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Developing Training Programs in Team Building Using the Principles of Andragogy - Coursework Example

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The paper "Developing Training Programs in Team Building Using the Principles of Andragogy" is an outstanding example of management coursework. According to Marcia L. Corner, Pedagogy means “the art and Science of enlightening children and frequently used as a synonym for teaching.” (1997-2004, pp. 1-3)…
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Developing Training Programs in Team Building Using the Principles of Andragogy Name of Student Department Course Instructor Name 17th November 2011 INTRODUCTION According to Marcia L. Corner, Pedagogy means “the art and Science of enlightening children and frequently used as a synonym for teaching.” (1997-2004, pp. 1-3) It embodies a teacher focused education in relation to training and development. In this model, the teacher assumes the responsibility of decision making on what will be learned, the mode of learning, and the specific time of learning content. The teacher directs the learning. On the other hand, Andragogy as initially defined as a “the art and science of helping adults learn.” Andragogy has now taken a broader meaning after Knowles’ first edition. (Corner, M. 1997-2004, pp. 1-3) Andragogy’s current definition gives the alternative to pedagogy and refers to a learner focused education for people of all age. It consists of learning strategies focused to adults and often referred to as the process of involving adult learners with the structure of the learning experience. In this context; preparation of a training program in teambuilding with respect to Andragogy principles will be discussed. Andragogic model asserts five learning strategic steps in formal learning. The steps involve: Allowing learners understand or perceive what they need to learn and the importance. Showing the learners on how to go through information and acquire the necessary information. Then, relate the topic learners experiences and to help the learners overcome inhibitions, behaviors and beliefs about learning. Though Andragogy is explained in education texts as the way adults learn; Malcolm Knowles concedes that four of the five strategies apply to adults and children equally. (Corner, M. 1997-2004, pp. 1-3) The difference comes in that children have fewer experiences in life; pre-established beliefs in comparison to adults, thus have remarkably little instances to relate. Much importance is attached to the principles of Andragogy as they define education from its sheer roots of the concept, delineates the parameters of true learning and points out the extent of its self driven tenets in line with its necessity in the contemporary life. (Henschke, 2009, pp. 26-38) The players in the education sector have the obligation of embracing Andragogy regardless of what it takes as it helps in the building of various vital aspects in the field. TEAM BUILDING Team building is a vital aspect in every field of working; it enhances effectiveness, and at the same time ensures a high level of consultation among people with the same target. According to Ben Chun (2010), using the principle of Andragogy, it is evident that team building is of the essence in the realization of effective training capabilities as far as learning is concerned be it of children or adults. Andragogy principles give a student, the independence necessary to develop answerable methods for organizing their learning and deciding the pace at which to progress. Andragogy education instills freedom and creativity to the student which are necessary for development of individual and unique program. Knowles (1984, pp. 234-289) encouraged the educators to incorporate the seven steps-processes; so as to implement and capitalize upon the assumptions of Andragogy. The five assumptions about learning include; The independency and self-directing virtue of the adults called self-concept Accumulation of experience leading to a great source of learning. Valuing learning that integrates demands of every life: the readiness to learn. Being interested in immediate, problem centered approaches than in subject centered ones exemplifying a focused orientation to learning. Getting motivated to learn by internal drives rather than the external drives Malcolm Knowles later developed came up with the seven steps commonly known as the principles of Andragogy (Kauffman, D. 2003, pp. 213-216) and are highlighted below. Introduction and incorporation of an effective climate of learning with safety and comfort in expression for the student. Learners get involved in mutual planning of relevant methods and curricular content. Involve learners in establishing their own needs as this helps in triggering internal motivation. Learners are encouraged in formulating their own learning objectives giving them more control to learning. Learners get encouraged to make out resources and work out strategies for using the wherewithal to realize their objectives. Sustain learners in carrying out their learning strategies. Engage learners in evaluating their own learning which helps in growing their skills of decisive reflection. These steps can effectively be applied in the training capabilities and the coming up with effective ways to ensuring achievable training tactics in schools. Team building in the training institutions is vital to the student or the learning the sense that it enhances cooperation and ensures effective discussion. (Santos & Matai, n.d., pp. 1-6) Learners ought to be self-regulating and self-directed as they undertake the training facilities in schools and colleges. Using the principles of Andragogy to develop a training program in Team Building Adult learners are self-directed. Self directed learning can be observed as a method of organizing teaching and learning whereby the tasks involved in learning are largely within the control of the learners. Team building can be enhanced towards achieving goals set by the learner thus they need to accept responsibility for their own learning, personal independence and personal choice. (Knowles, 1984, pp. 234-289) On the achievement of the first principle application, it leads to the second. Organized teaching and learning leads to the learners being in their own control and work towards a goal so that they become able to accept responsibility for their own learning. On close examination of what Knowles (1984) meant by being self direct bring out that he appreciated the needs of grown ups to be actively involved in the decisions affecting them. As they grew up, they progressively turned out to be capable of taking self care. There are many implications to this assumption in the sense that self directed learners are capable of coming up together and working as a team. Collaboration between learners entails the establishment of a safe environment where learners do not fear sharing ideas, experiences and learning more through exchange of information. According to Kauffman, (2003, pp. 213-216) Andragogy theory explains that adults have the principle of being self-directed in learning than children. Children though having more time are less motivated, and this may come as a result of not choosing to go to school. In this context, team building among the adults is paramount to the fact that they self- driven and more motivated to achieving their goals. Experience in team building Knowles attached much importance to the experience brought by learners in their environment. According to Knowles (1984, pp. 234-289), adults are the best resources for each other. Each learning adult has different learning needs and understanding capabilities. Thus, this can be enhanced through group discussions and combined assignments drawing heterogeneity and expertise within groups. Ways of thinking that are unique and habitual are developed through life experiences. Knowles believes that learners could be encouraged to overcome such limitations by being open minded; this is only achievable through team work or in groups. Experiences are well sought after in life and can only be enhanced through team building. Learners will have to participate in class discussions and get involved in team projects; this ensures sharing of experiences and gained knowledge. Time should be allowed for learners to develop relations in their teams of work while modeling the right examples and emulating the perfect ones. (Palloff & Pratt, 2001, pp. 1-5) In order to achieve effective team building as discussed above, draft guidelines by the facilitators are imperative to man the undertakings of the exercise. This ensures that the target set is achieved and if possible heightened. This can be done by laying down questions to be followed through the discussions. Conrad & Donaldson in Blondy (2007, pp 116-130) argues that interactive measures can not only be achieved face to face but also through online, thus team building in the recent world can be achieved with individuals with similar interest but are far from each other. With regard to experience, learners come to the education environment with greater magnitude plus a different quality of experience. (Baumgarter, 2008, pp 34-57) According to Knowles as discussed in Baumgarter (2008, pp 34-57), the learners have various techniques of learning to call for individualized strategies in learning, with these special qualities, when incorporated in a team, integrated success is bound to be realized. Adults get into the learning environment ready to learn. Knowles based the assumption on the learner’s readiness to observe and perceive new experiences as a catalyst to learning something new. Events happening in life trigger the desire to learn more or get to know something new. (Knowles, 1984, pp. 234-289) Knowles alleged that learning ought to be a gratifying and an enjoyable experience nonetheless; he also initially believed that adult learners had the desire to learn primarily out of necessity. (Henschke, 2009, pp. 26-38) There is much importance in combining the needs of learners and those of the society or institutions something that can be achieved through team work. Educators can influence the learners to be effective role models, providing required help in career building and identifying knowledge gaps through interactive forums. According to Baumgarter (2008, pp 34-57), readiness to learn sources its richness in the developmental tasks associated with moving from one growth stage to another. This can be enhanced in a group where the learners will help each other in achieving their goals. (Henschke, 2009, pp. 26-38) This can effectively be aroused by ensuring that team building is encouraged and incorporated in the learning techniques. The learners being in a position to accept the learning environment and perceive what happens around them arouses the concept of working together and seeks guidance from their instructors. Being problem oriented Knowles (1984, pp. 234-289) stated that adults did not merely learn but due to the fact that they needed to apply what they learnt promptly in real life situations. This brings out the sense of trying out what they had learnt. This is clear that with this assumption team building can be achieved in the sense that due to the desire to put to task what they have learnt, learners will promote the spirit of being together. The process of curriculum learning classes is of much essence. The ability to connect between everyday life experience and learning in a virtue classroom indicate learners as individuals who own knowledge that can be useful. (Chun, 2010) Course assignments and group projects are supposed to make learners draw personal experiences and needs. This ensure that they apply theoretical knowledge of their course in the to the real life situations. Organization skills are essential in this context and thereby, enhancing the learner to incorporate theoretical knowledge and apply it while sharing in group work. Gaining focus enhances problem solving and ensures that the learner is capable of understanding the concept of team building in their learning strategies. Motivation to learning by factors from within them Self-esteem, increase recognition, or self-actualization are internal factors promoting learning internally. Knowles believed that adults were motivated into success by their educational goals when recognized and appreciated owing to the contribution made as individuals. These internal factors can be built and strengthened by engaging in team work. Team work will enhance not only the recognition of the internal factors but also the strengthening of inner values. According to Baumgarter (2008, pp 34-57) these internal factors; referred to as intrinsic motivators and are the desires for increased inner qualities that will pre-empt a learner form not being competent enough to achieve the best in his training. With the reflective practice, there is reshaping of approaches during the course, and out of the course, and this develops wisdom or artistry in their practice. Actions like seeking debriefing from peers and enquiring for feedback from learners ensure that they seek clarification on issues that appear difficult or are not clear to them. This will enhance the creation of broader urge to learn more and get equipped with the necessary traits in team building and learning. Application of the principles of Andragogy in training capabilities The principles guide the learner to gain tools to becoming increasingly self-directed and thus work effectively in team work. Self-directed concept is not all about individualistic activity, but also, cooperation and collaborative learning. These can be incorporated in the training of the learners to enhance moving towards self-direction. (Baumgarter, 2008, pp 34-57) According to Coopers et al (1995), in Cortel & Millies (1998) as cited in (Baumgarter, 2008, pp 34-57); cooperative learning is viewed as being more ordered than collaborative learning. There is the approach of interactive learning between students themselves, small discussion groups and eventually teachers are viewed as the coach. There is also the creation of a comfortable psychological and physical environment for learning with andragogical assumptions. These will enhance paying attention to issues of trust, safety and mutual respect in the field learning and training. Students will feel safer and express themselves in an environment they feel respected and valued unlike in circumstances when they feel not valued. Therefore, trainers are bound to inculcate programs that will ensure that the learners feel well placed to embrace and incorporate them in the course of their learning. There is also need to involve the learners’ objectives, sequence and learning experiences as well as resources to be used. (Baumgarter, 2008, pp34-57) This ensures that there is interactive and cordial relation between the trainee and the learner. Conclusion The principles of Andragogy in team building are particularly essential in that they enhance cohesiveness. According to Baumgarter, (2009, pp. 34-57) recent studies carried out in various countries have affirmed Knowles assumption amid prior criticism. Trainers applying the learner- centered Andragogical way; this helped learners in overcoming their weaknesses. There is much importance attached to Andragogic assumptions in learning. Team building can be achieved well with application of these principles as they promote sharing of experiences and cooperation between the learners and trainers who view each other as peers. Though the tenet, of Andragogy assumes that the learners move from being dependent to being more independent, it is imperative that team building is crucial, and it can be enhanced mainly by the assumptions of Andragogy. Training program development in team building clearly comes out with the use of the principles of Andragogy; which aims at promoting learners who are self driven, and inculcate their learning skills in life. REFERENCES Baumgarter, L. Andragogy: An Introduction and Implications for Curriculum and Instruction. (2008) In Wang, V. (Ed.), Curriculum Development for Adult Learners in the Global community: Strategic approaches, Kriegrer publishing Co. Malabar, Florida. Vol.1p. 34- 57. Blondy, L. Evaluation and Application of Andragogical Assumptions to the Adult Online Learning Environment, Journal of Interractive learning, (2007) Vol. 6 (2) pp 116-130 available at Chun, B. Team building in Andragogy, Adventures in Teaching and Technology (June 24, 2010) available at Conner, M. L. "Andragogy and Pedagogy." Ageless Learner, 1997-2004. Henschke, J. A. "A Productive Decade of Andragogy's History and Philosophy 2000­2009." In Assessing and Evaluating AdultLearning in Career and Technical Education. Wang, V. [Ed].(pdf) ZhejiangUniversity Press, Hangzhou, China, 2009. Kaufman, D. Applying Education Theory in Practice (2003, January 25) 326 (7382): BMJ Publishing Group Ltd p. 213-216 Knowles MS and Associates. Andragogy in action: applying modern principles of adult learning. (1984) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. Building Learning Communities in Cyberspace: Effective Strategies for the Online Classroom. (2001) San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Santos, P. & Matai, S. (n.d.) Cooperative education: Andragogy, CCs-University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, CEP 05508-970 Read More
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