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American security American security What are some of the ways the Homeland Security department, the Department of Energy and the Department of Justice participate in the international arena in the securing of Americas national security? Select a program or two from any of these three departments to discuss. The Homeland security department, department of energy and the department of Justice sets missions and relates them to functions. They then use this to form an integrated framework which links the strategy performance and the planning of resources.
Information sharing strategyThis is a strategy for ensuring that information flows when and where they should. This information can be incorporated with intelligence service to provide ground onto which investigations about adversaries and malicious acts can be started. Information can also be used to make the people of the United States resilience. The information sharing strategy is faced with the challenge of the media through which the information can be passed (Purpura, 2007). This is because the cyberspace is believed to be a critical infrastructure faced with threats such as cybercrime.
The accomplishment of the protection of critical infrastructure mission is meant to keep the information secure and private. The information must have the sender and the receiver. The receiver acts as the audience. The information must be directed to the right audience. The messages that are sent must be educative and informing. Homeland security department should then look for feedback from the audience. Feedback can then help the department know how to treat the information, the audience or the subject (Coppola, 2011).
They can know whether or not it is corrupted.Environmental Justice StrategyHomeland Security department affects the environmental justice through the impact of its operation, regulatory activities and through financial assistance to tribal, state and local governments. The operations made by Homeland Security department can sometimes affect the environment which could be the people, community, organizations and its partners. The cooperation of all the players is required to provide understanding of the mission (Coppola, 2011).
Environmental justice can be provided through training and education on the known and unknown threats. For known disasters, Homeland Security, Energy and Justice Departments can launch campaign to train the public on how to deal with specific situations when they happen or before they happen. First responders are usually available to help where individuals and communities fail to deal with disasters (Purpura, 2007).Securing border strategy Securing the border is a mandate of these departments.
This can be done while there is expedition to the flow of lawful and legal trade, immigration, and travel. Across the border, there are communities who depend on water or electricity on the other side of the border and must cross everyday in their normal chores (Coppola, 2011). These characteristics of the northern border make it critical to the Homeland Security department to manage the border effectively. Main goals on the northern border is deterring and preventing smuggling, illegal immigration, trafficking and terrorism; encouraging and safeguarding efficient flow of lawful travel and trade; ensuring resiliency and safety of the communities at the border before, during and after attacks and natural disasters (Purpura, 2007).
Homeland security counterterrorism programTerrorism is a great challenge to the U.S and global security. The counterterrorism program evaluates how the U.S and other nations work towards ensuring that the terrorism activities have been curbed (Purpura, 2007). It comprises of measures that countries can implement in order to improve their domestic security. Further, it explains how to deal with international terrorism such as increasing cooperation among countries that face same terror threats (Coppola, 2011).
Question 2 It is clear from the conclusion that most people do not depend on statistical methods to determine the type of risks or hazards they fear. Instead, they opts other aspects which can occur because of the risk or individual experience and data exposure. In turn, the outcome of these views of hazards is that there is lack of universal, single and agreed upon mechanism of ranking hazards in terms of urgent and less urgent. Therefore, disaster management should strive to consider hazards when conducting their evaluations.
ReferencesPurpura, P. P. (2007). Terrorism And Homeland Security: An Introduction With Applications. New York: Butterworth-Heinemann.Coppola, D. (2011). Introduction to International Disaster Management. New York: Butterworth-Heinemann.
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