Literature Review
If a statistical analysis of publications on management, it is very likely to lead would be the most popular subject. In recent years, the shelves of bookshops selling literature on management filled with new books devoted to leadership as a problem (Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg 2015). In modern scientific literature the term “management” is most often treated in the first place, as the scientific discipline that studies, organizational and social aspects of management; secondly, as a set of principles, methods, means and forms organizational management, social systems. Sometimes the concept of “management” denotes the set of persons engaged in administrative work (Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg 2015). To understand the essence of management is necessary to establish a relation in terms. From all points of view of management is the concept and phenomenon, multifaceted, having a complex internal structure, composed of many elements.
Leadership, in its turn, is the process of impact on individuals or groups of individuals to achieve their goals. Leadership is the most important factor in organizational management control system. Leadership is a historically developed social needs of people in the organization their joint activities. The leader is a person who may have a real influence on the behavior of employees, the formal leader is not always the leader, the leader in the nomination of influence of objective and subjective factors. Therefore, the purpose of this literature review is to find out the opinions of the scholars towards what are the key differences between management and leadership in the current situation.
Literature Review
In this connection, MacKie (2015) has a conviction that requirements for modern managers and leaders are becoming increasingly high, especially in case of the personnel manager. Modern culture of management includes the ability to be used to stimulate and motivate people to make better use of human potential. In addition, a modern manager should be able to consider a variety of growing human needs, create such working conditions that would help meet those needs. Knowledge of the nature of the conflict and the ability to solve conflict situations, allows the manager to the best extent, the objectives facing the organization.
In accordance with the author, essentially, a modern personnel manager, a leader, is supposed to be able to organize people to influence them, to lead them. Competence of an HR manager meet competency leader. The ability to manage people begins with the ability govern themselves, self-skills, self-actualization, enhance their own efficiency are key to mastering the manager profession (MacKie 2015). Furthermore, the author makes an emphasis on the fact that the theme of leadership is seen in many courses, read in preparation for managers at various levels (general management, organizational behavior, organizational management changes and so on). Thus, the author believes that a manager and a leader are two position that are connected by the same aims but the usage of various tools.
The ideas singled out by MacKie (2015) have found their manifestation in the work by Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg (2015) who believe that a variety of approaches to leadership, on the one hand, allows the teacher to choose the presentation format, which, in his opinion, is the most appropriate. On the other hand, this variety produces a kind of 'optionally' select theories considered as problematic field leadership often seems disordered. This, of course, reduces the quality of management education (Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg 2015). Thus, the problem field of leadership analysis, based on a historical review of the main theories is important both in terms of management practices, and in terms of management training. This article (by Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg (2015)) is an attempt to systematically present the theory of leadership and management, reflecting the diversity of sources and directions of development of this problem. Therefore, it is provided with extensive reference apparatus which may be useful as a practicing, leading courses and programs on leadership and researchers to this problem. Thus, it is possible to state that the management and leadership, in the authors' point of view, are mainly connect in their field of expertise, but they are different in the tools of work (Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg 2015; MacKie 2015).
Oppositely to Angelle, Arlestig & Norberg (2015) and MacKie (2015), Wolper (2016) believes that leadership and management do not have much in common. Management as the art of management is an important concern in the present conditions, when the ability to control determines the success of the organization in the marketplace. It places new demands on management culture, to the personality, its characteristics and abilities, motivation and responsibility, and consequently the person possessing the qualities of a leader to become a key figure in the development of all spheres of social life. Modern culture management should include the management principles that would adequately respond to the changes taking place in the world. Oppositely, leadership is much different from management in the author's point of view.
A similar position is found in Juiz & Toomey (2015) and Kinney (2016). The authors have a conviction that the modern management concepts such as kaizen, innovative concept, the concept of interactive management, include the principles that make them suitable for use in modern control systems. With regard to personnel management is particularly relevant concept of kaizen, which involves the principle of continuous improvement. It is natural growing interest in the fundamentals of leadership and problems in higher education (Juiz & Toomey 2015; Kinney 2016). The manual reveals the essence of leadership, mechanisms for nominating a leader, the main theories of leadership, team building principles, especially the interaction of people in the group, methods of personal effectiveness of leaders, especially the different national models of governance. It is characterized by the state of modern scientific thought in the study of leadership issues. Thus, we can determine how control activities streamline processes in nature, technology and society and bringing a new state based on the trends of development and changes in the environment (Juiz & Toomey 2015; Kinney 2016).
Regarding the concepts by Juiz & Toomey (2015) and Kinney (2016), Maher (2016) states that their definition of management and leadership suffers significant drawbacks. Firstly, outstanding achievements do not guarantee leadership. Secondly, such a definition as it fixes the leadership position of the person or group, while our eyes are constantly there is a change of leaders, even if the previous achievements of the old leaders are not contested. Thirdly, this pays special attention to treating certain static: it does not reflect the dynamism of the leadership process. Indeed, leadership is not only the position of the person or group is also a process of involving followers in activities aimed at achieving certain goals. This aspect is reflected in the second definition of leadership, but it is made in such general terms that distinguish leadership from other processes of social groups on the basis of such a definition is practically impossible. Thus, the analysis of the definition of leadership and management's differences leads us to the important conclusion that the leadership, on the one hand is the position of the individual, and on the other hand, there is a process involving followers in some activity. Indivisibility of the two aspects of leadership (they can be called as statics and process), in our view, it leads to serious errors and prevents the understanding of many phenomena characteristic of the present day business.
Beadle-Brown et al. (2014) as well as Bennis (2015) and Dyer (2015) believe that there are the most successful form of government, which are able to function in conditions of continuous change and are able to optimally respond to the rapidly changing demands of the times. Questions about general laws of development, structure and functioning of the world is considered, economists, philosophers, sociologists, political scientists, psychologists, and this is understandable biosociology – management of social systems will always be interdisciplinary and very complex. The social sphere means the livelihoods of autonomous entities, existing in a single integrity, characterized by certain economic, cultural and historical aspects, aimed at the realization of their interests and meet their needs (Beadle-Brown et al. 2014; Bennis 2015; Dyer 2015). Management in the social sphere should combine the need to preserve the integrity of society to meet the needs of each subject. In addition, social control is determined by a special relation to man, in which decisions are made not for the sake of politics, economics or ideology, but for the good of man (Beadle-Brown et al. 2014; Bennis 2015; Dyer 2015). Thus, referring to the management in the social sphere, we start from the definition of social policy as having a positive direction and positive consequences. Under social policy is a policy implemented within the framework of the welfare state. Modern society's problems are related primarily to the quality of management. The crisis is not a natural disaster; usually it costs to operate (Beadle-Brown et al. 2014; Bennis 2015; Dyer 2015).
So far, Warfield (2016) provides the opinion that the discussion of leadership and management issues are to be conducted in the 'micro-level:' questions centered around leadership itself. However, these issues are closely connected with the macro-problems of management. The first problem is the macro level – this is the problem of goal-setting. corporate scandals with unprecedented clarity mentioned above raised the question of for leadership in management and the criteria of its effectiveness. Indeed, if the earlier increase in shareholder value of the company was seen as the main goal of top management, but now this problem is not perceived so clearly. It requires rethinking both positional and process function of leadership in business.
Warfield (2016) also believes that attempts using legislation to limit the possibility of unethical business leaders can hardly be regarded as a promising solution to the problem: strict laws frame seriously limit the possibility of creating a competitive advantage and significantly reduce the motivation of top management. This idea is found in the works by Beadle-Brown et al. (2014) as well as Bennis (2015) and Dyer (2015).
Warfield (2016) believes that the problem is the macro-level of leadership is associated with the construction of corporate-term culture of the organization. In modern management corporate culture represents one of the most complex objects of study, attracting the attention of many researchers. As in cultural anthropology, in the management of urgent it is the question of what is going on with the culture in the context of rapid socio-economic changes.
The management and leadership problem is matching the style of leadership the organization stage of the life cycle. Whatever the life cycle model or choose and whatever situational leadership theory or stop, on closer examination it becomes clear that there are two approaches to leadership in organizations. The first is that the position of the leader takes people able to carry out the organization through several life cycle stages, adapting with his leadership style. The implementation of this approach is not easy, because the people, able to play such a role must have exceptional personal qualities, of which, of course, psychological flexibility stands out. The second approach is that the organization selects a leader whose style is most relevant to a given stage of its development, and the transition to a new stage replace the leader. Apparently, the majority of US companies choose this path: evidenced by the above data on the average length of stay in the position of CEO.
Finally, as Warfield (2016) states, the leader motivation is another problem in both management and leadership. It consists in question of whether a leader is motivated primarily the desire to take a leadership position or this position requires him to inspire followers to implement certain goals? Committed to positional leadership associated usually with the desire to rule over people and be 'in sight.' Process leadership besides motivation to achieve may be provided by the need for personal and professional growth. Of course, one can not exclude the combination of two basic motivational schemes. It should, however, recognize that the question of the specificity of motivation to leadership behavior in today's business environment has not received sufficient light.
Having reviewed ten the most recent scholarly sources on the issues of management and leadership, it is possible to conclude that these two terms are two opposite sides of the same coin. It means that being applied in the same field – governance of people – these two processes are to use various tools since they perform various functions.
Reference List
Angelle, P, Arlestig, H, & Norberg, K 2015, 'The Practice of Socially Just Leadership: Contextual Differences between US and Swedish Principals', International Studies In Educational Administration (Commonwealth Council For Educational Administration & Management (CCEAM)), 43, 2, pp. 21-37, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Beadle-Brown, J, Mansell, J, Ashman, B, Ockenden, J, Iles, R, & Whelton, B 2014, 'Practice leadership and active support in residential services for people with intellectual disabilities: an exploratory study', Journal Of Intellectual Disability Research, 58, 9, pp. 838-850, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Bennis, W 2015, 'Managing the Dream: Leadership in the 21st Century', Antioch Review, 73, 2, pp. 364-370, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Dyer, J 2015, 'The Façade of Management Commitment And Why It's So Destructive', Industry Week/IW, 264, 7, pp. 18-22, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Juiz, C, & Toomey, M 2015, 'To Govern IT, or Not to Govern IT?', Communications Of The ACM, 58, 2, pp. 58-64, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Kinney, J 2016, 'Developing Ready Leaders for the Front Line', TD: Talent Development, 70, 5, p. 80, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
MacKie, D 2015, 'Who sees change after leadership coaching? An analysis of impact by rater level and self-other alignment on multi-source feedback', International Coaching Psychology Review, 10, 2, pp. 118-130, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Maher, D 2016, 'Less Management, More Leadership', Independent School, 75, 4, pp. 84-89, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Warfield, R D 2016, '#Leadership (Hashtag Leadership)', U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings, 142, 4, pp. 76-79, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
Wolper, J 2016, 'Developing Effective Leaders', TD: Talent Development, 70, 5, pp. 66-67, Academic Search Premier, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 May 2016.
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