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Henry Fayols Legacy And Contribution To The Management Science - Assignment Example

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Henri Fayol was born in 1841, in Istanbul, Turkey. Education: He received his education in a mining school at saint Etienne and graduated in 1860. He started as an engineer, company de commentary. Fourchambeault-Decazeville in Commentary…
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Henry Fayols Legacy And Contribution To The Management Science
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? HENRY FAYOL’S LEGACY AND CONTRIBUTION TO THE MANAGEMENT SCIENCE Journal Report due: Henry Fayol and His Legacy To The Management Science: Journal Report Introduction: His life Born 1841: Henri Fayol was born in 1841, in Istanbul, Turkey. Education: He received his education in a mining school at saint Etienne and graduated in 1860. He started as an engineer, company de commentary. Fourchambeault-Decazeville in Commentary. Occupation and work: He was later appointed the Director in 1888 (Wren & Bedeian 2009).Fayol realized managerial ability was required for businesses to succeed and should be taught in schools. He therefore developed management ideas through personal experience as Chief Executive, and wrote ‘elements’ of administration in “Administration Industriele et Generale”, which was published in 1961 (Wren & Bedeian 2009). Abilities that he felt were essential in a manager include physical, mental and moral qualities, general education, and specialized knowledge and experience (Wren & Bedeian, ). The absence of management training in schools made Fayol see the need for management theory and identified fourteen principles of management (Fayol). He was a French management theorist. He was one of the most influential contributors to modern concepts of management, having formulated five primary functions of management- planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling ( Fayol). Henri Fayol is generally referred to as the Father of Modern Management theory (George, 146),in view of his extraordinary and revolutionary input to administrative management. Indeed, he is to administrative management while what Taylor is to scientific management. He later died in 1925 in Paris France. History of management science The management historians trace back the early origin of management and their pioneer ideas, which is the foundation of our modern formative thinking, its founders as well as well their contributions in the field d of management. As noted by early scholars such as McMahon and Carr (28), there is an increasing distance between the student and scholars of today and early scholars such as Henry Fayol among others. Through a critical examination of early biographies and early accounts, the relationship between the early and today’s management thought is established. In this case, we may gain a more complete understanding of own intellectual, reflections, and study of those of who have gone before and continue to study from the past as it forms the present (Bedeian) One such scholar is a Henry Fayol, who is thought as being the father of modern management science. As noted in Charles de Freminville, a synopsis of Fayol’s and Taylor’s thinking is explored. In this paper the modern management science is examined and its contribution to the modern field of management. It studies some of his theories, procedures, tools and techniques and it affect the modern management thought amongst scholars and student of management. His legacy and thoughts are unearthed to bring to light the dynamics of management and how the present scholars have been refined or been altered it. There is need to distinguish between management science and arts and note the difference and this influences the managers’ roles. As noted, the management as art is older as compared to the management as a science. Henry Fayol’s contribution to the body of management thought will be explored. Literature review: what other have said about Fayol Many models have explained the Henry Fayol and his contributions to the field of management. One such theory is the influence of Fayol’s work on other scholars in the fields of management. Gullick ( 13; 457) have a great impact on public administration. Gullick also found the acronym POSDCORB best to describe the executive’s job. Urwick utilized Fayol’s writings to promote a functional approach to management in developing his theory of administration and organization. The writings of Fayol have reached the international arena and pointed out how Fayol had powerful insights in management. The Fayol’s works on management was overlooked due to lack of enough translations and publications. This however, acted as stepping-stones towards Fayol’s ideas. Bedeian and Breeze undertook a comprehensive study that disclosed numerous presentations, articles, and books by Fayol’s, many of which have never been translated to English. Breeze classifies Fayol’s writing into three stages. First, on technical subjects cornering coal mining; second the publication of ‘administration industriele et generale’; third, the subsequent publication as a book in France (Fayol) and finally in English translations. There are also translations made by fayol’s in the mine industry, which will assist the readers to illuminate him as a major management theorist. Such theories focused on the administrative approaches towards management that majorly focuses on the managerial functions unlike the Taylor’s scientific management, which looks at the management of the lower level. Among the theorist are Henry Fayol, Max Weber, Mary Parker Follet, Chester Barnana, Gulick and Lyndall Urwick, Mooney and AC Reiley (see Grusky and Miller; Pugh, Certo. Aggaraval,). His theory of management Having written and published a number of significant papers in the fields of metallurgy, mining and geology, he first spoke in public in public at the closing session of the international mining and metallurgical congress in Paris, 23rd June 1900.( Fayol,79-81). In the same speech, the administrative function is highlighted, unlike technical, commercial and financial functions of a business receiving so many illuminations and focus and neglecting the vital functions while paying little attention to a vital function of management; Administrative functions. For instance, he noted that the administrative functions foresee and prepare to meet the financial, commercial and technical conditions under which the concern must managed. Further, provided, the administrative functions deal with the organization, selections, and management of staff. In addition, it is the means through which various functions of the firm communicate with the outside world. In his speech, the fayol’s defines the word administer in several words. He notes that to administer is to govern, or manage a public or private business. It implies that fore, to seek to make the best possible use of resources available in achieving the goals of the enterprise. This implies that administration includes all the operations of the enterprise. Fayol’s says that administration is specifically responsible for a number of activities. First, it ensures that unity of action , discipline, order, exists in all parts of the enterprise. Second, there is recruitment, organizing and directing the workforce. Third, it ensures that good relations between the various departments and the public’s. Fourth, it coordinates all the overall efforts towards the overall goal and, fifth, satisfy the shareholders and employees; labour and management. It is also pointed out that the task of administration remains extensive and demanding. In an organization, men who rise to top are characterised by their administrative abilities rather than the technical competence. He notes that can become an engineer but one is born an administrator. His contributions and influence towards the modern management The modern management thought The modern management thought borrows substantially from the Fayol’s in the field of management. The early management thought has shifted focus on the modern approaches to management. These are: System’s approach In this case, the organizations operates like a system in such a way that each functional interrelate to ensure a central role ands aim is achieved through coordination. The idea borrowed from the Fayol’s management is that the science approach is the administrative approach operates within an environment. The administration ought to manage the system so that each of the parts is functioning effectively and efficiently for maximum outputs. For instance, the integration of the system of technology with employees within an organization. In addition another author notes that, contingency approach to systems’ approach which the manager utilises to respond according to situation that arises. As noted by Chester Bernard, the manager is a responsive being, in that he/she responds to the situation that calls for his attention to ensure that the organization runs smoothly and without anomalies. Management science approach It is a modern management methods that focus on the mathematical models. For instance, the critical path method (CPM), which emphasise that the most time-consuming activities are started first before those that arte less time-consuming. Others like the program and evaluation review techniques were developed to constantly monitor and review different projects that are undertaken in organizations. According to the ackoff and ackoff, churchman, management science or operations management involves the application of a scientific method to solve problems arising in the operation of a system and using the mathematical problems, It involves a number of activities such as a systematic observation of a system and formulation of a method to explain a systematic method to solve or a model that is consistent with this, specify behaviours and a further use of the models to predict the future performance of the system and in case of changes. The management science has had a several applications(Aggaraval and Schumacher). It has been used to solve a number of complex economic problems. They also note the introduction of personal computers and other technology have necessitated the need for a manger to integrate the tools and techniques of management science in practise. In particular, it has been used in many problems such as production, scheduling, product marketing. The management information systems It represents a third form of quantitative school of management that borrows a lot from fayol’s administrative principles. As notes Appleby, it is an integrated manual or/and computer system that provides information to support the operations management and decision-making functions of an organization. It has a planning function adopted from the fayol’s doctrines that gather information from both external and internal sources and ensure its validity and reliability, to the organization. There is need to integrate all the functional area of the MIS to work in a systematic approach to achieve a common aim. Use of a common database ensures that there is a clear coordination and networking of various functional areas. For instance, there is need to integrate the cash flow analysis in financial forecasting, the balance sheet preparation (profit planning), budgeting, investment analysis and financial analysis, each of the functional is incorporated to check and balance to avoid wastage. Others include daft whose main works, have been adopted to influence further the realm of management science. Death Henri Fayol died in 1925 in Paris France, at the age of 84 yearsFayol’s 14 general principles of management The general principles of administration are the rules, procedures, tools and techniques that guide and govern the running of the organization. As provided in Fayol, the success of manufacturing procedures, the methods of development, formulations of policies and the organizations of workers really depend on the administrations structure and strategies that put in by the administration. Fayol’s came u[p with the following principles which have provided a fundamental legacy on the future of management science. This section will highlight the general principles that provided by Fayol. The later section will deal with the difference between management as art and management a science, so that the underlying difference in the approaches can be established. The following are the general principles of administration formulated by Henry Fayol, and which have had great impetus in reshaping the modern management thought. 1) Unity of command In practise, it provides that every action ordered by one person only or equally one boss. The reasons given to support this rule is that it is difficult for two different persons to have exactly the same feelings, the same perspectives on any subject whatsoever. It also adds on to note that for justice’s sake, there is a desire that every person has a responsibility for actions and his own boss actions alone. It concludes that no one can serve two masters at the same time. Further, the violation of this principle results in the following confusion and despondency amongst the employees, conflict not only between supervisors. The continued confusion and conflict that arise out of the fight between two principles could eventually tear down the enterprise. There are several secondary principles which arise out of the unity of command principle. For instance, the hierarchical transmission of orders, separation of powers, centralisation and order, during working in a business enterprise. Chain of command This rule arises out of the need for a growth of an organization; the leader finds it difficult to provide personal direction to every employee. As it expands further, the leader finds it even harder to provide the general direct leadership to the first line managers. Failure to adhere to this principle results into discontent, confusion of responsibilities, and work is held up. Separation of powers- authority, subordination, responsibility and control This is the division of an enterprise into distinct departments, each independent of the others but subject to common authority. This has a numerous advantageous such as great business growth of business, diversity of operations demanding diverse abilities or the physical separation of the various activities in the firm. A noted by Urwick, this has lead to greater output and general likeness of the work. There is also an increase in the quality and quantity of products and services offered. Further, Fayol notes that in order to avoid the penalty of duality, there is need to delimit divisions and the functions of each department clearly defined. This carries with it, naturally, the rights, duties and responsibilities. This implies that each employee must know whom and what he give orders, for whom and what must to obey. The means to discharge these responsibilities include direct supervision, control meetings, reports and proper accounting systems. Centralization This principle notes that, the commands exercised by higher authority and which, be it direct or through successive levels in the organization, reaches all parts of the organization through either direct or other means and the feedback which return in the reverse sense, either directly or through the levels, to the central authority. This principle depends greatly on the capability of the leader, for instance, in a smaller organization one great leader with can influence decisions, enforce policies and instil obedience in discharging of duties. However, as noted by Gullick, as the organization grows, such a leader will become inadequate and such methods and frameworks will be deplored. As noted, what happens to mediocre subordinates? There is evidence that the circumstances, the special difficulties which they cause and their degree and the value of employees. Gullick provides that provides power and initiative, which will give the employees the greatest freedom and initiative in discharging their duties. Gullick argues that strength of a leader is argumented through the strength brought in by the lower-level employees and therefore, they must be developed they ought to be empowered to the greatest extent to [produce the greatest outputs. Order The act avoids waste of materials, time and conflicts. This implies that there should be everything specially designed to discharge everything to leave everything in its place. In addition , it notes that every act of the enterprise and everything belonging to order. The careful division and delimitations of duties reduces the conflict and assures the organizations of the peaceful existence. Discipline This rule is dependent on the contingent or the rule, the constitutions, the personalities. They define the duties , rights and responsibilities and the place of each individual must be determined and specified,.. The reasons cited by scholars are that good to facilitate the progress of events. As noted, the progress depends on the skill and the conduct of the leaders. The greater the leader, the higher the progress. Discipline is the act of respecting [policies and following of commands and stem from the unity of command principle.(Fayol,37). Specialization. There is need for specialization so that quality and general liking of work is developed. For instance, planning which is a vital means of enquiring a business success. The report notes that to create an industry, one needs capital, labour, and time for the industry to operate. The output functions must be provided to complete the distribution cycle. The administrative role is to forecast these needs and providing for them. Planning is complex in larger and longer production cycles (Gullick). He notes that when preparing the budget for the industry, there is an estimates and the factories that might easily change so that we include the in the schedule. Another example is talking a strategic approach towards managing complexities and providing a competitive advantage in areas marred with stiff competition, leaner profits and it is even more difficult in longer periods. The planning process ensures that a focus on the goals and avoid to diverge is achieved. However, planning takes place without certainty of future events as there is no clear indication of how the future might look like in the long run. For instance, when budgeting, there is an estimation of needs that takes into consideration the market conditions of the needs and the probable results of the next financial year. Fayol’s note that plans must constantly be revised to ensure a continuity of ideas, stability, in the personnel. Furthermore, Fayol note that the efforts that are required, the passive resistance from the employees and the frustrations can be result when there is poor planning of work schedules. Managers have the responsibility of giving order so that they can get things done. Fayol defined authority as the right to give orders and the power to exact obedience. Responsibility involves being accountable for something, which implies that authority and responsibility go together because when an individual assumes authority, he/she also assumes responsibility Subordination of individual interest to the common good: In any undertaking, the interest of one individual employee should not precede that of the organization as a whole. Equity: Managers should be both far and friendly to their subordinates. Remuneration: The compensation for work done should be fair to both the employee and the employer Stability of Tenure of staff: Recruitment and retaining of employees should remain a high priority of management. A high turnover rate is costly and detrimental to the progress of the organization. Managers should encourage their subordinates to take initiative in the performance of their roles, even though they may make mistakes. Initiative may been seen as new or additional work activity, which is undertaken through self-direction Esprit de Corps: Promoting team spirit among the workers will bring about a sense of unity within the organization. From his experience, Fayol came to understand that abilities required by managers depend on their positions within the hierarchy. One may possess certain technical skill, but to operate at a higher managerial level will demand that he possesses the abilities required by such managerial position. Again managers in large organizations require greater abilities than those in smaller organizations. . Work cited Henri, F., Elements’ of administration in “Administration Industriele et Generale, Paris,, 1938, 1961. Read More
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