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Nurse/Doctor relationship an issue in nursing - Research Paper Example

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While nursing a patient, its efficacy is determined by the effective coordination of these factors and the department of health care they represent. Thus the maintenance of a sustainable good…
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Nurse/Doctor relationship an issue in nursing
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Thus it becomes important to analyze these factors so as to ensure efficacy in the nursing process. Riley & Manias, (2006, 1541-51) has studied the role of the control and governance of the doctors over nurses in adding efficacy to the hospital procedures. The article is of the point that such a relationship of governance is necessary to facilitate disciple in the hospital environment (Riley & Manias, 2006, 1541-51). The authors also urge for the understanding by the nurses on the technical requirements of each surgeon.

Moreover a deep knowledge of the surgeons "soul" is suggested as a requirement in bringing forth effective practices (Riley & Manias, 2006, 1541-51). Though this study involved the operating room nurses, the results can work as indicators in a global perspective. The need for the ‘knowledge of surgeon’ by the nurses is asserted to be of more importance by the study as the observations revealed that it was considered to be of lower priority in the hierarchy of knowledge (Riley & Manias, 2006, 1541-51).

The study can be considered of due relevance as it has reviewed a number of communication strategies and practices between nurses and doctors within the operating room (Riley & Manias, 2006, 1541-51). The article questions the traditional role of nurses as "handmaidens" to the doctors and thus stands strong by the point of having more research on the development of better relationship strategies between doctors and nurses. There had been a number of researches which have confirmed that the effective collaboration between nurses and doctors improvises the effectiveness of the health management operation.

Zwarenstein and Bryant (2008) researched upon the possibilities of improvement in outcomes relating to patients and health care managers with an increase in the collaboration between nurses and doctors. The study was conducted based on the review of collaboration among doctors and nurses during their ward

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