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SPEECH (Introduction) Gone are the days when the communication mode use to be long and heavy wires. The transformation to long and heavy wires was itself a major progress, but the current transformation to network of tiny wireless microelectromechanical system is miracle. The mankind is on quest to evolve and conceive adventures in the communication technology. The technological advent has totally changed the perspective of the mankind. The influence of technology can be realised from the fact that no longer a kid wishes to play cardboard games; the present generation is more thrill and excited about playing computer game on server.
The communication protocol has truly transformed and broadened our horizon. The evolution of SMAR DUST is the development of the century. The technological advent under SMART DUST has facilitated mankind in a manner never imagined before. SMART DUST is not a dust collector, it is control system. This is a system not to control dust, but to control what we want it to. Be it climate forecast, temperature change, vibration upset, computation devices; SMART DUST is service provider for all these monitoring items.
Cory Doctorow quoted, "technology is a way of organizing the universe so that man doesn't have to experience it"; truly SMART DUST is the realization of this fact. The monitoring of any surveillance parameter is now possible through SMART DUST. SMART DUST is smart solution for power conservation; reasonable reduction is size and power requirement has been achieved through SMART DUST revolution.(Body)(Main Point No. 1)The SMART DUST technology is simple solution, it merely comprises of "very compact, autonomous and mobile nodes, each containing one or more sensors, computation and communication capabilities, and a power supply".
Mobile networking and systems community has advanced after successful evolution of SMART DUST. Truly this technological advent has removed the dust of heavy cables, bulky files; all the data has been enclosed into micro-circuits which are efficient storage and communication devices. This technology offers "coherent connectivity to large numbers of mobile network nodes co-located within a small volume". Now let me explain you what SMART DUST technically is all about. This technology is collection of MEMS sensors, a set of integrated single packages.
The package is inclusive of "semiconductor laser diode, MEMS beam-steering mirror for active optical transmission, a MEMS corner-cube retro reflector for passive optical transmission, an optical receiver, signal-processing and control circuitry, and a power source based on thick-film batteries and solar cells". This small set has the capability of sensing, communicating; and above all the entire circuitry is self-powered. (Main Point No. 2)The SMART DUST is an efficient solution for energy management.
This technology is of importance for military, and is equally popular for commercial products. Now let us hear the wonders this technology has introduced. Through SMART DUST, our scientists have developed defence-related sensor networks which are being applied for surveillance of battlefield, and monitoring of transportation activity. (Sub Point No. 1)The technology has given us virtual keyboard, by sensing our fingers the SMART DUST can type-in the words; and beside this technology is applicable on musical equipments including piano.
Before we strike, SMART DUST does it for us. (Sub Point No. 2)This technology has greater significance in industrial units especially for product packaging. The entire supply chain system can be digitised by connecting the movement of carton with boxes, the packaging of boxes with palette, and connecting palette with trucks, which then establish link with warehouse for confirmation. The tracking of products is now possible through SMART DUST with minimum human interface. (Sub Point No. 3)The physical parameters can be easily monitored and recorded with this technology.
SMART DUST is able to monitor temperature, humidity, vibration, quantity and ensure quality checks for wide range products. The amazing aspect of SMART DUST is its low power consumption, as low as microwatt. SMART DUST is successful power management model. (Conclusion)SMART DUST truly negates Putt's Law which states that "humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons". SMART DUST is right technology having wide range of application. The smart aspect of SMART DUST is that it has no limitation till now, and let us be hopeful that this technology will be able to deliver for years to come.
But in this technological world, where conditions of economy and mortgage are volatile; the same can be true for SMART DUST. But rest assure the investment towards technology has shrunk, therefore SMART DUST will survive for coming years as it successor cannot be conceive due to shortage of funds. References (not to be included in the speech - referred lines have been underlined for clarity)1. Joseph M. Kahn, Randy Howard Katz, and Kristofer S. J. Pister. Emerging Challenges: Mobile Networking for Smart Dust.
McGraw-Hill Professional. 2003.2. Emile H. L. Aarts, Stefano Marzano. The New Everyday: Views on Ambient Intelligence. 010 Publishers. 2003.
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