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RESEARCH PROPOSAL Proposed of dissertation: The Weakening of the Mexican and its Effects on its Citizens I. Introduction and Aim. The transition to democracy in Mexico in 2000, far from advancing has been put on halt. The weakening of the institution of the presidency since then has brought along the transfer of power from those who traditionally hold it to new players. Part of it has gone to the Congress where elected officials no longer represent their electorate but de facto powers, then to political parties or regional governors, whose influence towards their designation has grown decisively.
Through this political arrangement, the parties (and “allies”) no longer negotiate with all other parties to come to an agreement of the national project, as expected in a multiple party parliamentary system, but instead they deal with the instances that directly allocate funds –i.e. Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público-, aiming to benefit great economic interests and local political powers.The above scenario exacerbates the wealth distribution gap among Mexican citizens, whose protection should be constitutionally guaranteed by the State.
In this context, the aim of my dissertation would be to strengthen the understanding of the challenges and consequences that the Mexican State faces in securing essential conditions of responsibility towards its citizens. II. Rationale It has been said that Mexico is on the brink of becoming a failed state. (Peschard-Sverdrup 2008, p. 238) An examination of the social and political variables that weaken its political system is, therefore, significant in several fronts. First, it would validate the argument whether the modern state of Mexico is, indeed, under attack and in danger of succumbing to its crises.
Secondly, the outcome of such analysis could provide adequate lessons in regard to how the structure of modern democratic government can be eroded, highlighting its consequences to the state and to its citizens. This is particularly important because, as Laski put it, “no democracy can afford to neglect the proved sources of efficient service since that is the basis of its life.” (p. 117) Also, in this area – in the Mexican experience – solutions could be developed to address the crises and threats that undermine the modern state.
Finally, the research subject could underscore the importance of institutions and democratic concepts such as individual rights in the survival of a political system.I am very interested with the research topic because of I am a stakeholder in the issue. I am knowledgeable and directly affected by the dynamics of the Mexican political and economic landscape. III. Proposed Methodologies The research will use the qualitative approach in an attempt to examine and understand: 1) the subject matter from the perspective of the stake holders; 2) the Mexican social and political setting in order to depict and provide an analysis that are not detached from their contexts; and, 3) the statistics and the available data, in order to inform and reinforce the discussion and findings of this research.
This research would be descriptive in nature – a research design that would allow data to be collected and analyzed so that they would validate or reject theories and thesis that has been initially set in the objective of the study.IV. Resource RequirementsToday, there is a wealth of literature on the subject – statistics, white papers, news, published policies – these would be useful for this study. In addition, my personal experience including my ties and access to Mexico can prove to be helpful in data gathering and in the deeper understanding of issues.
These variables ensure the viability of the study not just in the context of its completion but in terms of assuring that the research has its academic significance as well for my country. ReferencesLaski, Harold J. A Grammar of Politics: Sovereignty. Unwin Brothers Limited, 1967.Peschard-Sverdrup. The future of North America, 2025: outlook and recommendations. CSIS, 2008.
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