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Introduction to Programming Logic - Coursework Example

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"Why Do People Design Software before Starting a Coding Implementation" paper argues that software design has many charts, diagrams, and approaches used to help to create code. The author explains why are there so many approaches and describes, compares, and contrasts them…
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Introduction to Programming Logic
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It thus enables the developer to understand that It is at the design stage where the flow of data and processes are defined, to avoid logic errors. Thirdly, the design of software provides the decision points and the sequence of action, and the routine events that the program ought to be implemented in the program code. Compliance with the design leads to fewer errors in the actual program code and enables the end product of the software to meet the expected functionality. Finally, documentation of the program is easier if the design is well understood. The coding of the program, therefore, refers to the scope of the program design.

There are various approaches to the creation of program codes. This is because each program has a unique level of abstraction. The more the need for data and processes, the more sophisticated the program becomes, prompting the need for more advanced approaches. The approaches include the waterfall, the V-shaped model, the rapid Application Development design, and the spiral model of the system development life cycle. Each designer prefers a particular design depending on the number of activities involved in the design and development and the scope of the software. The waterfall approach is suitable in a situation where new systems are developed from scratch. It follows a reversible sequence of activities from the preliminary studies to the post-implementation stage.


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