1500 words) Essay

Book Review of Eisenhower Lessons in Leadership

Book review of eisenhower lessons in leadership Alan Axelrod who is a former English professor, is the author of this book.... His experience in writing is evident in the manner he uses the case of General eisenhower to teach about leadership in the modern organization1.... Alan Axelrod offers a wonderful profile of a great leadership of General Dwight eisenhower.... He does a great job in bringing the picture of eisenhower, his time, and the environment that he lived in....
3 Pages (750 words) Essay

Dichomtomy During Eisenhower History p5db

In spite of controversial and debatable issues related to the President eisenhower and his presidency, the 1950s were the best decade of the 29th century.... hellip; During this period of time, eisenhower developed and maintained political doctrines and frameworks followed by all American presidents after him. The contribution of eisenhower can be proved by his political strategies and unique approaches to relations with the rest of the world....
2 Pages (500 words) Essay

Vietnam and the Eisenhower Era

All the ambiguities, uncertainty and losses generated during the Vietnam war were due to the policy that was followed by eisenhower.... The eisenhower era is significant because American policy in Vietnam was shaped during this time, although the actual war took place during the Kennedy and Johnson era.... It was because eisenhower pursued a policy of containment in Vietnam, that the war finally erupted.... hellip; The reason for the high level of success enjoyed by the Vietnamese was because eisenhower chose to focus the strength of the American attack through its air force and the Vietnamese were able to hide in the jungles and had minimal damage....
9 Pages (2250 words) Essay

Dwight Eisenhower

The United States of America needed the services of great… tary leader in the mould of General Dwight David eisenhower during the Second World War as he seemed the best man to lead the US army to war against the Hitler Nazis. eisenhower is a typical example of a dynamic leader whose leadership qualities on and off the battle ground is ncomparable with other military leaders after him and it is only a few generals that were before that could possibly match his tremendous leadership skills....
4 Pages (1000 words) Term Paper

Eisenhowers Politics

eisenhower's first… One of his most famous achievements is the building of a nationwide roads network, creating jobs and enhancing the ability of different industries eisenhower's Politics eisenhower became President of the United s at a time when society was changing very fast.... eisenhower's first presidency between 1953 and 1961 focused on job creation through the New Deal policies which he had inherited from his predecessor....
1 Pages (250 words) Essay

Criminal Law Discussions

This coursework "Criminal Law" requires a discussion of the Non-fatal offenses against the person in the context of the acts committed by Stan and Oliver while they were on their way back from a football match.... The cardinal issues arise from technical assault, assault, battery and homicide.... hellip; Whether or not O was committing a dangerous act in this regard will be measured objectively, i....
10 Pages (2500 words) Coursework
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