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Islamic Legal System - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Islamic Legal System" states that generally, it is essential to state that L. Langman and D. Morris in the article ‘Islamic Terrorism’ mention that the activities concerning Islamic fundamentalism can also be observed in the previous periods. …
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Islamic Legal System
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Annotated Bibliography The Religion of ISLAM (n.d). Islamic Affairs Department, Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia. Retrieved on September 16, from : The Religion of ISLAM (n.d.) helps us to get a better insight into the doctrines and ideologies of Islamic religion. It throws light upon the History of Islamic religion and on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad. It states that the religion of Islam promotes peace and well-being to the entire human race upon due submission of one’s deeds to God or Allah. 2. Stevens, K. (2008). Official sanction ‘harsh discipline’ on students. Retrieved on October 26, 2010 from: Author Kristen Stevens in Official sanction ‘harsh discipline’ on students states how corporal punishment is practiced in the schools of Istanbul in Turkey. The author mentions that due to the practice of giving physical punishment to students the students are found to be lacking self-confidence. It is for this practice of corporal punishment in Islamic countries that they fail to gain membership in the European Union. 3. European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia. (2006). Retrieved on October 26, 2010 from: In the document released by European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia in 2006, focus is given to the status of Muslim population in the European Union. The document states that owing to the reason of Muslim people’s increased participation in terrorist activities a fear has generated in regards to the entire Muslim race, called Islamophobia. Due to this fear even, the Muslim members in the European Union are facing a disadvantageous position. 4. World of Islam (n.d). Barkati. Retrieved on September 16, 2010. from : The article ‘World of Islam’ puts focus on a highly controversial issue regarding the Islamic religion. It is held that the religion of Islam has helped itself in spreading rapidly throughout the world through high amount of bloodsheds and a sense of Imperialism. However, the article argues that the religion of Islam condemns forceful transformation of people to Islamic religion. It rather encourages the growth of other religions. 5. Islam: The second largest world religion...and growing. (n.d). Religious Tolerance. Retrieved on September 18, 2010 from: In the article on ‘Islam: The second largest world religion…and growing’ (n.d.) it is stated that Islamic religion has a huge number of followers spread throughout the world. An estimate is provided which mentions that Muslim population throughout the world ranges from 0.7 to 1.8 billion. In regards to the above fact, it is stated that by the middle of the twenty first century Islam would turn into the world’s largest religion. 6. Gallay, V. (28th December 28, 2000). The Religion of Muslim. Los Angeles Times. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : Author Vicki Gallay in the article ‘The Religion of Muslim’ states that Muslims mainly compose the regions of Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Nigeria. Moreover, he also states that amongst the entire Muslim population in the world 25 percent belong to Middle East countries while in America the Muslim population stands at 6 million. 7. The Ideal Personality of a Muslim. (nd). Islam Religion. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : In the document of ‘The Ideal Personality of a Muslim’ (n.d.) it is stated that the Muslim population refers to the committing of any act or occurrence of any event to be based on the desire of the Almighty. It is held that the Muslims are firm believers of Divine power and are obedient to it. 8. A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam. (nd). Islam-Guide. Retrieved on September 18, 2010 from : The article ‘A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam’ discusses on the ‘Five Pillars’ of Muslim religion that helps in structuring the framework of a Muslim’s life. The ‘Five Pillars’ are mentioned as having faith in the religion, conducting prayers, helping the needy people, fasting during the holy month of Ramadan and going for a pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca. 9. Five Pillars of Islam (nd). Islam 101. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : The document ‘Five Pillars of Islam’ (n.d.) elaboration is made on the five pillars of Islamic religion that helps a Muslim person to lead his life in a spiritual manner. Activities like conducting prayers, giving alms to the poor and needy people, fasting and abstaining from sexual conducts and of going to Haj are regarded to be stated by the five pillars. 10. Steiner, S (2002). Sharia law. Guardian. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : Susie Steiner, the author of the article ‘Sharia Law’ states that Sharia or the Islamic Law and Islamic religion have certain common linkages. The author mentions that the Sharia offers to the Muslim religion certain codes of conduct as the holy book of Bible offers to Christianity. 11. Headden, S. (7th April 2008). Understanding Islam. USNEWS. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : Susan Headden in the article ‘Understanding Islam’ reflects on the positive sides of the Islamic religion as having supreme faith in the God and an incessant quest for knowledge. The author further throws light on the relation between Islam and Christianity by stating on the use of the name of Virgin Mary in Quoran. 12. Islam Today. (nd). PBS. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : In the document of ‘Islam Today’ (n.d.) it is stated that the Islamic religion owing to certain reforms and moderations made in it have been able to stand the test of times. Thus, the document states that in the modern period Islam is observed to be the fastest growing religion in the world having a population of 1.2 billion people. 13. Ibrahim, I. (1997). A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam. Darussalam The author, I. Ibrahim in the book, A brief illustrated guide to understanding Islam observes that in United States of America the religion of Islam has felt a considerable expansion. Moreover, in America the religion of Islam acts as a sense of support to the Muslim community. 14. MAPPING THE GLOBAL MUSLIM POPULATION (2009). Pew Research Center. Retrieved on September 18, 2010. from : In the report generated by Pew Research Center in 2009 it is stated that around 23 percent of the total world population belong to the Muslim class. It also states though Muslim religion had earned considerable expansion only 60 percent of Asia’s population are found to be Muslims. 15. Penney, S. (1999). ISLAM. London. Heinemann. Author S. Penney in the book ‘ISLAM’ gives a history on the origin of Quran. The author states that Prophet Muhammad has not penned the words of the Islamic holy book. Rather those words are the words of an angel who had taught such things to Prophet Muhammad considered not being literate. 16. Anderson, K. (2007). ISLAM. California. Harvest House Publishers. Author K. Anderson in the book ‘ISLAM’ mentions that the people of the Muslim community around the world though differ in certain views have untold faith in their religion. The author further states that Islamic religion mentions of the existence of angels who govern the deeds of the Muslim people. 17. Khwaja, K (2009). Five Pillars of Islam. Biblio Bazar, LLC. Author K. Khwaja in the book ‘Five Pillars of Islam’ mentions that the religion of Islam is necessarily a peace loving religion. The author states that Islam through the use of Five Pillars helps in reinstating peace in the world. 18. Hallaq, W (2005). The origins and evolution of Islamic law. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press. Author W. Hallaq in the book The origins and evolution of Islamic law mentions of the need to restore the faith of Muslim population throughout the world on the tenets of Islamic Law or Sharia. The author states that the use of Sharia does not only regulates a code of conduct for the Muslims but also helps in creating a separate Muslim identity. 19. Standke, C. 2008. Sharia – The Islamic Law. GRIN Verlag C. Standke in the book ‘Sharia-The Islamic Law’ emphasizes on the fact that Allah or the Muslim codification of God stands as the basis of their codes of conduct. The author further mentions that keeping in accordance to the desire of the Almighty the Islamic Law of Sharia is framed. Thus, Sharia is as holy as the Quran. 20. Harnischfeger & Johannes (2008). Democratization and Islamic Law: The Sharia Conflict in Nigeria. Retrieved on October 26, 2010 from: The authors Harnischfeger and Johannes observed in the article, Sharia is being spread through acts of coercion in developing countries like Nigeria. The above fact is leading to political tensions for which a rift is being observed between Islamic Law and Islamic State. 21. Blaikie, N. W. H., (2003), Analyzing Quantitative Data, Sage, London. N.W. H. Blaikie in the book ‘Analyzing Quantitative Data’ states that the main instrument needed to conduct a Primary Research is the development of a questionnaire. The author states that through a survey based on questions two sets of data can be collected viz. qualitative and quantitative to be used for research purposes. 22. Patzer, G. L., (1995), Using Secondary Data in Marketing Research, Greenwood Publishing. Group, USA G. L. Patzer in the book ‘Using Secondary Data in Marketing Research’ draws a comparison between Primary and Secondary Research. The author states that Secondary Research conducted helps in gathering of more data than Primary Research and is also a cost effective technique. 23. Teitelbaum, H., (2003), How to Write a Thesis, Thomson, Canada. H. Teitelbaum in the book ‘How to Write a Thesis’ mentions of the need to conduct a research study. The author states that a thesis paper helps the students to move into untouched areas and thereby helps to discover large amounts of unfurnished information. 24. Fatimah. (2010). Many believe that Islam is intolerant. It’s true. Retrieved on October 30, 2010 from: The author states that the youth community of Muslim countries does have faith in their religion. However, the question of ‘universal tolerance’ of all religions turns against the youth’s desire. It is because they fail to accept them being deprived of social rights which people of other religions enjoy. 25. Yahya, M. (n.d.). Women’s Rights and Equality in Islam. Retrieved on October 30, 2010 from: M. Yahya in the article ‘Women’s Rights and Equality in Islam’ mentions that women in the Muslim countries are treated as secondary. The author states that Islamic women feel to be deprived of their moral rights by the Islamic Law, which acts in favor of the male dominated society. 26. Silas. (2001). Muhammad, Islam and Terrorism. Retrieved on October 30, 2010 from: The author observes that though the religion of Islam speaks of itself as a peace loving religion yet its activities are seemingly contradictory. The author states that people of the Muslim community observe that the religion of Islam helps foster the acts of terrorism. 27. Masih, H. (1991). Shariah Relationship Between Religion and Politics in Islam. Retrieved on October 30, 2010 from: H. Masih in the article ‘Shariah Relationship Between Religion and Politics in Islam’ states that the Islamic Law, Sharia has a strong hold on the governance of an Islamic country. In fact, the author states that the Law of Sharia acts as a bridge between Islamic religion and Islamic Law. 28. Quadri, T. (2009). Aian Tribune: Islam was wrongly bracketed with extremism and terrorism. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: T. Quadri in the article authored mentions that the influence of media has further helped in creating communal tensions in the Muslim communities around the world. The author observes that continuous portrayal of Muslims as terrorists in films have created a wrong impression in the Muslim minds. 29. Eshghipour, K. (2010). The Islamic Revolution’s Impact on the legal and social status of Iranian Women. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: K. Eshghipour in the article authored mentions of the increased participation of women in decision-making process in the Islamic countries. The author states that with respect to the previous days the women are rising from closed quarters of the Muslim society to participate in social activities. 30. Langman, L. & D. Morris. (n.d.). Islamic Terrorism. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: L. Langman and D. Morris in the article ‘Islamic Terrorism’ mentions that the activities concerning Islamic fundamentalism can also be observed in the previous periods. However, with the advent of financial and weaponry aid rendered by developed countries the fundamentalist activities has gained a further strength. 31. Vriens, L. (2010). Islam: Governing Under Sharia. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: L Vriens in the article authored ‘Islam: Governing Under Sharia’ mentions of the increased role that Islamic Law Sharia framed by Prophet Muhammad plays in governing the Islamic society. The author observes that Sharia renders the code of conduct in regards to personal matters like marriage and divorce in a Muslim society. 32. Khilafah al-Alam al-Islami, (n.d. ). Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: The Document Khilafah al-Alam al-Islami states that the constitution of an Islamic country is based on the tenets and doctrines of the Islamic religion. It states that the Muslim community regards their land as the property of Allah and represent themselves as the trustees of the same. 33. Russell, K. & Nicholson. (2005). True Islam does not foster terrorism. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: The authors K. Russell and Nicholson in the article ‘True Islam does not foster terrorism’ state that the religion of Islam is a peace loving religion. They state that due to the growing influence of western cultures and countries into the Islamic countries’ state affairs that had turned the people of Muslim countries into terrorists. 34. Lapidus, I. (1996). State and Religion in Islamic Societies. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from:;col1 I. Lapidus in the article ‘State and Religion in Islamic Societies’ mentions of the growing rift between the Islamic State and Islamic Religion. The author observes that the modern Islamic state does not follow the rules of the caliph. 35. “The Islamic Sharia (Law) is Valid for Each Era & Each Place”, (n.d.) Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: The above document puts stress on the need for the Islamic society to be governed by the rules framed by the Islamic religion. The document further states that governance by the Islamic religion and Islamic Law on any Islamic country would help reduce the propensity of terrorism activities. 36. Ayubi, N. , Hashemi, N. & E. Quereshi. (n.d.). Islamic State. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: Authors N. Ayubi, N. Hashemi and E. Querishi in the article of ‘Islamic State’ observe that increased dominance of Islamic religion on the Islamic countries has led to the rise of Islamic fundamentalism. They state that Islamic fundamentalist groups by taking religious support are helping in the spread of terrorist activities. 37. Ahmed, I. (2010). The Structure of an Islamic Caliphate. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: I. Ahmed in the article authored on ‘The Structure of an Islamic Caliphate’ observe that due to the discriminatory practices of the Islamic Law, Sharia the state legal system of the Islamic countries have diverted from its realm. In fact, the author states that the state legal system has constructed a separate apex body in contrast to the Sharia law. 38. “Religious Watch”, (2010). Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: The document of ‘Religious Watch’ states that higher amount of media influence has led to the spread of terrorism activities around the world. It states that showing continuous relation of Muslim people in terrorist activities in films broadcasted along the television channels has helped in adding to the communal tensions and creating further rift. 39. Mayell, H. Thousands of Women Killed for Family Honor. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: H. Mavell in the article authored ‘Thousands of Women Killed for Family Honor’ states that in Islamic countries under the name of Honor killings under religious protection many women are being brutally killed. The author through the use of National Geographic channel throws light on the above cause. 40. Bendixsen, S. (n.d.). Islam as a new Urban Identity? Young Muslim in Berlin. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: S. Bendixsen in the article authored reflects the use of Islamic religion as a protective sheath for Muslims operating in foreign countries. The author observes that Muslim population in foreign countries take resort to religious protection for gaining group security. 41. Jafri, F. (2007). “ A Unique Muslim Identity in Trinidad and Tobago”. Retrieved on October 31, 2010 from: F. Jafri in the article authored A Unique Muslim Identity in Trinidad and Tobago reflects that the practice of Islamic religion in foreign countries helps identifying a separate class for the Muslim communities. To this extent, the author mentions of the Muslim women covering their faces with a black veil, which represents them to belong to the Islamic society. Read More
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