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Business Operations in Your Organization: Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage - Assignment Example

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Business Operations at Aramex: Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage Name: Institution: BUSINESS OPERATIONS AT ARAMEX: STRATEGIES FOR ACHIEVING COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE Company Overview Established in 1982, in addition to, providing one of the leading logistics and transportation solutions; Aramex evolved from an express operator to a globally recognized brand…
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Business Operations in Your Organization: Strategies for Achieving Competitive Advantage
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With doing so, and after establishing global alliances the business expanded and the company gained stronger brand recognition. In June 2005, another milestone was accomplished when Aramex went public on the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) (Aramex International, 2013). After so many years of success, Aramex employs in excess of 12,300 employees in over 353 geographical locations across 60 countries, with its network of alliances providing worldwide presence (Aramex International, 2013). Becoming a regional and global trade commerce facilitator is the purpose of the company; therefore, aiming “to be recognized as one of the top five global logistics and transportation companies” in the world (Aramex International, 2013).

A founding member and the chair of the Global Distribution Alliance (GDA), Aramex’s network has more than 12,000 offices, 33,000 vehicles, and 66,000 employees that serve the alliance customers in more than 240 countries (Aramex International, 2013). With that in mind, GDA gathers over 40 leading express and logistics providers globally; ensuring that the worldwide network operates with a unified standard both technologically and quality of Aramex. Nevertheless, innovation is embedded into their corporate culture and has always been the impetus of the development of Aramex’s services (Aramex International, 2013).

Interview with Executives Aramex, being one of the leading regional logistics and transportation solutions companies, and with financial stability during the rough financial crisis era, I chose to investigate their success story. Therefore, with my network of friends, I managed to secure tentatively an interview with senior executives from the company. The following were candidates for the potential interview: Hussein Hachem After working for 20 years, Mr. Hussein Hachem serves as the Chief Executive Officer of Aramex in the Middle East and Africa (MEN) region.

A veteran himself, Mr. Hachem started with Aramex in 1991 as a trainee and then developed along the years to become the General Manager in Kuwait and Sri Lanka. With his extensive knowledge about the logistics and transportation industry, Mr. Hachem is a representative on several decision boards of the industry. Iyad Kamal Mr. Kamal has been with Aramex for over 18 years and currently serves as the Chief Operating Officer. Additionally, Mr. Kamal also serves on several advisory committees where decisions affect youth funds and community services.

Introduction This paper seeks to conduct an analysis of vital key operational elements that are involved at Aramex Co. through consideration of journal articles and interviews carried out with present executives at the firm; the paper begins by assessing macro-processes making up their global supply chain. Their demand management and demand forecasting as pertains to their supply chain will be discussed with additional information from the interviews. One reason for Aramex integrating their business processes along their supply chain is to gain competitive advantage.

Technological was critical in their business integration, although there are problems to be faced when switching from an asset driven supply chain to a customer driven value chain. Finally, the paper will consider the feasibility of business process integration and make recommendations on what can be applied to other

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