D2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words. Retrieved from https://studentshare.org/mathematics/1594951-d2
D2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words. https://studentshare.org/mathematics/1594951-d2.
The number ‘e’ in mathematics is an irrational number, which acts as the base for natural logarithms. In cases where the number ‘10’ acts as the base for common logarithms, e serves the same purpose for natural logarithms. In mathematical terms, where n tends to infinity, e is the limit. The approximation of e provided by Euler was up to eighteen decimal places. However, its numerical value goes beyond those eighteen decimal places.
Answer No: 3
The common aspect of arithmetic and geometric sequences is that there is always a common constant or ratio between any two consecutive terms of the sequences. For example, in the case of an arithmetic sequence, if the constant of difference between a term and its preceding term is 4, it will be 4 for the whole sequence. Similarly, in the case of a geometric sequence, if the ratio of the difference between a term and its preceding term is 2, it will be 2 for the whole sequence.
The difference between arithmetic and geometric sequences is that in an arithmetic sequence, a specific constant is a difference between any term and its preceding term. On the other hand, in the case of a geometric sequence, there is always a specific ratio between any term and its preceding term.
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