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Health Literacy & Patient Safety Patients usually come to their medical practitioner in a of pain, anxiety and acute distress. The medical practitioner, being the healer can first help the patient by being sympathetic and understanding and listening carefully. A sympathetic ear and a gentle and kind reassurance help to allay fears and this is half the battle won. Effective communication is the best way to help patients help themselves. The first challenge for the advanced practice nurse is to gauge patient literacy levels so as to ensure that s/he can follow the instructions properly in order to get the best results for medication prescribed.
Studies have shown that patient friendly communication and an open attitude to answering questions are the best strategies for helping patients understand medical information, and caring for them more effectively. Health literacy is defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions” (Ratzan and Parker, 2000). The first step for an advanced practice nurse to measure levels of health literacy in a patient, is to overcome barriers of communication and create an open shame free environment.
An attitude of helpfulness and understanding of his/her problems, and offering an environment of privacy to answer questions and discuss details of history, education and medications, will enhance understanding and a feeling of adequacy in patients. Having a family member present if the patient feels more comfortable, and willingness to answer any questions, even repetitive ones, help instill confidence. An advanced practice nurse needs to take patient backgrounds into account while communicating with them.
Things like can they read the instructions on pill boxes or do they recognize them by color? are important indications of the level of health literacy in patients. Speaking slowly, clearly and stressing those things that are most important for them to remember, are keys to better understanding and more effective health care. While explaining health issues, using examples from everyday life will facilitate better understanding of the problem. For example comparing the heart to a pump or the knee joint to a door frame that needs oiling for smooth working, will help patients to be more involved and take informed decisions.
An advanced practice nurse can use non medical terms, which is the best way of getting through the barrier of fear and anxiety that most patients come to a clinic with. Using posters charts and models that use association enhances recall. If a patient is forgetful or unable to read pill names, she could perhaps make a chart with timings and the starting letter of the pill as an easier way to ensure correct and timely medication. These timings could perhaps coincide with meal times so the patient remembers to take the medication.
One important point that an advanced practice nurse must remember is that each patient is different and what works for one may not for another. Reviewing how much the patient has understood and underscoring the most important parts helps to ensure that they adhere to therapy hence benefiting by it. The teach back method is very effective in evaluating how much the patient has understood, and being able to do this so that the patient does not feel inadequate ensures that s/he will get the utmost benefit from the ministrations and instructions of the advanced practice nurse.
Most important of all the advanced practice nurse must give time to individual patients and encourage them to ask questions so that they leave the clinic better informed and less anxious than when they entered it. References Ratzan and Parker The National Academies Press Health Literacy: A prescription to end confusion What is health literacy ? Page 32 Retrieved from
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