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The Passenger Load Factor - Research Paper Example

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The paper 'The Passenger Load Factor' presents the Passenger load factor that mainly refers to the factors that tend to be present in aviation. The airlines or loading of the aircraft depend on the size of the craft and the charges of the items to be transported…
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The Passenger Load Factor
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Passenger load factor Passenger load factor mainly refers to the factors that tend to be present in aviation. The airlines or loading of the aircrafts depend on the size of the craft and the charges of the items To be transported. The passenger load factor is in place to determine the kind of load to be transported and the minimum amount of weight of a commodity that can be transported by a plane. Passenger load factor mainly links to operations management and this refers to the business function that plans and coordinates, and every activity-taking place within the company. These activities are also linked to the kind of services that the company dwells in. Because this operation is a management function, Operations management, it involves the management of very many resources within an organization or company. This type of management always forms the basis for which many companies stand. Operation management controls the company or organization whether the company is large or small, profitable or non-profitable. All the companies that exist and are stable, have this kind of management for it makes a company or an organization’s operations to work within the expected lines. Without this kind of operation, the company or organization cannot make any step both economically and financially. Operation management is also important in other fields a part from companies and organizations. This therefore makes it a global matter hence referred to as global operation. Operation caters for the risks and success made by the company. Just like any other moving machine with an engine, various organizations believe in operational management for it propels the company toward the desirable direction. At times this kind of operation can lead an organization or company to a path that is full of risks and this may be due to poor management by various unskilled personnel. Global operation forms the basis for all other operations that exist within any kind of management Global operations serve an important role to various running institutions in the world. It organizes, coordinates and controls the steps made by an organization or company towards any kind of direction. This is to ensure that the company arrives at ideal decisions and all its programs are set in a manner that can lead to success. As a global operation, every organization or service rendering company, must always do their best in ensuring good operations are conducted within their companies or organizations so as to meet some of their set goals and targets The main purpose of operation management is to convert the unfinished goods of companies into finished commodities or services. The unfinished goods and services mentioned in this paper refer to various human resources, processes and facilities. There are very many things involved in operation management. In various factories, transformation is referred to as the physical change of a commodity from one state to another while in some other institutions, this tend to change depending on the kind of goods processes or services rendered there. All these kind of operations that the companies or organizations tend to go through, are because of global operations. Global operations are some of the movements that needs proper management for mess, can lead the whole world into some kind of a catastrophe. This catastrophe may be pegged on economic or financial stability. Globally, very many organizations and companies are set to offer different kind of services to people though they tend to undergo certain challenges or problems that hinder or tend to interfere with their modes of operations. The basis of these interferences are always poor management system caused by unskilled personnel and wrong decisions made (Davila, 2004). A decision is one of the major factors that can trigger or interfere with the standard set operations of the company or organization. Global operation as the mother of all operations is extensive as it covers or manages even some of the natural activities that happen but can be controlled due to their harmful impact on the human life. A successive management operation management has always left some organizations or companies smiling due to high economic boost they tend to experience because of their good operational management. The services offered by our operations are the ones to either boost the global economy or interfere with it completely. The quality that is needed to perform certain tasks brings a lot of success to the company. When all the steps are closely watched or monitored, there cannot be any problems in the modes of operation of some companies or organizations hence leading to excellence that in turn calls for a reward. Globally, in relation to operation management, many rectifications have been made concerning these kind of operations and ideal ways put in place so as to help in coming up with good outcome at the end of every operation or movement. Though there are challenges facing global operations, it can still find ways or curbing some of these challenges and get back to the right path or mode of operations that can lead the company to success. The management of global operations is one of the basic and important things pertaining to the future of certain business organizations as without it, many businesses can lack stability and the economy can grow at a slow rate hence putting business as a practice into extinction. The management should therefore be good in any kind of activity that they involve themselves into. Due to the challenges facing global operation, a lot of research has to be done to find out more genuine ways of escaping them. Various research results that have been tabled for the last five years show that a lot of improvement is to be done on the managerial system so as to enhance smooth global operations. There are subsections in the global operation management that needs adjustments of which without adjustments; the entire global operations can turn into a catastrophe (Lee, 2009). The catastrophe or disaster in this case is viewed in terms of the economical status of this operation. There are many operations that people carry out in different firms or organizations that tend to face a lot of problems. Some of these problems arise due to poor management systems. An operation is meant to achieve the company or organizational goals that are based on it success. This therefore makes the recruitment of employees very difficult, as the company has to identify individuals who meet the expectations of the work. Global operations as the mother of all operations based on various subject matters, has implemented some of the rules and policies that govern or guide any kind of activity or missions that various institutions intend to involve in. These policies are to ensure good modes of operations are carried out at all times to avoid bad operations that can be harmful to the lives of people or any other living creatures. Operation is always divided into two sides based on the one conducted, where conducted and how it is conducted. These two types of operations are positive operations and negative operations. Positive operations are those that are carried out with the aim of achieving something good at the end of it. This kind of achievement based on the positive operations are, are meant to change the lives of people and improve on a good condition that is of great benefit to the people. On the other hand, negative operations are those aimed at achieving certain things based on force, pressure or violence. This may also cause a negative impact on the lives of people. It is due to the split in the kind of operations carried out that makes global management to go into a deep research just to find out some of the tips on how a good management system carry out their duties to curb the growing global operational problems. Without proper management almost all operations may change meaning and again recombine at one side of the operation that tends to be attractive, known as the negative side of operation. All organization has their own management system though the kinds of principles governing them tend to be the same due to the master operation system that govern them globally. Many operations focuses on one thing at a time i.e. there are those organizations that only specialize in the manufacturing of certain products while on the other hand; there are those that specialize in distribution of manufactured goods. Not to forget are those companies or organizations that also specialize in offering of services but not goods or any tangible thing. This creates a big difference in the kind of operations carried out by different companies or organizations. Because the services offered by various companies differ, their modes of operation also differ from one company to the other. Operation management according to other companies can be said to be a transforming process that involves the conversion of goods from one state to another. On the side of service delivery, it can also get a twisted view as it is considered an operation that involves processing of services in a manner that it becomes suitable for those who benefit or uses them. This difference has always been causing a lot of problems between companies or institutions for they do not run in the same line of service rendering (Antoniou, 1992). This is so because some operations of one company may collide with another company or organization hence brings a lot of conflict between the organizations. This collision is also brought by the fact that some of the operations are multipurpose and therefore falls or applies to almost all management procedures of operations. The study of global operation has led to an introduction or discovery of very many things that has really helped in boosting or supporting certain concepts of operations that impact human life positively. Just like the name global operation suggests, there are very many modes of operations that have been found out to be ideal and genuine for each and every company or organization depending on the kind of services that they offer. Very many organizations base their operations on certain lines that at times become irrelevant to their set mission of achievement. This in turn may cause a great mess up in the company leading to the collapse of the company or generation. Global operation is a general term used to recombine almost all operations carried out by various companies so as to avoid war and to ensure that each company or institution is taking care or managing their operations very well. This generality in terms of management is also introduced to create a chain of instructions that govern the actions or operations taken by various companies. This therefore brings out a clear picture that for a company or organization to involve in any kind of operation, it must consult deeply to see if the governing body agrees by their mode of action or operation. This kind of operation governance has a lot of impact on peoples’ lives as there are no operations that are allowed to go against their wish or wishes but in line with their expectations. Global operation also tries to come up with certain laws or policies that both the organizations and people should follow so as to avoid the rise of any problem in relation to operation. People are also supposed to cooperate with the managing body of operations so as to allow a free operation to those organizations with genuine and ideal modes of operations to operate and achieve some of the things that they want. Very many bodies are established to help in the management of global operations. This is so because there are very many operations carried out by various organizations that one body a lone cannot manage.. The kind of operations are also of various categories and targets making it difficult for one body to go through all of them except for the establishment of specialized bodies that deals with every subsection or sector of the operation s carried out. Though global operation refers generally to all types of operations, its weight lays on the side of business where it greatly benefit business operations more than any other operation. This is so because many organizations in the world fall under business bracket (Manuela, 2011). This therefore tend to benefit them a lot for they find hints on how to carry out their operation within the lines of expectations so as to achieve their set targets and objectives. This kind of operation system also favors and dwells more on the subsections of business. The services rendered to customers are closely checked and approved by various bodies before reaching the customer. This is to ensure that customers get proper services that suit their requirements. Global operation may also involve the coordination between various organizations that share one thing in common or are up to making some progress economically in various fields of their interests. This may also bring out another meaning for global operation. It may base some of the facts on how various organizations relate of communicate across the globe. Due to this, global operation management may also get a task of ensuring good coordination of organizations. Coordination here can be viewed as one of the operations that is managed globally. For this kind of management to exist or get root into this type or method of operation, there must also be some rules and policies that govern the whole process. The process is to be governed so as to ensure good relations is enhanced and stabilized between two companies or organizations (DUNN, 2011). This action is what is referred to as global operation management Management does not necessarily mean full monitoring of a company or organization’s operations but acting to the little information got from the organization. For these organizations to be managed successfully there is a method used due to large population, number, or organizations that exist in the world The management is based on the general policies that are given out with terms and conditions that any organization is not supposed to go against. Some of these policies are given according to the are of specialization of the company or how a group of organizations relate or coordinate across the globe. The coordination between organizations is one of the basic things that is appreciated by all with various people commenting that coordination is good and the spirit should continue because it reduces the workload of operation management. This kind of operation management needs involves a lot of things that are supposed to be taken into place to enable or enhance good management system. Due to the fact the global operation mainly dwells on business, some of the business components are therefore involved in it as this are some of the things that this kind of management focuses on to identify the weaknesses of an organization or company. Some of the business components that should be looked into with a lot care are mainly pegged on the distribution of goods and services. Here an operation is recognized as the distribution process falls under the operations and it therefore counted part of it. There are also various methods of management that is hidden in this kind of operation that is only given out in terms of policies or terms and conditions. Global operation management according to peoples’ perspectives is an important thing many improvements should be done to it to make it ideal and up to date in terms of technology. Technology has today climbed to the next step of the ladder and this therefore makes almost all the activities and operations to be improved to meet the technological status. This will in turn lead to the rise in economical status in various countries in the world, as the management would have been made easy for those individuals or mangers that are to take care of the operations. Technology is one of the combining factors that binds every organization together hence creating good coordination and peace among companies or organizations. Global operation from the look of things as presented on this paper refers to the business movements that are put in place to help in boosting the efforts of organizations or companies in meeting their goals and objectives (Boehmer, 2009). There are very many business that are governed by this kind of management of which without it, they could have ceased to exist as they do not have experience or hints on how operational management should be done. This management becomes very difficult because there are very many things involved in it. The kind of management that various mangers are used to and have skills of handling is that pertaining to the organizational funds and how they are used. Though many managers also try handling the issues pertaining to operations, they still tend to face some problems or challenges that at times become very difficult to run away from or escape. Global operational management consists of many organizations that are established to deal with various operations. The term global as it is well known to stand for the entire world, it therefore give the kind of operational management techniques of various organizations around or across the world. From these facts given about operational management in the paper, it can therefore be seen that operations are very much involving and one organization alone cannot mange to curb some of the challenges faced by global operations unless it is a wide organization that is divided into various sectors of specialization. However, an organization with such a quality can manage, but not fully. This makes coordination among various managing individuals and sharing of ideas important in solving or managing such a big operation system. Generally, it can also be said that Global operational management, refers to the management of all the activities taking place within a company or an organization. This operation is a general matter of management that covers all that it needs in management. It is therefore advisable for all the mangers to identify and be well conversant with various methods of managing operations within their organizations or companies. Global operations also give a distinction between companies or organizations in relation to the kind of services that they offer to people. Global operation management can therefore get is best and suitable conclusion as per the paper that it refers to the control of business activities. References Boehmer, J. (2009). Load Factors Sky-High, But Not Revenue. Business Travel News, 26(12), 26. DUNN, G. (2011). First half gains but load factor slips. Airline Business, 27(9), 63. Manuela Jr., W. S. (2011). In search of profits: the case of philippine passenger airlines. Global Conference On Business & Finance Proceedings, 6(2), 629-636. Antoniou, A. (1992). The Factors Determining the Profitability of International Airlines: Some Econometric Results. Managerial And Decision Economics, 13(6), 503-514. Davila, A., & Venkatachalam, M. (2004). The Relevance of Non-financial Performance Measures for CEO Compensation: Evidence from the Airline Industry. Review Of Accounting Studies, 9(4), 443-464. Lee, C. (2008). Air Transportation 2009. TIER Industry Report - Air Transport, 1-6. Read More
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