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Time Management as a Managerial Skill - Literature review Example

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The paper “Time Management as a Managerial Skill” is a comprehensive example of the literature review on management. The issues to be solved involve the essence of time management as a way of general management. As such, issues highlighted revolve around the global skill of managing time…
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Time management. Introduction The issues to be to be solved involve the essence of time management as a way of general management. As such, issues highlighted revolve around the global skill of managing time. Some of the responses include having managers that have possession of essential managerial skills to ensure reduced time wastage. Anon (2007) stipulates that the forces within and outside should be influenced these skills. Since different people working in the same environment come from different backgrounds and hold a variety in cultures, beliefs and interests, it is essential for managers to understand this if they are to be effective. Having this understanding ensures prevention of time wastage on employee resistance to changes that may be necessary in the organization. In the error of globalization, it has become necessary for managers to become good time managers if they are to drive their organizations to ultimate success. This is so especially due to increased competition from both local and international organizations which has resulted to a drastic fall in commodity and service prices(Kamble 2011). Failure to develop and utilize the necessary time management skills by the managers would mean failure or reduced profitability to the organizations they operate. According to Beamer & Varner (2008), a lot of time is wasted when the manager does not understand how to deal with people in an organization. This translate to low production and hence increased production cost. Based on this urgument, it is evident that good time management skills are essential in every organization. Time management as a managerial skill A manager can save time from familiarising with internal politics on how things work. When a new task come into place, the manager knows how things work out and can schedule responsibilities according to suitability without wasting time. These skills enable the manager to have a theoretical understanding of the organisation in order to run it. When the manager understands his/her working environment, he/she can utilise it to the benefit of the organisation. This helps to save time considerably since the knowledge of the working environment enables the manager use resource that exist in the working environment rather than seek for them outside. Celestine (2012) explains that time management is to a greater extent influenced by the managers ability to communicate to the employees and other stakeholders in an organization. In this regard, explaining issue to employees in a way that they own an organization and cooperate reduce employee resistance to change which has been linked to poor productivity resulting from increased time wastage. This is especially with an understanding that the world over time continues to evolve into a more culturally mixed environment (Blair 2008). It essential for managers to build a culture of timely delivery of ordered goods and services. This has been found to increase customer loyalty and hence giving the organization a competitive advantage. According to Anon (2006a), effective time management reduces conflicts with clients. Time management should be keen point of issue for all managers since it makes the difference between success and failure. This is based on the fact that time as a resource is the most equally distributed resource with 24 hours a day for everybody. Proper time management ensures a balance between personal life and work (Blair 2008). This balance ensures that one can respond efficiently to new situations that may arise during work. Unlike other types of resources like finance, time cannot be managed by reduction or transfer. Its management depends entirely on the individual involved and in this regard, the manager. Neither can time be replaced nor recreated. It can only be saved by the individual through proper planning (Anon 2007). Personal life cannot be ignored even time management becomes a priority. The personal life issues should be considered since they have a big impact on our whole life. Sometime should be taken off for entertainment and relaxation. These aspects if ignored can lead to depression and stress (Pausch 2009). These however, should not be overdone since they will lead to time wastage. While taking some time off for personal life, it will be important to remember that time cannot be recreated or regained (Pausch 2009). Once lost, time cannot be recovered. Some misconceptions about time management arise. It will be impossible to manage time without self-discipline and common sense (Pausch 2009). Without these two, time management becomes inapplicable. Some of the best work can only be accomplished through the application of pressure. If pressure fails to be applied, some reluctance to do the job might appear due to the mind-set that everything will be easy (Pausch 2009). The application of pressure also makes sure that a lot of work becomes done within a short period of time. The things to keep in mind concerning time management include completing work early. This helps to clear time for revision or any extra work (Anon. 2007). Work that only takes a part of the day should better be done early in the morning. This practise can help save lots of time to do things in the schedule or even other non-priority things (Anon. 2007). Time management can sometimes reduce a person’s freedom but when work becomes done early, a person becomes free to do whatever he or she wishes to (Anon. 2007). Poor time management can have various symptoms which can be easily detected. These include: frequent delays, constant rushing, lack of motivation, low productivity and energy and not being able to achieve or set goals (Anon. 2007). Once a person detects any of these symptoms, he or she should apply corrective measure. Managing time can be put to effect by allocating time to emergencies. Making emergencies a preference on the neediest tasks leads to reduction of stress that may come later on. The neediness should be arranged by demands of the job. This mode of doing things makes the difference between A-list successful people and failures (Blair 2008). The reason for concluding this originates from the fact that everybody has an equal share of time in this world. Everybody has 24 hours in their day. This universal distribution of time gives everybody an equal chance in their life to do as they please. Time management does not only revolve about the scheduling and following of programs as per the schedule (Blair 2008). It also means controlling other aspects of life. Good time management involves controlling oneself from the distractions that come along. These distractions can be useful and at times destructive. Given the high tempting value that they have, it would be wise to ignore them completely or if valuable assign them to the priority list. Some issues related to time management include self-discipline. Self-discipline in order to adhere to the time management skills, add as a plus to the requirements of proper time management. Once effectiveness is achieved, there are minimal chances of subjecting employees to pressure which has been attributed to increased absenteeism and work burnout. This results from the fact that lack of pressure may lead to procrastination or can be confused with challenges (Blair 2008). However, where managers have effective time management skills, performance efficiency came even when there is pressure. stress may lead to forgetting of appointments and giving excuse (Anon 2009).The presences of an overall time management schedule can help solve all problems that may arise from improper use of time . For example, a time management schedule that does not cover issues outside normal work related duties can lead to disorganisation. This may happen through the disruption of a time table that one has become accustomed. Bowler et al. (2007) explains that effective time management reduces redundancy in small organization greatly. This in return results to lower operation cost as well as increased employee satisfaction. Once, time is well managed, managers are in a position to assign different tasks to employees and ensure timely completion thereby avoiding chances for employees working overtime. Bowler et al. (2007) further explain that increased opportunities for employees to work overtime reduce their resting time, a factor that may contribute to work related burn-out. Self-organisation and planning offers a better time management platform. This results from the fact that a disorganised person may not meet strict deadlines and if this happens, the results may be poorly done work. Where a time management schedule is in application the work may end up finished earlier and efficiently. Creativity needs to be applied to time management since lack of self-discipline reduces people to being just good instead of efficient (Anon 2007). An important way of efficiently managing time involves avoiding the procrastination of assignment which only serves to disregard the time schedule. Procrastination can be dealt with by having forcing oneself to work under pressure. Most of the times when someone has the time before a given deadline the person tends to postpone it to later until too late. This mode of doing things proves to be inefficient because not only does the work get to be done in a rush, but the work happens to be done hastily in order to beat the given deadline (Anon 2012b). Procrastination can be efficiently by reducing the deadline to a given assignment to a shorter time. By doing this, not only does a person has time left to review, but the said person can increase his/her own efficiency as well. This efficiency gives someone the opportunity to have time for other things (Anon 2006b). Guidelines associated with the development and/or application of Time management. The skills mentioned above can be used together to manage time. Technical skills needed may enable the manager to be a part of problem solving system. This can make him/her manage the problems at hand. Most employees become inspired to work harder when their boss becomes involved personally in the work. This mode of management leads to proper time management hence better results than in an environment whereby the boss only gives orders and instruction (Blair 2008). The hands-on boss also ensures the handling of the work done efficiently and through the right procedures. Conceptual skills in a manager can be applied by involving the manager in the brains behind the acquirement of the solution. This skill complements with modes of communication. As the solution to the problem seeks to be solved the manager, should adapt proper ways of communication in order to relate his/her ideas and acquire ideas from the staff. The reasoning and getting of the solution makes the managerial jobs easier (Blair 2008). The ideas become communicated efficiently and in ways that can be exceptionally well understood. guidelines informing Vs. guidelines recommended by the literature. From the reviewed literature, effective time management by managers is core in enhancing organizational success. Unlike in my practice where I have to simply plan what to do at what time, reviewed literature has indicated that effective time management ensures that tasks are completed within the shortest time possible. It also reduces the chance of having to redo tasks or deal with emerging conflict. This time is then applied in solving any emerging eventualities that a manager may not have been prepared to face. However, where one simply works to complete a task on time, eventualities may result to increased pressure in the work place which has been associated to increased absenteeism. Ultimately, this has been attributed to low productivity and in ability to compete with other organization (Anon 2009). In the review of the original literature, the finding proved that not only do the time management skills prove to be helpful but boost the efficiency in the work place as well. As per the original literature the time allocated to everyone has equivalence. This goes on to be proved through mathematical calculation such as the number of hours in a day, the number of minutes in one hour. In the review, time cannot be reduced or increased but through proper management one can save so much of it. This analysis of the distribution of time goes on to be compared with other resources such as finances whereby the time resource falls under the category of the equally distributed (Anon 2009). Guidelines I would like to practice further Some of the guidelines that need to be practised further involve the integration of my time management in line with the needs of my employees. The essence for this originates from the fact that, as a manger, the management goes on to involve those working with me. This practise enhances efficiency in time management. Making a time management schedule without consideration for others may end up being irrelevant (Pausch 2009). As such, I should be prepared for any eventualities that would to need of increase time in completing some tasks. Reviewed literature indicate that, saving time from tasks that are effectively done enhances effectiveness in the overall operation as such time can be distributed to other time consuming tasks. Another guideline related to the above would involving employees in developing working scheduled. This should come as a guideline of what each employee does during the time consumed by him/her. This enables the manager to make a time table that will not only accommodate them but ensure efficiency of the same as well. The practice can make sure that my schedule allocated to employees, and their schedule does not collide in any way. The last guideline to be included involves the marking of the workability and non-functionality of the time schedule (Pausch 2009). Errors and inefficiency identified when completing a task should be addressed to avoid its reoccurrence. This should make sure that not only does the time schedule work, but it also has relevance. The consideration to other people’s time also helps to maintain the respect. Disregarding other people’s time schedule not only proves to be disrespectful but may also lead to conflicts. The unresolved issues, questions or problems based on the review of the literature. Some of the unresolved issues in the literature reviewed include the establishment of a time management schedule. Though reviewed literature explains the importance of a management schedule, it does not explain how best this can be achieved (Flashman & Fetsch 2008). Coming up with a time table that can effectively be used to manage the time. In this schedule, the habits that need to be dropped should be outlined alongside the desired habits. This method should be used to come up with the most effective time management schedule. The schedule should also identify the need for the time table in order to keep off the undesired habits. This method can only be put to effect with efficient self-discipline in order to make the time table useful. Another issue that relates to time management not highlighted in the original literature involves the establishment of a time schedule measurable within a short time. Prioritization of issues which is a major factor in enhancing time management has not been highlighted. According to Pausch (2009) needs and wants should be separated such that the needs become more valued and prioritised and wants pursued with the availability of time. However, both are important in enhancing organizational performance. Reviewed literature does not guide on how a manager can enhance a balance between the two. The earlier discussed identification of emergencies should be done with deadlines kept in mind (Flashman &Fetsch 2008). These authors explain that large tasks should be broken into more manageable ones and the most difficult and least desirable tasks be handled first. However, there is a conflict when it comes to meeting deadlines and defining the level of difficulty in performing given tasks. More research should thus be carried explaining how this can be enhanced. This includes research on how development of realistic schedules makes organizational goals more attainable. In addition, there is need for research on how a manager can enhance time management by aligning personal goals with organizational goals. To manage my time and other people’s time as a manager, I would outline all the necessities of proper time management. This would include details such as what I need to say, to whom and at what time. Flashman & Fetsch (2008) explain that time wastage in an organization sometimes occur due to resistance to change fostered by releasing information to the wrong people or at the wrong time. The ability to say no as easy as it seems can be difficult to maintain. This coupled with the fact that habit is second to nature only makes it more difficult. The resistance to fall into these temptations require a lot of self-discipline. Another point of issue to be considered when managing time is coming up of a new assignment when tasks have been completed before deadline. Usually the time table has a 24 hour schedule to what needs to be done and a new schedule may complicate things. The new schedule according to my time table can be handled according to the urgency that it brings. For instance, if the new assignment happens to be an emergency, it should be dealt with immediately (Flashman & Fetsch 2008). However, if it does not require much urgency it can be pushed to later. The emergence of a new assignment can also be dealt with by having a slot in the time table for new assignments. This gives one chance to be in tune with the time table without messing up the schedule. This slot in the time table should be flexible such that a person can prioritise the new assignment according to its urgency The most fundamental way of reducing time wastage physically speaking involves the decluttering of the surrounding environment (Pausch 2009). The workspace if disorganised may lead to more time being wasted trying to find things needed for the day to day activities. This may lead to hours of searching for an important tool because of disorganisation. The best way to handle this involves having a clearly organised working table whereby all the equipment and tools used frequency has a perfect visibility. This will work to reduce the time taken to retrieve them (Pausch 2009). Organisation also helps the mind to register the location of all equipment hence adaptation to the environment. More often than not each new day brings in new tasks. It would be a excellent practice to have a to-do list unique to the day. This helps one to be adjustable despite having a time schedule. The time schedule should allocate time to the to-do list most importantly before everything else (Anon 2012a). This will help to get rid of the tasks as soon as possible in order to avoid possible procrastination. The assignment of time to the daily to do list should most preferably be done early in the morning before resuming the normal schedule. This may help to clear one’s mind off the additional responsibilities (Blair 2008). The lingering on of the additional responsibilities may prove to be redundant to a person’s daily routine or complete forgetfulness. The frequent thinking about the extra thing to be done may end up costing one’s concentration or even efficiency. This redundancy may be solved by allocating time to the daily to do list and be done with it at once. In conclusion, the responsibility of time management belongs to an individual and cannot be blamed to other people. A clear outline of what one wants to do and the time to take should be accompanied by strong will and dedication. This helps to improve the efficiency and the ability to achieve these goals. As much as a time table helps to improve the usage of time by an individual the application of self-discipline makes the time table efficient. As a manager, time management makes a mighty significant difference between success and failure in the working environment. This may help improve the fortunes that come along to the organisation. The proper management of time goes hand in hand with the proper management of an organisation. References Anon, 2006, 10 tips for time management in a multitasking world [Online]. UK: Penelope Trunk . Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Anon, 2007a, Time Management [Online]. USA: Entrepreneur. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Anon, 2007b, Time Management [Online]. USA: UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Anon, 2009, Time Management Guidelines. West Virginia, USA: Retention Services-Virginia Western Community College-Roanoke. Anon, 2012a, 14 Time Management tips [Online]. USA: Ask Mem. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Anon, 2012b, Time Management: Beat Work Overload. Be More Effective. Achieve More. [Online]. USA: Mind Tools. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Anon, 2012c, Time-management tips from extremely busy people [Online]. UK: The Guardian. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Blair, G 2008, Personal Time Management for Busy Managers [Online]. United Kingdom: Time management. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Beamer, l & Varner, I 2008, Intercultural communication in the global workplace. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Bowler, A, Dawood, MS & Page S 2007 Entrepreneurship and Small business Management. Pretoria: Juta and Co. Ltd. Celestine, J 2012, 20 Quick Tips For Better Time Management [Online]. USA: Life Hack. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Flashman, R & Fetsch, R 2008, The Succesful Person's Guide to TIME MANAGEMENT. 2nd ed. Kentucky, United Kingdom: UK Co-operative Extension Service. Kamble, R 2011, Managerial Skills for organizational performance: an analytical study. Indian streams research journal, Vol.1, Iss. 1, pp.23-27. Pausch, R 2009, Carnegie Mellon University [Online]. USA: Time Management Talk. Retrieved from: [Accessed 21st September 2012]. Read More
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