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The article deals with concerns about maternal mortality in developing countries, as Puerperal sepsis is the infection responsible for such mortality over the years, which cannot be combated by several antibiotics. With increased awareness and demand for health care for mother and child in developing countries, the health care units are becoming uncontrollable overcrowded. The result is that the infection is spreading faster. The article has reviewed the health care facilities for infection control measures available under the health systems in these countries.
It recommends combination of drugs and technology innovation to reduce such infections. The authors suggest that the infection can be controlled with better behavioral and organizational interventions that may be combined with quality improvement initiatives, training and surveillance, at the labor and delivery control units. This article also lays importance on the global awareness initiatives, which must be targeted to maternity care and childbirth interventions to control the development of this infection during childbirth. .(Hussein et al) As per the article, this infection develops during the first six weeks after the delivery.
The disease can infect the blood stream, abdominal cavity, and womb, causing pain and fever. The cause of this infection stems from the unhygienic methods of vaginal examination, instruments used during the delivery.
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