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Henry V/White Paper - Coursework Example

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This article is framed with intent to demonstrate various strategies that can be adapted to the streaming of a management line in an organization for the easy acquirement of desired results. Thorough consultation of the available materials is effectively done to consolidate the…
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Henry V/White Paper
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Larry Bossidly of Honeywell suggests frequent meetings, review talks and examination of personnel aptitude during his exemplary meetings where he allots room for listening, discussing and coaching his managers for promoting their qualities as good leaders (Tichy 2007, p.170). He says such meetings build ambience for continuous evaluation of programs with a higher rate of success while operation. Noel Tichy’s book on leadership styles, ‘The Leadership Engine’ stands a little away from normal books on the same topic.

This book goes to the corners of real time situations more than philosophical approaches in leadership affairs. Apart from the normal perceptions about leadership like, it is motivating, encouraging or it has communication, vision etc, his lines leave a strong impression in the minds of readers about how effectively they could teach themselves the values of being good leaders and employees. With his great work, Tichy emphasizes the need for leader being ‘play makers’ rather than ‘best players’.

He believes in their potential to design employable skills and independence that promote the innovation in every human brain. By way of addressing remedies to fight problems, his work suggests priority for positive reaction over silent waiting for settlement with optimism. Overall, his penmanship relates leadership with human values which supports the growth of team work and thus the organization as a whole. The approach of leader to his team must be affectionate and encouraging. Frequent appraisal of the leader for positive concerns surely results in higher energy levels among employees.

A leader should spend every minute of his time observing his team and be ready to personally recognize the members by showing signs of regards. A leader by all means is a protective cover to his team members. His very

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