Part 2
At Apple Tree, the safety and health of workers are paramount to an organization. Certain materials assist in developing the policies established in the organization. For instance, RIDDOR and COSHH regulations ensure delivering the vital health services and precautions is undertaken using the right procedure. The company has to run a wide range of services to the employees as a supportive method. Additionally, there should be a perfect relationship between the service providers and workers to gain the needed trust.
2.1 Tools for Safety
My first tool in managing health and safety is controlling the number of risks that may incur during operations. The risk assessment phase is mandatory because the government requires cooperation from all companies in reducing working injuries (Health and Safety Executive, 2016 p1). The company already takes steps to prevent such common injuries that might affect workers’ functionality. The proposed control measures have a comprehensive assessment that governs all the possible cases that may result from working.
In Apple Tree, we suggest that companies have to set an absolute limit to the weight carried by humans. The rest supervisors have to advocate the use of machines. Employees have to avoid activities that can risk their safety and health. If the firm cannot act within a specific time-span, then workers can visit the manager and discuss the methods applied to solve the situation.
An example of activity that may increase the risks within the company
Types of Analysis Risk Assessment
In this case, there are two considerable methods. Foremost, generic risk assessment balances the needs of employees with their safety, needs and freedom using customer care services. The impost must never negatively implicate the activities of workers. They can exercise their privileges without policy interference. The other method is an individual risk assessment, which is personal centered. The measure must assure the worker of safety both at home and in the workplace. Whenever the individual needs urgent health care, they can call the company’s customer care to provide necessary assistance. For example, physically challenged individuals face a hard time at their working stations because of inability to move. The constant exposure to injuries insinuates that the firm has to establish methods to ensure they operate efficiently.
2.2 Principle of Moving Equipment
Apple Tree Company provides mechanical aids considering that the practice will help to reduce the number of risks that the workers are exposed to them. Furthermore, we consider mechanical aids that can solve other situations to ensure the management that the occurrence of injuries is at a minimal level. Some measures like the use of trucks to transport material from one place to another help to assure that human labor are imperative only in the simple roles.
Principles Guiding Good Moving and Handling Equipment
Individuals have to maintain acceptable measures while holding loads to protect the spine line. It simulates that the employee has to establish a base by possibly widening the posture to a comfortable limit. Moreover, ensure the load is closer to the vertical center of gravity to maintain body stability. The legs muscles provide power to move while handling the equipment. If the body still feels constrained, requested a lever to assist moving your load. However, if employees ignore the suggested principles, the outcome will be ligament strains and nerve sciatica.
2.4 Impact of non-compliance
Some companies consider that setting health and safety policies will have both positive and adverse effects on their operations (Health and Safety Executive 2016, p. 1). For instance, the methods will drain money, time and request for considerable legal procedures. Failure to undertake any of the above requirements insinuates that the project will not work for an extended period. Such non-compliances result in constant injuries from the working stations. The consequences include financial loss, health and physical injuries to the workers.
The business should not consider the amount of cash spent on the strategies. Rather, they have to figure out the future losses that they will incur due to normal industries. The government will sue them for the failure to protect the workers. Furthermore, they will cater for additional medical costs incurred during treatment. The HSE and CQC countercheck operations spearheaded by companies without the health policies. A massive penalty subdues the firm for its failure to protect the workers against injuries.
Case Examples:
A magistrate court in West London fined a care home for defiling section 3 of H and S, which applies to all firms in Britain. A worker at the company, Mrs. Sharon William, who had a brain damage after a severe brain injury incurred while transporting the company’s equipment from the company’s station to nearby locality. The company was guilty of failing to educate the workers against moving and handling heavy loads. Consequently, the care home failed to produce safety documents that protect their employees.
3.1 Monitor and Review
The organization proposes that companies must provide safety manual kits to the employees. It assures that they will have a hint regarding their roles in protection. The manuals must have a list of possible risk factors that can result in injuries. The same document must include the options if the hazards occur during their activities. Some of the risks reoccur; hence, the management has to document them to ensure that they have a strategy to deal with the same incidences in future. Importantly, having ready solutions will help the organization to address situations adequately at the time of Occurrence. Nevertheless, the firm has to adjust the policies to update to the current needs concerning medication and safety tools (Health and Safety Executive 2016, p. 1)
3.2 Effectiveness of the Policies
Apple Tree suggestion systems work in a company where the workers have a close touch with the management. Safety precaution procedures apply in a conducive working surrounding where the employees have their say in health matter. A meeting is conveyed where the individuals can brainstorm to establish solutions to their increased safety needs. Furthermore, a company must ensure that its activities never tamper with the health of their employees. They should perform their operations accounting for the individual needs and rights.
I suggest that organizations should have a Health Department that deals with the wellness of all stakeholders. The stratagem eases the management work as they can concentrate on other matters because a positive solution regarding safety is present. The Department must have first aid kits to deal with minor issues before taking further precautions. For instance, the Apple Tree Care Centre contains all information concerning methods of preventing the risk factors to adverse health cases. It insinuates that any company should consider establishing communication strategies to gauge the work fullness of proposed health policies. The dogmas must be understandable and exploit the concept of knowledgeable health promotion.
3.3 Apple Tree’s Health and Safety for Staff and Clients
The management of the company suggests that all stakeholders must ensure the issue are a priority to their operations. The overall manager has the mandate to maintain health care stratagems so that the employees will have a conducive environment to perform their duties. Clients will rely on the support offered to solve their issues. Like the case of the support worker who endured brain injury while carrying the load, the court sued the company for not considering employee’s education. The fine illustrated the seriousness of health situations in a company. The firm had to start considering new plans to assure the members special safety.
For the case of chemical companies, C.O.S.H.H suggests that the management should have several strategies of ensuring that both the workers and clients operate under a safe environment. The company must prepare the employees mentally to assure safety measure.
The following plans must apply:
• They must store the chemicals in the correct manner and label them.
• NEVER mix chemicals without proof.
• Maintain chemicals in closed cans.
• Avoid using containers for eating to store them.
• Store them around ventilated areas.
• Report possible spills to the responsible department
• Provide documents with safety guidelines to prevent common injuries.
For the case of moving loads, a company should:
• Avoid forcing workers to carry heavy loads; use machinery instead.
• Assess a hazardous manual that helps in transporting heavy materials.
• Educate the clients of their safety.
• Create awareness to employees regarding the methods to employ in case of an accident.
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