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Community Assessment- Forest Hills - Assignment Example

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The disciplines that are involved in the plans are blood donation services, prenatal programs, drug take back, Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC), Centre for Tobacco Control (CTC), Stroke Task Force, Gift of Life,…
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Community Assessment- Forest Hills
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Nursing: Nursing Is there an Interdisciplinary Care Plan (ICP) in Forest Hills? Which disciplines are involved in this?There are quite a number of ICPs in Forest hill. The disciplines that are involved in the plans are blood donation services, prenatal programs, drug take back, Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC), Centre for Tobacco Control (CTC), Stroke Task Force, Gift of Life, Hagedorn Cleft Palate Center, among others.2. What are the influences on allocation of resources in Forest Hills?

The allocation of resources has led to diversity of Forest Hills. Due to the diversity there has been shortage of workers and hence in this community work has become a very vital thing. Moreover, the diversity has largely affected other small entities due to the stiff competition. This has left the small entities with no option but to operate the hard away. For instance, the small businesses are forced to offer their services at lower prices compared to Forest Hills. 3) What are the values and beliefs of the community as they related to health and illness?

Most sociologists who have studied health beliefs accept that public thoughts on illness and health vary depending on social circumstance and immediate material in which individuals are captured. These situations can limit the probabilities of actions to change lifestyle that is unhealthy. Moreover, strategies of health promotion have in a long time assumed persuading people to live a healthy life was aimed at transforming the attitudes of individuals. Nevertheless, opposing living standards to fatalism is misunderstanding the situation on the ground for most individuals.

Reaches carried have it that: very few informants who believed in randomness made them ignore or deny the possibility of life change benefits. Relatively, a pervasive recognition in death and illness field exists with a logical approach of taking suitable care. (Davison et al,1991)An effect of such beliefs brings about diversion in focus in the strategies by the government on prevention. Reference

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