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Employee Performance at Federation of Chinese Community of Canberra Inc - Research Paper Example

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The study "Employee Performance at Federation of Chinese Community of Canberra Inc" explores how the training programs offered at FCCCI Chinese School affect the performance of the employees, developmental initiatives are taken up by the School to provide its employees the opportunity to grow…
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Extract of sample "Employee Performance at Federation of Chinese Community of Canberra Inc"

Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Background Information 1 1.2 Problem of the statement 1 2. Focus of the study 2 2.1 Purpose of the research 2 2.2Research Questions 2 2.3 Significance of the project 3 3. Projected related literature 3 3.1 MBA Discipline Area of the Study 3 3.2 Review of some Literature 4 4. Research Methodology 6 4.1 Method 6 4.2 Data Collection 7 5. Ethical Consideration 7 6. Schedule for Completion 8 Appendices 11 1. Introduction 1.1 Background Information FCCCI (Federation of Chinese Community of Canberra Inc.) Chinese School has been described on its website as a non-profit and community based Chinese language school in Canberra, established in 1994 (Bean IT Canberra, 2010). It aims at providing a stimulating learning and fun environment to children (preschool and school-aged children) and enables them to achieve a particular level of skills in speaking, writing and reading Chinese, as well as encourage them to understand and appreciate the culture of Chinese. The society of Canberra is multicultural and has been impacted positively by FCCCI Chinese School in the way it has provided linkage to the community (FCCCI Chinese School, 2011). The school is supported by the Chinese Embassy, funded by ACT government and run by parent representatives and volunteers. All the FCCCI Chinese School teachers are native Chinese speakers, experienced and in teaching children Chinese. The target audience for the Chinese classes are Kindergarten to year 12 (aged from 4 to 18). Bilingual classes are also run for non-Chinese students as per demand for local students from families that do not speak Chinese. The School has developed into one of the largest ethnic language schools in ACT, Australia (FCCCI Chinese School, 2011). 1.2 Problem of the statement The success of any organisation depends on its performance and achievement of its goals. Employees are considered as the most valuable assets of an organisation because they involve in the fulfilling of its mission. For any organisation to be successful it will depend with the quality of its human capital and the recognition that training plays a crucial role. Training and development should impact positively on the performance of individuals and the organisation as a whole both short and long term. When employees make mistakes while working on their jobs, it impacts on the organisation’s performance and its image (Amstrong, 2006). The employees of FCCCI Chinese School have either teaching qualifications or experiences from China or qualified with accreditations from Australia. Most of the teachers have attended training courses by Overseas Affairs Office of State Council and Community Language School Association and China Hanban (FCCCI Chinese School, 2011). However, this does not guarantee performance putting in mind that other forms of training and development programs such as foundation training, refresher training, induction training and technical training, amongst others are very crucial. This study aims at examining if there is a link between training and employee performance in FCCCI Chinese School. 2. Focus of the study 2.1 Purpose of the research The study proposes to understand the impact of training and development on employee performance with special reference to FCCCI Chinese School. 2.2 Research Questions This case study will address the following research questions: 1) How do the current training programmes offered at FCCCI Chinese School affect the performance of the employees? 2) What are the important developmental initiatives taken up by FCCCI Chinese School to provide its employees the opportunity to grow? 3) How much satisfied are the employees with their current career development at the FCCCI Chinese School? 4) What recommendations can be made to improve the current training and development programs at the FCCCI Chinese School? 2.3 Significance of the project This research will inform FCCCI Chinese School management, and other organisations that for performance increase to take place, well trained and motivated employees need to be retained. It will also enhance the development and maintaining of a quality work life which will provide employees with an opportunity of self-actualisation and job satisfaction. This research could assist FCCCI Chinese School in introducing training and development modern schemes and be able to meeting the future challenges of change. 3. Projected related literature 3.1 MBA Discipline Area of the Study This study focuses on the effect of training and development on employee Performance in FCCCI Chinese School, which is under Human Resource Management. Training and development is a feature employed by Human Resource Management to enable an organization train its employees according to its requirements in order to their refine their skills. According to Armstrong (2000), training activities are designed for the improvement of performance of employees on the job that they are present doing or are expected to do, while development is concerned with the employee’s overall growth. It is important for employees to understand their job well and its importance to the overall goal of the organisation. Learning may take place concurrently with the job, and it is the employer’s obligation to provide on-job training to improve employee’s skills and overall performance. The work performance of the employees is affected by training and developmental activities within the organization, which in turn affects the overall organisation’s performance. These activities include cross cultural training, induction training, technical training, and leadership training among others. 3.2 Review of some Literature Training and development is part of the Human Resource Department crucial to any organization. Harrison (2000) asserts that training is the process of educating, informing or teaching people to enable them become well qualified to attend to their jobs. Organisation employees are training in various areas to enable them become efficient in performing their duties. In support, Jackson (2002) suggests that employees are provided with in-service training to improve their performance on the job and equip them to hold their job responsibilities well. It is through this training that employees develop and grow. The provision of on the job training enhances the capabilities and competencies of workers. Evans, Pucik & Barsoux (2002), suggest that there are different types of training that organisations need to provide to their workers so that they are competent and capable to handle work at different stages. Edmond and Noon (2001) asserts that induction or orientation training is one that is provided to a new employee or recruit, so that they can be aware of the work culture and rules of the company, therefore ensuring that they are familiarized with the organisation. This is the responsibility of the HR department, to ensure that the employees are comfortable and able to cope in the new environment. According to Debra and Ofori (2006), employees are provided with foundation training to improve their overall skills such s leadership skills, coordination skills, communication skills and to better understand their profession and gain administration knowledge. Technical training is crucial to provide technical knowledge to employees in regard to their job and ensure that they become professional in their area of specialization. Technical training is provided to both existing and new employees (Jan et al., 2014). Refresher training updates the abilities and skills of the employees, with the changing environment or scenario especially in technology. Obsolete skills cannot be embraced, therefore, refresher training enables them to improve their performance (Gilley & Maycunich, 2000). Kum, Cowden and Karodia (2014) assert that superiors provide their subordinates with on the job training. This is through discussions with employees, presentations, and forma instructions. This enables employees gain more knowledge and develop new skills for their work. Hashim (2012) highlights some benefits of training and development in an organization. He asserts that there is a relationship between training and development and performance of employees. Armstrong (2006) asserts that through practice, experience and education that learning is achieved under training. An effective training is one which makes employees more efficient and competent and contributes to the organisations growth (Baum & Devine, 2007). An employee who is well training will always be aware of responsibilities, duties and abilities. The acquired skills can be utilized efficiently which enables employees to work towards achieving organisation’s goals. According to According to Armstrong (2000),training and development motivates employees, which increases their level of performance, and acts a as a growth pillar of the organisation. Employees become more satisfied thereby reducing absenteeism and turnover rate and become efficient to produce more products of greater quality. More production increases sales and reduces wastage. 4. Research Methodology 4.1 Method To explore the effect of training and development on employee Performance in FCCCI Chinese School, qualitative case study will be used and the major data collection method will be interviews. Qualitative researchers are usually interested in how individuals make sense of their world structures, experiences and lives. The primary instrument for data collection and analysis will be interviews. The researcher will interpret and analyse what will be learned from the interviews and profiles, and teaching materials that the participants created. Qualitative design would help obtain thicker and rich information for the research. The sampling method used was purposeful sampling which considers the most useful and promising type of case study. A researcher uses his or her own expertise or special knowledge when developing a purpose sample, about some group to selected the sample that represent the population (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2003). The researcher will chose a purposeful sampling of 15 employees who work in the organisation as teachers. 4.2 Data Collection (Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill, 2003) asserts that a case study involves a qualitative approach in which a researcher explores a case or cases over time, through in-depth and detailed collection involving multiple information sources. Only primary data will be collected in this study directly with those who have had first-hand experience. Data will be collected using a questionnaire. A structured questionnaire will be administered to all teachers, to investigate the effect of training on employee performance. Questions will be short and clear to motivate respondents to participate, and will not take more than 15minutes. Data will be collected during employees break and lunch time. The questionnaires will be left with those who will not be able to fill immediately and picked at an agreed time. 5. Ethical Consideration The researcher will inform participants that will participate in the study and explain in detail the focus of the study. Decisions made by all participants will be respected, if even if they refuse to provide answers to particular questions, or feel uncomfortably to share their personal experiences. The researcher will also be cautious about asking interview questions to ensure that there is no mental distress or anxiety created in participants. Informed consent will be obtained before conduct the research and aliases will be used for the participants. Any audio tapes will be stored in locked cabinets and destroyed upon data analysis completion. Only the researcher and the study investigators will access the collected data from interviews and survey. Participant identities will be protected by using aliases and reporting aggregate data from surveys, thus minimizing the risks that participants may encounters. 6. Schedule for Completion The researcher expects to complete the project in two months from the date of research proposal approval. However, the time will also depend on the adjusted that is required in the draft submitted to the supervisor. Task Targeted Completion Date Obtain Literature 2nd- 6th May 2016 Complete Literature review 9th - 13th May 2016 Collect Data 16th - 20th May l 2016 Analyse Data 30th May – 3rd June 2016 Write first draft 6th - 10th June 2016 Submit first draft 13th – 17th June 2016 Revise and submit final draft 20th - 24th June 2016 References Armstrong, M. (2000). Understanding training. Human Resource Management Practice, 8th Edition. Kogan page limited, London. pp: 543 Armstrong, M. (2006). A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. London, UK: Kogan Page, Ltd. Baum, T., Devine, F. (2007). Skills and training in the hotel sector: The Case of front office employment in Northern Ireland. Tourism and Hospitality Research, 7: 269–280 Debrah, Y., A & Ofori, G. (2006). Human Resource Development of Professionals in an Emerging Economy. The Case of the Tanzanian Construction Industry. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 17, 3, 440-463 Edmond, H & Noon, M. (2001). A Dictionary of Human Resource Management. Oxford University Press. Evans, P., Pucik, V & Barsoux J., L. (20002). The Global Challenge Framework for International Human Reource Management. Boston: McGraw-Hill. FCCCI Chinese School. (2011). Available on March 13, from <> FCCCI Chinese School. (2011). Available on March 13, from <> Gilley, J., W & Maycunich, A. (2000). Beyond the Learning Organization: Creating a Culture of Continuous Growth and Development through State-Of-The-Art Human Resource Practices. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books Harrison, R. (2000). Employee Development. Silver Lakes, Pretoria. Beekman Publishing. Hashim, M. (2012). Human Resource Management in 21st century: Issues and challenges and possible solution to attain competitiveness. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2 (9): 44-52 Jackson, T. (2002). Reframing Human Resource Management in Africa: a Cross cultural Perspective. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 13 (7): 993-997 Jan, S., I., Haq., M., Tariq, Z & Jahangir, M. (2014). The effect of performance Management system on teacher’s efficiency: A case study of private schools in district Peshawar. Life Science Journal; 11(4):79-85. Kum, F., D., Cowden, R & Karodia, A., M. (2014). The Impact of Training and Development on Employee Performance: A Case Study of Escon Consulting. Singaporean Journal of Business Economics, and Management Studies, 3(3): 72- 105. Saunders, M., Lewis, P and Thornhill, A. (2003). Research methods for business students (3rd Ed). Harlow, England: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Appendices Appendix A- Survey Questionnaire for impact of training and development in employee performance A. Background of staff 1. Gender a) Female ( ) b) Male ( ) 2. Age a) 18 – 24 b) 26 – 34 c) 35 – 44 d) 45 – 54 e) Above 55 3. Marital status a) Single b) Married c) Divorced d) Widowed e) Separated 4. Rank----------------------------------------------------------- 5. Educational background--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. How long have you worked for FCCCI Chinese school?------------------------------------------------ 7. Since you joined FCCCI Chinese School, have you had any form of training? a. Yes ( ) b. No ( ) 8. If your answer is yes in (7) above, what was the criterion for being selected for training? a) Performance appraisal b) Supervisor’s recommendation c) Upon employee request d) Compulsory for all employees e) On-joining the company f) Others (specify)------------------------------- g) I don’t know 9. How often is training provided to you? a) Every two years ( ) b) Once a year ( ) c) Every six months ( ) d) Quarterly ( ) e) No specified schedule ( ) f) No training ( ) 10. For the training you attended please choose the method of facilitation used a) Seminar b) Discussion ( ) c) Lecture ( ) d) Presentation ( ) e) Demonstration ( ) 11. Do any of the training methods have an impact on your skills? a. Yes ( ) b. No ( ) 12. How can you rate the training programme quality for which you participated? a) Very poor ( ) b) Poor ( ) c) Average ( ) d) Good ( ) e) Very good ( ) f) Excellent ( ) 13. Were the trainings you received at FCCCI Chinese School relevant to your work? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) c) To some extent ( ) 14. Do you think the trainings have helped you improve your job performance? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) 15. Would you need further training in m motivating you towards improving your performance? a) Yes ( ) b) No ( ) If “Yes” above please give reasons as to why--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16. Kindly suggest ways in which you think training and development can be improved in FCCCI Chinese School-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your response Read More
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