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The Effects of Metformin on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome - Term Paper Example

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The researcher of the current paper identifies the factors behind the emergence of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. It further goes on to reflect on the traditional treatment of the disease. Finally, modern approaches such as the use of Metformin are examined…
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The Effects of Metformin on Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
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Center of discussion in this paper is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) that actually indicates the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries of certain women. This naturally impedes the normal ovarian function and also gives rise to a number of associated conditions in the physiology of such women. The presence of PCOS also induces the patients to develop diabetes mellitus. Metformin has been recognized as an effective medication for PCOS patients. There are a host of genetic, physiological and environmental factors behind the presence of PCOS in women.

It has become a very common gynecological condition in most modern women. In the earlier days, physicians used the traditional method in the treatment of PCOS. This method consisted of suppressing the normal ovarian function of the patients with the help of a number of medicines. Oral contraceptives, progestins and GnRH agonists were prescribed to the patients to improve their physiological functioning. In recent times, the treatment of PCOS has veered towards the insulin sensitivity based treatment of the disease.

Metformin is one such insulin sensitizing agent which mainly aims at reducing the insulin level of PCOS patients and thus generates beneficial effects to deal with their other medical conditions. It has gradually come to be accepted as an integral part of the modern nursing care. The review of the literature first endeavors to understand the emergence and complexity of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome reflecting on the factors which have made the disease more complex in nature. Secondly, it cites the various conventional approaches, pharmacological and non –pharmacological, which have been used in the past in an attempt to curb the incidence of the disease and assesses the efficacy of each.

Finally, it focuses on the use of Metformin in the treatment of the disease, outlining the advantages and disadvantages associated with its use in treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in cases of pregnancy as well as in normal cases. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS should not in itself be properly described as a disease. Rather, it is observed as a combination of different symptoms, which in turn reflects various ailments. Radosh (2009) observed that Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is more complex during the reproductive stage of a women’s life.

Multiple ‘cysts’ is one of the hallmark of PCOS. The emergence of ovarian cysts is due to the result of hormonal imbalances between the pituitary and ovarian organs. During the reproductive period, women affected by PCOS tend to have a plethora of problems. These include consecutive miscarriages, inability to conceive, extreme obesity, excessive hair on the body, face and chest, and prolonged menstruation. The existence of PCOS in women is increasingly linked to metabolic dysfunction leading to severe diabetic and cardio-vascular complications.

It is further observed that the effect of such complications can give rise to excessive mental stress and loss of self – esteem (Radish, 2009). Age Groups Affected by PCOS PCOS affects the female population both in the younger and later years. Ushiroyama, Hosotani, Mori, Yamashita, Ikeda and Ueki(2006) observed that PCOS starts at a young age, revealing hormonal abnormality through symptoms such as menstrual

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