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BtoB Magazine's Traits - Research Paper Example

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The paper "BtoB Magazine's Traits" describes Magazine as “The Magazine for Business Publishing Executives” whereas its BtoB Online Magazine counterpart is described as “The Magazine for Marketing Strategists.” These specify the target market of the company evidently focused on B2B marketing…
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BtoB Magazines Traits
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?BtoB Magazine BtoB Magazine aptly describes itself with the catchphrase for BtoB Media Business Magazine as “The Magazine for Business Publishing Executives” whereas its BtoB Online Magazine counterpart is described as “The Magazine for Marketing Strategists.” These specify the target market of the company which is evidently focused on business to business marketing. The former claims to be the sole business to business publishing in the market attracting over 5,000 subscribers to help in their decisions from their “latest trends and insightful analysis” ( The latter is provides integrated marketing strategies to its 45,000 subscribers. These two subdivisions make up the whole BtoB Magazine enterprise providing valuable information to its clientele both in print and online. Media Magazine is tagged as a tool to connect marketing specialists with the most up-to-date game-changing strategies derived from the latest studies and analyses. The magazine is published monthly where “Every issue is filled with the game-changing strategies and tactics B2B marketers need to exceed. Every page and pixel is packed with substance - news, cases, special reports, technologies, benchmarks, best practices - served up by the most knowledgeable B2B marketing journalists to ever work this burgeoning beat” (ibid.). This also has its electronic edition where clients can subscribe instantly. Its online media is emerging as the most viable of all its products with the integration of its online version aside from print, webcasts by its roster of journalists, blogs updated daily, e-newsletters and online articles among other. The magazine’s current issue features BtoB’s Best for 2011, an annual countdown of the most successful in the business. The list includes the best marketers and executives who were able to achieve success in their campaigns as chosen by the editors. Each release contains articles tailor-made to benefit today’s CMOs. Feature articles include “B-to-B media hope to connect with mobile, social plans.” It is quite apparent from the route that it is seizing that full advantage of the global media is the answer to current marketing problems. The same goes for BtoB Magazine itself that has dove into full electronic media while maintaining its publishing but to comparatively lower yield on the latter. connects top-level marketers to the data and information that they need. This offers daily news, special reports, vertical marketing, calendars and media events, directory of marketing vendors, and the articles contained in their Media Business. Their media kit also includes Media Business, E-newsletters and events as well as their published rates for BtoB online. Samples for the size and where the advertisements may be located within the page are provided in their downloadable file in Acrobat Reader format. The position of the ads can be seen at the top of the homepage for Summit Media Group during the visit, a vertical ad on the right by Equifax, parallel to it is for AT&T and a smaller square box for at the bottom. For homepage advertising in open CPM of 728x90 their price is $115, 300x250 is already same price while 160x600 is $125. For Run-of-site in open CPM of 728x90 the price is $110, 300x250 also the same price and for 160x600 it’s $120. Road block takeover or what is pretty much a pop-up 640x480 the pricing is a little bit different with the cost depending on the day or total number days. For a full week, an advertiser will have to shell out $6,000, on Mondays $2,750, Tuesdays $2,500, Wednesdays $2,250, Thursdays $2,000, Fridays $1,500 and for weekends its $1,000. There are also White Papers where on the BtoB Site there is a direct channel that will link the white papers to marketing executives by adding one’s white paper to their onsite library. This likewise enables the advertiser to retrieve the complete contact information of those who download their white paper allowing conversations. The one month program is priced Index & Department Listing for $3,750, Whitepaper Index Listing for $2,750, Department Listing for $1,400 and $1,250 for Enhanced Listing. The Trade News The Trade News is another marketing magazine which consists of three regular publications, namely The Trade, The Trade Asia and The TRADETech Daily. Apart from this is their Accessing Fragmented Liquidity Handbook published in 2010, Algorithmic Trading & Smart Order Routing with its 3rd edition published in 2009 and Execution Venues in Europe Handbook published 2008. The Trade focuses on global securities trading and claims to be the only one dedicated to holistic buy-side firm activities that are imperative to guide investment decisions to manage the costs of market impact and capitalize on portfolio returns. Its Asian subsidiary, The Trade Asia, aims to provide a guide to the unchartered market in a far from stabilized region but nonetheless important Asian market. The TRADETech Daily is the newspaper for TRADETech 2011 and comes in four issues with one advance edition, a digest report and a couple on-site issues. This is completed by which offers online up-to-date electronic version of all that Trade News offers. The Trade, the flagship publication of the company is already in its 8th year. The writers of the magazine are mainly traders which intend to highlight the credibility of the magazine as its articles are written by masters of the trade or more specifically global equity trade. “The TRADE has acted as the record of the changing dynamic between the buy-side and sellside and has followed the rapid evolution of the global trading marketplace.” ( They provide for comprehensive reports in algorithmic trading, its venues and electronic execution. Together with this they have guides, surveys and other relevant data. In comparison to BtoB, The Trade is a leading provider of information in trading on account of buy-side traders consisting of 38% of their readership followed by institutional investors at 24%, sell-side institutions and operations compliance make up 15% and 14% respectively, corporates (i.e. pension trustees, directors of finance and plan sponsors) at a far 8% and exchanges, ECNs ATSs at a mere 1%. Its largest market is at Europe with 35%, United Kingdom alone at 27%, North America at 25%, Asia Pacific at 9% and the rest of the world at 4%. Marketing packages are offered for $31,250 circulated in two editions or $49,850 in four editions. This consists of marketing exposure in a two-page feature article or corporate statement that could be accessed online or in a pdf version for own use accredited by the company and a directory listing ( Advertising is made available in cost per insertion in DPS color with one at $22,000, twice at $19,500 each, thrice at $17,650 each and quadruple at $16,450 each time. Full page color is at $12,500 once, $11,000 twice, $9,850 thrice and $9,150 quadruple. Directory listing is at $925 per entry and $3,050 for a total of four entries. Its media kit is downloadable online for a fee. Similar to BtoB, they also offer white papers adding that Transaction Cost Analysis (TCA) offered by investment management companies bring them to clients and also consultants. has the daily dose of The Trade for buy-side traders. This has a total of 26 news pages divided into trading and execution, asset classes, regions, people, trading venues and operations and technology. The website gathers over 56,000 hits each month. Their e-newsletters are produced weekly with more than 16,500 subscribers. Its Monday editions contain a regular opinion article and news alerts. Advertising on the e-newsletter costs $1,150 once on the top leaderboard, $2,060 for twice and $3,710 for four times. Second banner is priced at $1,800 x2 and $3,250 x4. The right hand side skyscraper ad is $1,650 x2 and $2,970 x4. Mid banners is $900 each issue, $1,480 if twice and $2,800 if quadruple. Right hand side skyscraper would cost $990 each distribution, $1650 twice and $2,970 four times. Other alternative marketing opportunities include webcasts, trade polls, trade guides and podcasts that aim to stimulate unconventional strategies. Direct Marketing News Direct Marketing News or DM News located in New York is owned and operated by Haymarket Media Inc. with a print edition, its and a monthly e-newsletter with an accumulated hundreds of thousands in readership. Their catchphrase, “The independent authority for direct and digital marketers” sums up the company’s objective. The website alone offers a plethora of companies and service providers associated with direct marketing with its Direct Marketing News Buyer’s Guide directory. This directory contains contact information of e-commerce providers, telemarketers, direct mail services, search engine optimization marketers etc. This company is more comprehensive than the two previously mentioned as it tackles more aspects of marketing and deviating from a more specialized approach type of media delineated to a particular attribute. They produce an annual Direct Marketing News Agency Business Report that profiles marketing services and agencies within the United States through financial ranking as computed from their direct marketing revenues. This list has Acxiom Corporation ranked as number one followed by Harte-Hanks and Epsilon in second and third for the year 2010. Their website offers other useful guides such as blogs, feature articles, database, ecommerce, opinions, webcasts, podcasts, buyer’s guide, researches, reports, back issues, events and many other useful marketing tools. They cater to the most influential brands all the way down with the latest news that affects market trends. They also feature articles from writers that range from how-to write-ups to consumer psychology among others. Direct Marketing News’ media kit contains a number of items that include an editorial calendar for this year. Their rates for display advertising is measured by full, half, quarter, quarter solis and eighth solis. In number of appearance, once would cost $8,460, $5,920, $3,385, $4,230 and $2,540 correspondingly. They also offer a graduated rate according to frequency which could be 3x, 6x or 12x. Another element of their advertising package is agency commissioning of 15% offered to recognized agencies with an accompanied artwork. The sizes could either be full page or fractional wherein full page could be full page bleed, full page trim or full page non-bleed and fractional ads could be ? horizontal, ? vertical, ? square, ? horizontal or ? horizontal. Another feature of Direct Marketing News is its recruitment advertising that enables companies to look into the available recruits in the job market for their company and consequently for applicants to have an access to possible recruiters. A Source Guide as they describe it “is a must for any company seeking a cost-effective opportunity to maximize exposure, and the potential for new business. The Source Guide is built on the concept of continuity, giving your company year-round visibility to the decision-makers who read the publication” ( they have three options where option A sized 3.5625”x1” is $4,860 per year, option B sized 3.5625”x2” is $4,980 per year and option C sized at 3.5635”x3” is $5,100 per year. They are confident in that their publications, in print or electronic will land in tables of Fortune 1000 companies, retailers, financial technology and healthcare companies and leading fundraisers. Bibliography BtoB Magazine: Marketing News and Strategies for BtoB, Direct & Internet Marketing. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. . Direct Marketing News. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. . Latest News The Trade News. Web. 30 Oct. 2011. . Read More
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