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UTILITY OF TAXONOMY IN TEAM PROCESSES by The of the The of the School The and State where it is locatedThe DateUtility is the usefulness of something. The role played by the taxonomy of team processes is undoubtedly, invaluable. About this, the 20 activities that were brought forth by the group can fundamentally be mapped onto the taxonomy of team processes. First it would be essential to highlight what is entailed in taxonomy of team processes. Taxonomy is the classification or putting things into a group.
Taxonomy processes have useful importance in a team.Mission analysis and planning is a transition process; it goes hand in hand with goal specification because it involves prior planning. The activities that fall under these two processes are; decision on leadership through voting, this is also in line with thinking through the purpose of the group, decision on tasks for each member is a strategy to ensure fair share in the workload, all the activities that come prior to tackling of tasks are under transition processes; the plans, goal specification and planning the activities here are like decision on the backup plan as a group to avoid clashing of roles, set up on calendar et al.
(Kivipelto & Yliruka, 2012).Action processes are a vital part of the taxonomy, what is entailed here is actual activities that are the sole purpose of a team or rather a group. Information and data are assembled within, members writing down their ideas and opinions, communication of venues for meetings, working on writing skills and grammar are pronounced in this process. The leader sets goals to be completed in every meeting to avoid time waste, the leader also monitors progress. Upon completion of own work, there is team monitoring, members who complete their tasks earlier help their colleagues.
Evaluation of work, provision of any vital feedback, coordination and often working in pairs come in action processes. More importantly, the time for completion of work is set in this process (Kivipelto & Yliruka, 2012).Interpersonal processes come later in the taxonomy of team processes. Orchestrating conflict management techniques is employed here. Upon the rise of challenges, the crew chief would exchange tasks of the group members and work in liaison with the group to find an amicable solution.
Identification of individual attributes, i.e., strengths takes place and when disagreements occur a management process would be held for instance re-evaluation of objectives and vote on decisions for the best interest of the group. Encouragement occurred during meetings, because of the positive attitude shown. Working in pairs and communication outside the meeting, using social networks to help answer any group member questions are activities in interpersonal processes. ReferencesCriticalThinking.
org - Critical Thinking Model 1,n.d,,Accessed on February10, 2015,Kivipelto, M & Yliruka, L, (2012), Mirror Method as an Approach for Critical Evaluation in Social Work, Accessed February 10, 2015. Web,
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