DQ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words. Retrieved from https://studentshare.org/management/1683359-dq
DQ Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words. https://studentshare.org/management/1683359-dq.
How might a consultant engage others in the change process, why is engagement important for successful implementation, and lastly how might engagement with management differ from techniques that you might use to engage staff employees?
A consultant can engage others in the change process in various ways. A consultant can use a survey by use of a questionnaire or conduct research on the change he wants to bring. He can also use the total quality management tool by accessing the current and expected performance. Through the various studies and engaging various stakeholders, you could bring constructive engagement through it (Seneque & Bond, 2012).
Engagement is important for successful implementation because the consultant can determine the weakest and strongest areas of the implementation of change. Understanding this enables those intending to bring the change to address the weaknesses and strengths and bring about change successfully (Kettinger, Teng, & Guha, 1997).
Engagement with top management and lower management differs as a result of various factors. Usually, the needs of the executive and the employees are different. In most cases, the fear of change creates tension among employees because they fear they would be laid off. The top management's greatest fear is on how they would continue asserting their powers in the organization (Aladwani, 2001).
In conclusion, an organization should maintain a culture that is prepared for change. This is due to technological advancement, administrative and employee roles which keep on changing.
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