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"Possible Complications of Using Cinnamon Sticks in Labor Induction in Saudi Arabia" paper states that bivariate statistics will applicably be used in the presentation of the use of cinnamon sticks. This also applies to any of the other variables considered extraneous…
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Extract of sample "Possible Complications of Using Cinnamon Sticks in Labor Induction in Saudi Arabia"
4.1 Levels of Analysis
The planned research is quantitative as opposed to qualitative. In essence, the analysis will take place at three identified levels; descriptive, inferential and predictive.
i. Descriptive level
The use of descriptive statistical analysis will be significant in the presentation of the sample populations. It will, therefore, have the function of summarizing data in a way that is unifying. In this case, the mean of the information will be calculated. Secondly, the standard deviations of the same data will be calculated. It was hypothesized that women in low socio-economic areas but using the stated hospital are more likely to use cinnamon sticks than those in higher economic zones. This will take to account their ages, time and level of pregnancy at which cinnamon was induced to aid birth process, and any other relevant information viable for consideration. The information will be presented in tables so that adequate understanding is realized.
At this level, bivariate statistics will applicably be used in the presentation of the use of cinnamon sticks and the possibility of there being an impact. This also applies to any of the other variables considered extraneous. There will also be the use of correlational analysis, specifically the Pearson’s correlational analysis for the sake of determining the extraneous variables in consideration during the later regression models. It is important that all the variables are considered effectively to make sure that the relationship between use of cinnamon and any of the variables is ascertained. It is noted that there are variables that lead to the high level use of the sticks than others.
ii. Inferential Analysis
This will be used in ascertaining the fact that the found effects of the use of cinnamon in labor induction are applicable as per the objectives of the research. Regarding the research design, it was noted that the examined characteristics will be considered to be randomly distributed. To this cause, t-tests will be used in comparing the level of adverse effects realized and the normal births in the same samples.
iii. Predictive Analysis
In this case, there will be the direct use of regression analysis to determine the intensity of the effects of using cinnamon sticks based on the application of the extraneous factors. This will indicate whether or not the effect is due to the independent variable or to an extraneous variable. Variations in the extraneous variables will be done to determine the various changes in the effects on the mothers of using cinnamon sticks.
4.2 Plans for the Dissemination of Findings
When the study is complete, the compilation of a report will be done. However, adequate consultation will be sought from other colleagues that have done similar researches. It is noted that very little research has been done on the effects of cinnamon sticks to labor induction in women. Therefore, this research will viably be submitted to a collection of journal article volumes as part of their periodic issues. In particular, the Saudi Medical Journal, Saudi Medical Journal Online and Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences are the target journal articles that will receive this publication. This will help pass the journals to various university libraries and medical information collections in the country such as Al-Majmaah University, College of Medicine and King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences and others. From these libraries, it is anticipated that the journal will reach to other international academic arena, thanks to the internet and online libraries at the universities in Saudi Arabia and other places. However, there is no limitation to the number of libraries, schools and government agencies that may want to use the information in the journal. It is noted that the Saudi medical journal is a monthly publication and will therefore be the best first choice to submit to. This is because the editing team will need to go through the information, effectively edit it before publication. Moreover, the same will be submitted to Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. The latter journal is affiliated to University of Dammam. It will therefore be re-edited based on the university quality rules before being put in their library and effectively being put on publication as per their quarterly release structure.
4.3 Budget
The research involves much traveling. Hiring one research assistant was a way of minimizing the costs of operation. As a student, there are financial limitations and constraints. The budget also takes to account the research timelines as indicated in appendix 2.
Total ($)
Cumulative total ($)
One research assistant (only viable for the research period)
25 days per month×$22 per day ×6 months
Hospital staff helping in extraction of the charts
2 persons ×$55 per day×14 days
Effective supplies
2 laptop computers
$650 per laptop ×2
Cabinets for filing
One cabinet
Space for office
350 per month ×6
Bill for phone calls
$20 per month ×6 months
Miscellaneous and travel
$2000 per month ×6
Grand Total
4.4 Funding Sources
The researcher has the objective of sourcing for funding from different sources. The government of Saudi Arabia has been known to support higher education and therefore it is also expected that there will be effective funding from the government. Saudi Arabia tops the world in higher education spending including her students pursuing higher education in other countries (Smith & Abouammoh, 2013). Therefore, expenditure is sure to be partly offset by the government. There is, therefore, every indication that there will be a substantial financial support for the program. Further funds will be obtained from the LHV Persian Gulf Fund, which is a fund for companies in the region to create a consolidated fund for education. The last fund source is the King Faisal Foundation (KFF) which is also a philanthropic education fund.
4.5 Suggestions for Future Research
This research is considered basic. It was noted in chapter 1 that there is very little research that has been done on this topic. This maiden research is still general on the effects of cinnamon on induction of labor. However, after identifying the individual impact, more research can be done on the contents of cinnamon that cause the respective impact. The impacts vary differently and it is important that other medical students take part in furthering the knowledge through practical and primary means. Secondly, more research can be done on the effects at different trimesters of pregnancy, and whether there are other health-related effects of using cinnamon by a pregnant woman. Thirdly, it can also be discerned the other impacts of cinnamon on the body of a pregnant woman. This would be related to the fact that cinnamon has components that would be of concern to the health of an individual.
Goswami, A., & Dutta, H. N. (2014). Uses Of Control Charts For Healthcare Practitioners Using Count Data. Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 46(2), 76.
Lavery, J. V. (2007). Ethical Issues in International Biomedical Research: A Casebook. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
Liamputtong, P. (2006). Researching the Vulnerable: A Guide to Sensitive Research Methods.
Smith, L., & Abouammoh, A. (2013). Higher Education in Saudi Arabia: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities. London : Springer Science & Business Media.
“My name is (name of researcher), and I am a/an (undergraduate/graduate student, faculty member, etc.) at (name of institution/facility). I am inviting you to participate in a research study. Involvement in the study is voluntary, so you may choose to participate or not. I am now going to explain the study to you. Please feel free to ask any questions that you may have about the research; I will be happy to explain anything in greater detail.
“I am interested in learning more about (state what the research is about). You will be asked to (state what the participant will be asked to do.) This will take approximately ( ) min./hrs. of your time. All information will be kept (either confidential, in the case where subjects identities need to be retained or can be associated with their responses, or anonymous and confidential, in the case where data collection does not allow responses to be connected with a particular subject). If anonymous, this means that your name will not appear anywhere and no one except me will know about your specific answers. If confidential, I will assign a number to your responses, and only I will have the key to indicate which number belongs to which participant. In any articles I write or any presentations that I make, I will use a made-up name for you, and I will not reveal details or I will change details about where you work, where you live, any personal information about you, and so forth.
“The benefit of this research is that you will be helping us to understand (topic of research). This information should help us to (benefit of the research, better understanding, etc.). The risks to you for participating in this study are (state the risks to subjects). These risks will be minimized by (state the procedures you will use to minimize the risks). If you do not wish to continue, you have the right to withdraw from the study, without penalty, at any time.”
Participant - “All of my questions and concerns about this study have been addressed. I choose, voluntarily, to participate in this research project. I certify that I am at least 18 years of age [or have a signed parental consent form on file with the______________________________ department].
print name of participant
signature of participant date
print name of investigator
signature of investigator date
If a researcher is asking about care-taking practices or observing in a childs home, the researcher would need to indicate what his/her reporting responsibility is in the event of child abuse. Another example might be if the researcher determined that subjects were at risk for harming themselves or others. If the researcher felt bound to notify someone about that risk, subjects should be notified of that obligation when asking for their participation.
Anonymous and Confidential Data Collection
Indicate whether data collection will be (a) anonymous or (b) confidential. The term "anonymous" is used when the investigator collects no identifying information about subjects and, thus, an individual data sheet cannot be connected with a specific subject (by the investigator or anyone else) once the data are collected. As an example, tape-recording, by its very nature, cannot be considered anonymous.
Confidentiality, in contrast, refers to collected data that can be linked to an individual subject. For example, assigning subjects numbers, but then keeping a "key" that links the numbers to identifying information, is a procedure one might use in order to preserve confidentiality. Not identifying subjects by name or by any other identifying information in reports and presentations also is a measure taken to preserve confidentiality. If individual subject data are used as illustrative examples, you must assure subjects that this will be done in a way that does not allow identification of the participant. Care must be taken to not only not divulge subjects names, but also other details about them or their experiences that would allow them to be identified. Occasionally, it is important to the research to identify an individual who participated, or subjects themselves may wish to have their contribution attributed to them. In such cases, it would be necessary for a participant to sign a release form indicating their willingness to be so identified.
Audio- and Videotaping
If you wish to tape subjects, please include a request to tape explaining the type (e.g. videotaping in the classroom, audiotaping, single or group interviews, etc.), and the disposition of the tape(s) when the study is complete. If the tapes will be used for any other purpose, clearly state the who, where, and why of the other use; if there is no other use of the tape, simply stating that it will be erased when the study is complete is sufficient.
Benefit to the Participant
If it is too strong a statement to say that the subject will benefit from the research, perhaps the better statement would be that the subject may benefit from the research.
Contact Information
Include contact information - a phone number, and/or e-mail address where subjects may reach you. If a student is conducting the study, the advisors name and phone number should also be provided.
Identifying References
In the event that potentially identifying references need to be included in publications or presentations in order to maintain the basic integrity of the study, the researcher needs to specifically include that fact in the written informed consent statement.
Illegal Activities
Researchers must indicate the limits of the confidentiality. If the researcher plans to ask subjects about their or others illegal activities (underage drinking, drug use, etc.), the consent form must indicate that the researchers data can be subpoenaed. The consent forms should include the following sentence: "The researcher is not immune to legal subpoena about illegal activities. Although it is very unlikely, if law enforcement officials asked to see my data, I would have to comply with that request."
Problematic Language
Language used in the informed consent form should be simple and direct.
Consider the following examples: (1) Problematic language: “The purpose of this study is to validate the concept of citizenship and to determine the public’s view on the rights and responsibilities citizenship entails.” (2) Preferred language: “This study is designed to find out about what being a citizen means to you.”
Use of Minors
The special vulnerability of children makes consideration of involving them as research subjects particularly important. To safeguard their interests and to protect them from harm, special ethical and regulatory considerations are in place for reviewing research involving children. Considerations must be taken of the benefits, risks, and discomforts inherent in the proposed research and to assess the justification in light of the expected benefits to the child-subject or to society as a whole.
Withdrawal from Study
You must state that participation is voluntary and that subjects "may withdraw at any time up until the study has ended." You also must indicate that subjects will not suffer in any way from withdrawing. Wording of this may depend upon the specifics of the study. Examples: (1) If subjects are receiving a service from the agency where the research is occurring, they should be told that they will still continue to receive services even if they decide not to continue participating in the study. (2) If subjects are students in a class or employees in a company, they should be told that their decision to stop participating will not negatively affect a grade or performance evaluation, or participants will be informed on the consent form and by the test administrator that "participation in the study is voluntary and that they can withdraw from participation at any time without penalty."
Appendix 2: Research Timeline
Timing in weeks
Meeting the supervisor
1, 4, 8, 12, 16
References for the literature review
Literature review
Identification of the hypothesis
Identification of the materials and methods
Checking research design by lecturer
Starting the field work
Finishing of the fieldwork
Inputting data
Data analysis
Binding and submitting the report
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This essay "Identifying the Most Common complications of using cinnamon sticks to Induce Labor in Saudi Arabia" access articles with related literature and also establishing a strong understanding of the relationship between the use of cinnamon sticks and the success rate of childbirth.... his is a situation, which has to be avoided at all costs, and it requires that expectant mothers desist from using large amounts of cinnamon sticks in trying to induce labor....
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The development of the means of using cinnamon sticks as a means of inducing labor, while it is lost in history, has in recent years come under intense study because it has allowed for the development of a new field of research in nursing.... Cinnamon sticks have for a long time, been used as a means of inducing labor and this method has become extremely common, especially in saudi arabia.... in saudi arabia, it is common for expectant mothers who are past term to use cinnamon sticks as a means of ensuring that labor is induced and that they give birth to their children normally....
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8 Pages(2000 words)Research Proposal
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