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The Concepts and Processes Involved in Linear Programming - Research Paper Example

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The paper describes all the functions, equations, and inequalities involved in performing linear programming. The applications of linear programming span providing solutions to problems involving economics, computer science, and practically any other industry…
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The Concepts and Processes Involved in Linear Programming
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A linear programming model is typically solved using a simplex algorithm, or sometimes also referred to as the linear solver (Powell & Baker, 2010). The simplex algorithm involves a series of steps which employs the use of slack and basic variables to change the inequality constraints to equations so that the derived system of equations may be solved to find a feasible solution area. The extreme points of this feasible solution area are then tested by plugging them into the objective function in order to find out which gives the optimal solution.

There are a number of models that may be used to generate the solution to a linear programming model. Baker (2011) notes four kinds of linear programming models including allocation, blending, covering, and network models. He adds, however, that most applications of linear programming involve the need to combine these four models. As its name implies, allocation models or resource allocation models are concerned with the optimal allocation of scarce resources in order to maximize the desired output (Shapiro, 2007).

Such models are generally used in manufacturing companies or supply chain networks. Another kind of linear programming model involves the blending of a number of resources to produce desired results, hence the term blending model (Baker, 2011). A typical example of this model is the “diet problem” wherein one aims to find the optimum mix of food products that will produce the maximum nutritional value. Finally, the network model is quite unique in nature as it “describes configurations of flow in a connected system”.

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