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Article Critique Brykczynski et al (2009) carried out An Intimate Partner Violence: Advanced Practice Nurses Clinical Stories of Success and Challenge qualitative research with a primary purpose of presenting knowledge from clinical experiences of APNs working with women experiencing IPV. During the research, the study used 10 APNs. This is a weakness since the sample size is very minimal when taking into consideration that around 1.3 million women experience intimate partner violence annually in the United States.
Also, the study employed a qualitative research method which primarily is prone to a lot of weaknesses. For instance, the knowledge / findings produced during the research might be specifically unique to the few people or individuals who are included in the study. As such, the results might not be used to generalize to other people. Additionally, since the data is interpreted by the researcher, it is prone to idiosyncrasies and biases. Nevertheless, the data collection method employed is a major strength of the research.
This is majorly because a qualitative method provides the researcher with individual case data/information. Moreover, the study showcases the personal experiences of women undergoing IPV. Thus, it tends to provide a clear description and understanding of the women’s personal experiences (i.e. the insider’s emic view point).
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