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Impact of Strategic Human Resources Management in Abu Dhabi Police Performance - Research Proposal Example

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The paper "Impact оf Strategic Human Resources Management in Abu Dhabi Police Performance" is an outstanding example of a management research proposal. In this fast-changing business environment, institutions and businesses are working hard to gain a competitive advantage. One way of achieving this is through employing improved human resources management…
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Research Proposal For DBA Program Тhе mаin рurроsе оf this rеsеаrсh рrороsаl is tо dеmоnstrаtе thе imрасt оf Strаtеgiс Нumаn Rеsоurсеs Маnаgеmеnt in Аbu Dhаbi Роliсе Реrfоrmаnсе Introduction In this fast changing business environment, institutions and businesses are working hard to gain a competitive advantage. One way of achieving this is through employing improved human resources management. Aligning strategy with the human resources management is a crucial in every sector of economy. This paper entails a research proposal regarding the effects of using strategic human resources management in the police service in Abu Dhabi. Background The concept of strategy is traceable to the military orientation that dates back to the Greek word; strategos. This implies to a general in charge of organizing, leading, and directing forces to the most beneficial position. In the corporate world, it majorly implies the way the top management leads the organization in a specific direction so as to achieve its particular objectives, goals, vision, and general purpose in the environment or society. The major focus of strategy is meant to allow the firm to gain a competitive advantage with its exceptional abilities by concentrating on the current and future direction of the business (Hutchings & Cieri, 2007). A traditional strategic management process comprises of a sequence of steps, beginning from the establishment of a mission statement and major organizational objectives; analysis of the external environment; internal business analysis; formulating specific goals; examination of potential strategic alternatives to achieve set aims and objectives; execution of selected choices; as well as consistent assessment of the aforementioned measures. In fact, the first five measures concern strategic planning, while the last two ones focus on the enforcement of the ideal strategic management procedure (Wilton, 2010). According to Armstrong (2006), the discipline of SHRM is still developing and there is little consent among specialists about a unanimous definition. Generally, SHRM regards systematically connecting people with the business. Particularly, it entails the process of integrating HRM strategies into business strategies. HR strategies are fundamentally programs and plans that handle and solve basic strategic matters relating to the HRM in a firm. They concentrate on aligning the firm’s HR policies, practices, and programs with strategic and corporate business division plans (Daft, 2011). SHRM, therefore, connects corporate strategy with HRM, and focuses on the incorporation of HR with an organization and the environment. It is perceived that this integration contributes to successful HRM; improved business performance; and success in a specific business. Additionally, it enables firms to gain a competitive advantage through the creation of exclusive HRM systems which cannot be copied by its rivals (Deckop, 2006). To obtain the aforementioned benefits, it is imperative for HR units to be future-oriented and that the HR strategies must work constantly as a central part of the whole business plan. The HR-related forward-thinking tactic of firms compels them to steadily undertake analysis about the nature of HR competencies required in future, and main HR functions of procuring, developing, and compensating, are streamlined to satisfy these needs (Dhar, 2008). Research Focus Research Problem There is no clear impact of using Strategic Human Resource Management on the performance of the Abu Dhabi’s police service. Research Question What is the impact of using Strategic Human Resources Management in Abu Dhabi’s police performance? What are the positive effects of applying Strategic Human Resources Management in Abu Dhabi’s police performance? What are the challenges involved in the application of Strategic Human Resources Management in Abu Dhabi’s police? What are the current key performance indicators before and after using SHRM in the Abu Dhabi’s police service? 3.3 Research Aim The aim of the study is to explore on thе imрасt оf the use SHRM in Аbu Dhаbi Роliсе Реrfоrmаnсе. It seeks to demonstrate both the positive and negative effects of applying SHRM on the performance levels of the Abu Dhabi police officers. In doing this, the study will identify some of the challenges that faces the police department in the process of employing SHRM. It will also set to provide suggestions on how to effectively overcome the challenges and maximize the benefits. Besides, the research also intends to identify some of the key performance indicators prior to and after implementation of SHRM in the Abu Dhabi’s police service. Research Methodology 4.1 Qualitative Research The study intends to employ a qualitative research technique to collect data from the research respondents. Through this method the respondents’ opinions and answers will be presented qualitatively, instead of using numerical values. This method will describe the research responses and the views presented are analyzed subjectively. 4.2 Quantitative Research In order to achieve the objectives of the study, use of specific research methods will be highly indispensable. The study will employ various quantitative research methods including case studies, observations, questionnaires, interviews, information systems, surveys, and secondary data, such as online journal articles and books. 4.3 Research Design and Sampling Method The study will also adopt the descriptive research design, which tries to describe a given subject, usually by creating an outline of people, problems, events, via data collection and frequency tabulations on study variable or interaction. Through the design, the research will identify what who, where, how, and when questions. Thus, the study will describe respondents’ views regarding the study topic. In terms of sampling method, the research will use a simple random sampling technique, where respondents will be selected by chance from a given population. This is vital as it gives the respondents an equal opportunity of being chosen from a population to participate in the study. Besides, the information collected from the sample will offer a fair and true representation of the whole population; hence, enhanced reliability and validity. The respondents will be from non-governmental and governmental officials; residents; and police officers in Abu Dhabi. 4.4 Data Collection Through interviews, the study will gather vital firsthand information from the face-to-face discussions between the respondents and researchers. Through surveys, the research team will also collect crucial information from the respondents. Case studies are essential in ensuring that the research team attains reliable information relevant to the topic of study. This is because the method will involve a study of a group or individual (Bhattacharya, 2006). Besides, observation method will enhance data collection in the study as it will facilitate collection of first-hand and suitable information of the research. Secondary data will also boost the collection of data, which is obtained from the already studied cases; hence proper comparison with the primary data. Some of the secondary data used will include journals, magazines, newspapers, websites and books relating to the topic of study (Kumar, 2010). Moreover, the study will employ questionnaires either through telephone, email, or print, to acquire views and opinions from various respondents (Bhattacharya, 2006). 4.4 Data Analysis Upon data collection of raw data, the study team will be required to analyze data and interpret it before making conclusions on the issue of concern. Some of the ways in which the team will analyze the study findings include use of regression analysis and correlation techniques. Data will then be presented graphically through charts and diagrams to facilitate improved communication of the information to the research report audience (Goddard & Melville, 2001). Merit of the Research and Proposed Contribution to Science This research has numerous benefits to various stakeholders of economy including the Abu Dhabi Police Service; businesses; and scholars. Firstly, it will give insight to the Abu Dhabi police service officials on the concept of strategy and an effective way of linking strategy to human resources management. Besides, the research will determine the significance of adopting SHRM in various business institutions and governmental institutions. Secondly, the research will offer knowledge and ideals on proper way of adopting strategy in business so as to reap its benefits, such as, a sustainable competitive advantage; efficiency; effectiveness; and high performance. The study will also provide vital knowledge to scholars interested in this area. This will add to the present knowledge in science regarding the effects of adopting the SHRM in various sectors of economy, and particularly in the Abu Dhabi police division. Additionally, is beneficial in that it will highlight some of the possible challenges that might face business and institutions in attempt to apply SHRM. It will also provide recommendations and suggestions on the proper way of handling the issue so as to enjoy its full benefits. Literature Review The significance of strategic human resource management in a firm or institution cannot be overstated because human beings are the motivation in any organization. With reference to this, firms should have the capacity to enforce to coordinate and channel human capital into enhanced productivity. A firm human resource will enable the firm to develop a good relationship with its employees and to live peacefully and in a commonly advantageous way with the surrounding community (Mello, 2001). Strategic human resources management has a number of benefits to an organization that adopts it. First, SHRM helps will enable the company to achieve its objectives (Monks & McMackin, 2001). When a firm sets targets or goals that it wants to attain, it is the workers who will work towards the achievement of the goals (Singh & Nath, 2010). Here, the significance of strategy in human resources in a firm may be seen, because the human resource unit will identify the main areas in the firm that need manpower. This unit will also undertake essential steps to recruiting the ideal candidates who will drive the firm’s strategic objectives (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). As Salaman, Storey & Billsberry (2005) assert, SHRM is created to assist companies effectively meet the employees’ needs while boosting the company’s goals. Human resource management is concerned with any element of business that impacts on employees including hiring, firing, benefits, pay, administration, and training. It may also serve to offer work incentives, vacation or sick days, and safety protocol information (Kothari, 2004). SHRM is also a proactive way of managing people. It needs thinking ahead, and having plans on ways of enhancing the company’s ability to satisfy employees’ needs, as well as employees’ potential to meet the firm’s needs. This may influence the way business operations are conducted, such as, promoting everything from hiring procedures; workers training programs; to proper assessment discipline and techniques (Budhwar & Sparrow, 2002). As Schuler & Jackson (2007) report, firms that strive to satisfy the needs of the workers may create a work environment that is favorable to productivity. Thus, human resources management is the most suitable way of achieving this. Further, this may help the firm to bolster the retention of the highly skilled and competent employees. As a result, high employee retention in the firm will help to minimize the money firms spend on recruiting and training new personnel (Budhwar, 2000). Proper creation of human resources plan requires the consideration of employees’ needs and expectations, as well as what the organization can actually provide. A bigger firm may normally manage benefit and training programs that smaller ones find unaffordable to provide (Deb, 2006). This, nevertheless, does not imply that smaller firms should adopt SHRM. Offering specific on-site training, such as through the top management of the firm, and providing one-on-one coaching and assessment sessions, may enable employees to attain high performance rates (Tansky & Heneman, 2006). According to Budhwar (2000), employee development is one of the vital aspects of SHRM. This is a process that starts when a firm is recruiting and cross-examining potential employees. Upgraded interviewing methods may help to get rid of the candidates who might not match the company’s needs. Upon hiring, Guest (2001) says that a robust training and mentoring session may assist the new staff members to be updated on the firm’s policies and any present or ongoing projects they will be handling. To enable employees perform their well, a firm may ensure that there is constant training sessions, coaching, and frequent assessment. Investing in the employees’ development may allow the firm to achieve more consistent yields (Salaman, Storey & Billsberry, 2005). Further, Fottler, Khatri & Savage (2010) assert that both small and large companies should adopt the SHRM. In small firms, this may involve a manager or owner simply spending a little time daily to observe, help, and assess workers, and give frequent reviews. On the other hand, big firms can establish a whole department to manage the human resources as well as development. Through satisfaction of the employees’ needs in a beneficial way to the company, it is possible to promote the quality of personnel. It is also crucial to provide employees with essential tools to thrive in the organization (Armstrong, 2000). Apart from the benefits achieved from the use of SHRM, there are various challenges that organizations experience during its implementation. One of the challenges is that the recruitment and retention HR functions are highly constrained in the market. There is also an issue concerning provision of better orientation, development, training, and supervision of employees in various institutions (Hernandez, 2009). Poor management; low motivation among employees; workplace diversity; poor performance metrics; and rapid technological changes affect the use of SHRM in institutions. Globalization, change and adaptability management; and employee retention also pose a great challenge to the implementers of SHRM (Regis, 2008). References Armstrong, M. (2000). Strategic human resource management: a guide to action. London: Kogan Page. Pp. 10-40. Armstrong, M. (2006). A handbook of human resource management practice. London Philadelphia: Kogan Page. Pp. 363-380. Bhattacharya, D. (2006). Research methodology. New Delhi: Excel Books. Pp. 1-50. Budhwar, P. (2000a).Strategic Integration and Devolvement of Human Resource Management in the British Manufacturing Sector. British Journal of Management, 11: 285–302. Budhwar, P. (2000b). A Reappraisal of HRM Models in Britain. Journal of General Management, 26(2): 72–91. Budhwar, P. & Sparrow, P. (2002) An Integrative Framework for Determining Cross-national Human Resource Management Practices. Human Resource Management Review, 12 (3): 377-403. Daft, R. (2011). Understanding management. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning. Pp. 288-300. Deckop, J. (2006). Human resource management ethics. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Pub. Pp.27-40. Dhar, R. (2008). Strategic human resource management. New Delhi, India: Excel Books. Pp. 50- 70. Deb, T. (2006). Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management. 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Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives. New York, NY: Cengage Learning. Pp. 1-50. Mello, J.A. (2001). Strategic Human Resource Management. Cincinnati: South Western. Pp. 1- 20. Monks, K. & McMackin, J. (2001). Designing and aligning an HR system. Human Resource Management, 11 (2), pp. 57–72. Regis, R. (2008). Strategic human resource management and development. New Delhi: Excel Books. Pp. 3-40. Salaman, G., Storey, J. & Billsberry, J. (2005). Strategic human resource management: theory and practice. London Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE in association with The Open University. Pp. 1-20. Schuler, R. & Jackson, S. (2007). Strategic human resource management. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Pp. 5-50. Singh, Y. & Nath, R. (2010). Research methodology. New Delhi: A. P. H. Publishing Corporation. Pp. 40-60. Tansky, J. & Heneman, R. (2006). Human resource strategies for the high growth entrepreneurial firm. Greenwich, Conn: Information Age Pub. Pp. 26-60. Wilton, N. (2010). An Introduction to Human Resource Management. New Delhi: SAGE. Pp. 50-100. Read More
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