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Negative Consequences of Health Care Reform August 27, The current passage of Health Care Reform in the United s has been controversial. The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act of 2010 is the most significant social legislation. The law requires that the state provide healthcare insurance for 45 million Americans, including those who cannot afford healthcare expenses (Feldman, 2011). Further, there are sometimes unintentional consequences when the U.S. government intervenes in the healthcare market.
Economically, the government will lose from fraudulent healthcare practices. The lazy beneficiaries will refuse to work. The healthcare professionals, healthcare facilities, and drug companies increase their billing charges, billing the government (Hirschey, 2008). The government intervention could distort the healthcare market. In 2008, the Agency Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) observed that $24 million is lost through fraud, waste, and abuse of the U.S. healthcare system (Pyrek, 2011).
The current healthcare program unfavorably forces the financially able individuals to pay for the free healthcare benefits of the poor and jobless residents. The results would be abuse. Abuse crops up when one party takes advantage of another individual. Free healthcare services discourage the lazy from finding jobs. The middle income earners are required to pay for the lazy individual’s medical bills. The middle income individuals must pay a fine for not paying for poor and lazy individuals’ healthcare expenses.
Based on the above discussion, healthcare reform has many scenes. The other players pay for the poor and lazy persons’ medical bills. Fraud and billing abuse crop up. Evidently, there are unfavorable consequences of healthcare reform. REFERENCES:Feldman, A. (2011). Understanding Health Care Reform: Bringing the Gap Between Myth and Reality. New York: CRC Press.Hirschey, M. (2008). Fundamentals of Managerial Economics. New York: Cengage Learning Press.Pyrek, K. (2011). Healthcare Crime: Investigating Abuse, Fraud, and Homicide by Caregivers.
New York: CRC Press.
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