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Centrelink Organization - Project Management Capability and Maturity Assessment Model - Example

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The paper “Centrelink Organization - Project Management Capability and Maturity Assessment Model” is a perfect variant of the report on management. This report gives an in-depth discussion and analysis of the Centrelink Organization project management capability. The in-depth discussion and analysis of the organization basically focus on the project maturity model…
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CENTRELINK ORGANIZATION Student’s name Code & Course Professor’s name University City Date Centrelink Organization Contents 1.0 Introduction 3 2.0 Organization Context 3 3.0 Maturity Assessment Model. 4 4.0 Identification of the problem 6 5.0 Literature Review 7 6.0 Conclusion 17 7.0 References 18 Centrelink Organization 1.0 Introduction This report gives an in-depth discussion and analysis of the Centrelink Organization project management capability. The in-depth discussion and analysis of the organization basically focuses on the project maturity model. The report further identifies areas that Centrelink Organization needs to increase the maturity based on the identified weaknesses as per the organization problem. Thirdly, the report engages in variety of literature review purposefully to understand problems associated with Centrelink Organization and come up with strategic solutions to overcome the identified challenges. Lastly, conclusive remarks are issued based on the report findings. The remarks showcase the literature findings, and how the findings are important to Centrelink. 2.0 Organization Context Centrelink Organization is an Australian organization that offers primary social security agency for the Australian Government (Mitchell 2008). To understand the size and the scope of Centrelink Organization, Centrelink is estimated to have at least 6.5 million customers, issues payment to at least 10 million persons annually, records more than 5.2 billion annual electronic transactions, and distribute more than 140 products and services across 25 government offices (Mitchell 2008). Additionally, Centrelink Organization has employed more than 25, 000 employees while the company is estimated to have more than 1000 service delivery stations. Essentially, Centrelink Organization is estimated to receive more than 31 million telephone calls annually (Mitchell 2008). 3.0 Maturity Assessment Model. Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3). The P3M3 model is designed purposefully to ensure that projects are completed effectively as per the guidelines through project portfolio, programme, and the project activities (Erling 2015). Additionally, P3M3 focuses on activities across organizations by provisioning sustainability efforts that develop programmes and projects guidelines by adhering to the project, programme, and management approaches (Hulya 2009). The P3M3 model is hierarchically structured to ensure the organization attain maturity and capability to solve programme and project issues. To attain maturity, P3M3 model advocates for transitions states for an organization whereby the hierarchy of P3M3 facilitates the organization to move from the immature state to mature state (Office of the Government of Commerce 2006) The P3M3 hierarchy operates under 5 levels. From the lower level to top level includes initial stage, repeatable level, defined stage, managed level, and optimised stage. Each of the listed process has a regular structure that is descriptive and adhere to the expected outcomes thus perception, review, deployment, technique, performance measure, and the process goals. Essentially, P3M3 model processes have the capacity to adhere to process perspectives which include planned management, resource use efficiency, financial adherence, stakeholder consideration, risk and benefits management. The chosen P3M3 model pose huge advantages for Centrelink in comparison to other models. Firstly, the P3M3 model will enable Centrelink Organization to justify the organization investment in the 3Ps alluded towards management improvement, ability to gain global recognition of outstanding service quality purposefully to support proposals, and the ability to understand the organization strengths and weaknesses so as to foster the organization improvements (Murray 2015). Consequently, the P3M3 model will enable Centrelink Organization to attain both the short term and the long term performances improvements. As such, the P3M3 model will conduct an assessment regarding Centrelink overall maturity rating, project management, portfolio management, process improvement stages, and which type of process often takes place in Centrelink projects level. To effectively and efficiently collect and exhaust information, the report intends to apply the use of interview, observation, and questionnaire to gather the available data. The tools will basically be distributed and observed across Centrelink resource management department, financial assessment department, stakeholder’s department, risk assessment department, organizational governing body, and the resource consideration department. Irrespective of the data collection tool, below questionnaires, will determine the maturity level of the Centrelink organization. Maturity Stage Portfolio assessment Programme assessment Project assessment Level 1. (Awareness of Process) Does Centrelink committee recognize projects and programmes and process informal documents of its investment related to the programmes and projects? Does Centrelink adhere to the programmes and process all the programs differently from all projects? Does Centrelink realize the available projects and conduct the projects differently from the organization ongoing businesses? Level 2. (Repeated Process) Does Centrelink adhere to run projects and programme in its portfolio to a minimum stated standard? Does Centrelink ensure that the available programmes are run on different processes and procedures as per the stated standards? Are the projects and programmes conducted within the organization processes and procedures within the minimum positioned standard? Level 3. (Defined Process) Does Centre link have centrally controlled project processes? Do the processes offer flexible environment for single project to suit particular project? Does Centre link have the capacity of centrally controlled programme processes? Can single programmes flex with Centrelink processes to suit any programme? Availability of own contrarily controlled project and programme processes? Availability of own portfolio? Processes? Do the processes foster environment for individual project and programs to suit in? Level 4. (Managed Process) Does Centrelink have a specified measurement on the project management performance? Does it run a quality management organization to predict future performance? Does Centrelink have a specific measurement on its programme management performance? Does Centrelink have specific management metrics within the portfolio of programme and projects to have the ability to predict future performance? Does it have the capacity to manage and prioritize projects and programme? Stage 5. (optimised process Does the organization record progressive improvement technology and problem management? Does it have the capacity to depict outcomes overtime and optimize processes? Does the organization showcase progressive improvements in technology and programme management? Does it have the capacity to identify overtime and optimise processes? Does Centrelink showcase progressive improvements in technology and problem management so as to identify performance overtime and optimize processes? 4.0 Identification of the problem In the management of the portfolios, the Centrelink executive committee fails to identify aspects such as resource management which are hence not defined and consistently managed. This forms part of the business problem because if the resource management is neglected the company suffers from poor identification and allocation of resources to specific initiatives. In the organization resource allocation is based on individuals and therefore does not suit the impact of allocating resources against the strategic objectives and priorities of the firm. The firms score very low on how it runs its projects different from other businesses. The failure to differentiate the projects from other business has caused the firm to experience tension between the project directions and the firm’s strategic directions. The pull of events makes it hard for the management to plan for financial claims of projects against the strategic intents of the company. The poor scope definitions exhibited by the company is allowing the stakeholders to hijack projects and programmes to align with the additional scope without the provisions for the additional time or funding. The programmes and projects should be from personal interest interference and the personal initiative project and programmes approach should not be preferred to the structured approach in the organization. The projects and programmes should be identified and controlled free from the interference by the company’s stakeholders. The approval to proceed with the projects and programmes does not put into considerations the capacity and the workload involved in the new programmes and projects. The committee approves projects and programmes without a clear and keenly conducted analysis of the time frame and the work involved in realizing success in projects and programs. The successful delivery of programs at Centrelink is highly dependent on a small pool of skilled managers who determine their own management processes. The individual processes fail to hit consistency levels required by the organization and the Centrelink published guidance fails to capture the good work of the individual manager’s practices. This is a challenge to the project management capability of an organization because the individual whose practices are recognized get demoralized and demotivated to push on with the implementation of the Centrelink projects. 5.0 Literature Review ref Citation Paradigm(ontology& epistolomology Research method Context/sector/discipline Key findings(weaknesses and solutions identified Relevance/link to the case study organization 1 Levin& Ward(2014) Positivism angle Use of qualitative research methods such as interviews focus groups and participation. management The firm fails to get the required project and programmes outcomes because the programmes and programmes managers lack the required knowledge and competencies needed to control the programmes and projects in the firm. The research proposes that the management should train their managers to equip them with the needed knowledge and competencies to be able to deliver the proposed and planned benefits of the program. The project manager should be able to define the program, initiate the program, plan the program, execute the program, monitor and control the program and finally close the program. Closing according Levin & Ward(2014) involves completion of the program performance report analysis, executing the transition plan and conducting the shareholder review meetings The findings are relevant to the case organization because the author defines the project roles of each and every stakeholder drawing a line that helps reduce project interference problems witnessed in Centrelink organization. The findings also help the Centrelink project and program managers to know their roles during the onset of major projects until the closure of those projects in the organization. 2 Backlund et al(2015) Positivism angle The project employed use of in-depth interviews and questionnaires medical In the organization it is the role of everyone to take part in project management. The full engagement by the staff helps in the maximization of the project benefits for the individuals and the organization. The employees need to understand the importance of their contribution and the willingness to take part in the projects and programmes of the firm. The project coordinators according to Backlund et al (2015) should seek the top management approval for the development and implementation of quality assurance and a continuous improvement in the projects and programmes. The project committees should always consider the workload and timeframe required for projects and programmes before initiating them into the organization system. According to Backlund et al(2015), the initiative helps to gap the conflict between different projects and programmes on the completion dates and financial allocations by the management. The literature is very critical to the case study because the organization experiences a problem of aligning the workload of the projects to the number of projects to be initiated at a time. The literature will help the management of Centrelink in planning and initiations of different projects cyclically to allude the project conflicts experience by the organization. 3 Mulley (2014) Positivism angle The research employed the use of a case study and participation. Management According to Mulley (2014), the use of maturity models is a popular framework for improvement of project management practices. However, Mulley (2014) argues that the prevalence of the models is still little evidence that the maturity improvements corresponds to value or the performance improvement. In his findings, he presumes that project maturity and project management are universal, consistent and control oriented and the maturity should be perceived as a linear process. Using empirical evidence, the researcher demonstrates that project management varies and different practices results in unique value. Mulley (2014) argues that the assessment today should be based on the contextual and contingent approaches which the maturity models fails to support. The author suggests that organizations should aim at highest maturity levels in all processes but rather in the specific sectors that are important to the firm This literature is relevant to the case study because it helps in the understanding of the relevance of each practices and the value it gives to the organization. Centrelink has failed to conduct consistent resource management which has empowered individuals to make important decisions concerning the Centrelink resource allocation. Allocating the resources on an individual basis rather on a structured basis inconveniences the project and programme benefits to the firm. The individual allocation is mostly based on the individual interests rather than the specific objectives of the firm. 4 Brookes et al(2014) Use of positivism Use of case studies Management The findings of this research indicate that PMMMS shows high levels of variability in the individual assessment of project management maturity. At higher levels of project maturity, the performance type adopted to be applied by the organization is always related to the type project assessment model used. The literature identifies a challenge of inconsistency among the practices of the organization and suggests that this can be solved by involving all the stakeholders who he refers to as wisdom crowd involved in the area of the project or programme. In the paper however, the main obstacle identified is that the use empirical investigations lack the usual issues that are associated with the case research. The relevance of this research to the case study is that the authors use cross case constructions from over 60 organizations and the finding are biased to one sector but rather can be generalized to apply to other sectors such Centrelink organization. The literature covers a large base and is comprehensive enough to give an informative decision on the issues of practices inconsistencies experience by the Centrelink organization. The case organization can use the literature in defining and managing its resources. The organization can benchmark the literature in adopting a structured resource management approach as opposed to its individual resource management approach. 5 Jugdev et al(2002) Post-Positivism The research employs the use of Qualitative approach by using secondary materials. Management The author implies that management maturity models fail to fit the organization profile in all areas. Though management maturity models are perceived to be a component of project management, the models are generally not the holistic presentation of the of the discipline. Additionally, the author implies that the management models basically position the organization not to fully capitalize on their intangible assets. Essentially, organizations lack effective instruments which are able to assess the organization tangible and intangible assets that basically comprise the project management. As such, the report justifies that the project management maturity models fail to pose silver bullets of competitive advantage towards the organization. The report showcases that majority of organizations apply project management an operational and tactical level rather than strategic level. Centrelink organization similarly applies project management at an operational level thus resulting in the organization into the poor management of resources, and poor strategic approaches for organization project. Due to existing weakness showcased by Centrelink organization, the report indicates that the project management maturity models play a pivotal role in providing benchmarking purposefully to attain organizational goals. Lastly, the report informs that the project management model will only enable Centrelink organization to identify the available problems but won’t help the organization to come up with solutions for the identified problems. As such, the report informs that Centrelink organization must come up with a plan, implementation strategy, control, and the adjusting of the chosen model, thus P3M3. 6.0 Conclusion The adopted P3M3 model basically provides a descriptive reference towards Centrelink organization as a guidance to improve the organization their project related processes. The model will enable Centrelink organization attain global recognition due to imperative products and services rendered. P3M3 enables Centrelink to recognize the organization strengths and weaknesses in the field of the project. Essentially, P3M3 focuses on activities within Centrelink organization by providing focus and sustainability efforts that develop a programme and project foundation of an efficient project and programme delivery across Centrelink organization. From the analysis, P3M3 model showcases that Centrelink organization project management allude towards poor organization resource management, poor management of projects, ability of the stakeholders to hijack programmes and projects without the provision and additional funds and time for the projects, and lack of consideration of the available workload regarding the available projects and programmes. Additionally, the analysis indicates that Centrelink organization has limited number of skilled managers to effectively manage programmes and projects. To solve the identified shortcomings review advice that Centrelink organization needs to develop a plan, an implementation strategy, control strategy, and adjustment strategy to ensure that the P3M3 model solves the listed organization problems. Generally, the P3M3 model will enable Centrelink organization to move from the immature project management approaches to a solid management strategy. The outcomes can easily be attained by ensuring the P3M3 model is practical, less disciplinary, and not overwhelming to the participants. Lastly, P3M3 model needs to be flexible so as to keep up with the quality improvement principles of the Centrelink organization. 7.0 References Brookes, N, Butler, M, Dey, P & Clark, R 2014, 'The use of maturity models in improving project management performance: An empirical investigation', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 231-46.  Link to resource Backlund, F, Chronéer, D & Sundqvist, E 2015, 'Maturity assessment: towards continuous improvements for project-based organisations?', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 256-78.  Link to resource Erling, A 2015, ‘Project Maturity in Organization.’ Available at [Retrieved on 7th/May/2017]. Jugdev, K & Thomas, J 2002, 'Project Management Maturity Models: The Silver Bullets of Competitive Advantage?', Project Management Journal, vol. 33, no. 4, p. 4. Levin, G & Ward, JL 2014, 'Maturity models in project management', in R Turner (ed.), Gower Handbook of Project Management, Gower, Surrey, England. [Chapter 5]  Link to resource Hulya, J 2009, ‘Does Project Maturity Matter for Organizational Success?.’ Proceedings of the 2009 Industrial Engineering Research Conference. Available at [Retrieved on 7th /May/2017]. Mitchell, S 2008, ‘The benefits of project management maturity assessments—an analysis of OPM3 cases from Australia, New Zealand, and the United States. Paper presented at PMI.’ Global Congress 2008—Asia Pacific, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Murray, A 2015, ‘Introduction to P3M3.’ Available at,%2019th%20jan%20bolton.pdf. [Retrieved on 7th /May/2017]. Mullaly, M 2014, 'If maturity is the answer, then exactly what was the question?', International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 169-85.  Link to resource Office of the Government of Commerce 2006, ‘Portfolio, Programme, & Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3).’ OGC-Portfolio, Programme, & Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3). Available at [Retrieved on 7th /May/2017]. Read More
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