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Effect of Hourly Rounding on Clients Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility - Research Paper Example

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The inclusion of the 200 participants will be composed of clients who have experienced service in the emergency department during the month of April so that unbiased answers based on impression from people who have not experienced service will not be entertained. …
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Effect of Hourly Rounding on Clients Satisfaction in a Pediatric Facility
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?Method of the study Participants: To have unbiased solicited opinion from of the emergency department of whether there is an effect of hourly rounding in client satisfaction, a considerable number of 200 people who have visited the emergency department will be asked. The inclusion of the 200 participants will be composed of clients who have experienced service in the emergency department during the month of April so that unbiased answers based on impression from people who have not experienced service will not be entertained. The group of participants will be taken from a specific period of time, which is the month of April, so that the study will cover a specific time to have uniformity in time and place of the study to have unbiased outcome. Research Design: To show the correlation of hourly rounding to patients’ satisfaction, the experimental research design will be used in the study. By using the experimental research design the hypothesis will be tested and the relationship between the independent and dependent variable, the hourly rounding and the satisfaction level of clients respectively, will be duly established. Experimental research design is used in the study for experimental research designs best establishes cause-and-effect relationships between variables. Measures: To have clear and precise answers not deviated from the result intended for the study, a research survey questionnaire will be used in the soliciting definite answers regarding patients’ satisfaction on those who have visited the emergency department during the month of April, 2012. The research survey questionnaire is composed of questions regarding patient satisfaction in 3 aspects during their visit in the emergency department: satisfaction on staff, satisfaction on communication process within the unit and the over-all satisfaction during the visit in the emergency department. All questions under each category will have corresponding answer criteria using the likert scale to define patient satisfaction using scale criteria such as good to poor. The researcher of the study opted to use a likert scale due to ease of showing the strength of a subject’s feeling to the question, ease of analysis, ease of collecting data and the ease of answering it quickly- in other words simple and yet versatile. Procedure: The participant will be chosen using a systematic random sampling method. Participants will be taken from the hospital’s data base choosing from the list of clients seen and experienced service at the emergency room department in a specified period of time, in this study during April 2012. A cover letter will be sent to participants together with the questionnaire explaining them of the purpose and significance of the study in bringing better service to clients by rating their satisfaction during the time of visit. Rest assured of confidentiality that their identity will not be revealed outside the scope of the study. After all questionnaires have been distributed analysis of the answers will be made using the Analysis of variance that will show if there is a direct relationship of hourly rounding in patient satisfaction that will be revealed with a high percentage of a very good scale versus the very poor scale which will reflect client satisfaction. Scope and limitations of the study The be able to come up with an unbiased outcome, the study will only cover participants that have encountered service during their visit at the emergency department to solicit if whether they have been satisfied with the service they have received only during the month of April to have uniformity in time and place assuring that the study will not be controlled by other outside variables and so to make sure participants are treated under the same conditions to have unbiased outcome. And since the hospital is a pediatric facility clients will mostly be consisted of underage children, in this case the scope will regard relatives and parents of patients as clients as due to legality of the study thus clients under 18 years old will not be considered as participants in this study but on the contrary legal guardians or parents will be the one to answer for this matter. The study will only be limited to people who have experienced service at the emergency department of the hospital since the scope of the study is to find whether hourly rounds of nurses in the emergency room department affects clients’ satisfaction thus it will not apply to clients who have not experienced service at the emergency room or to clients outside of the hospital emergency room such as in other areas aside from the ED. Likewise the study will not cover clients who have visited the emergency department outside of the month of April or have visited months ago to have participants under the same circumstances as time and place. Conclusion This study is to prove the effect of hourly rounding of staff nurses in the emergency department with regards to client’s satisfaction in a pediatric facility. This study will define a clear line of whether clients are being satisfied with the kind of service provided in the emergency department and so as to improve in other areas that will be deemed less satisfactorily by clients and continue with the areas deemed very satisfactorily by clients. Within its context it will define the positive outcomes of the staff hourly rounding and its effect on the level of satisfaction of clients within the facility and how it may affect provision of care to clients. Since hospital clients are the people the hospital caters to it is very important to note the level of their satisfaction especially in the emergency department since it is where clients are first brought for immediate care. At the end of the study the hypothesis will be proven that staff hourly rounding has a definite effect on client’s satisfaction during their stay at the emergency department thus the level of their satisfaction will be revealed and will be the basis of improvement on the part of the hospital services in the emergency department. Read More
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