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Infrastructure Management - Term Paper Example

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This paper 'Infrastructure Management' tells, that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one field that has made information flow smooth and more efficient.The GW company requires a model that sees to the well running of its operations and that the above model. …
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Infrastructure Management
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? Information Infrastructure Table of Contents Introduction Literature Review ment of the Problem A solution Model and how it works Benefits of adopting the model Challenges in implementing the model Conclusion and recommendations Introduction Throughout history, Information holds the key to any breakthrough of a pending problem. In modern times information has greatly evolved in terms of its spread. With the appropriate information one manages to keep on the same platform with the rest of his or her counterparts. Economic, political and social struggle will be greatly influenced by information revolving around them. In the technological world all odds have been met to ensure ease is experienced in spreading and accessing information. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is one field that has made information flow smooth and more efficient. Literature Review In the Business world, ICT has enhanced the possibilities of entrepreneurs to keep on the battle for survival in this competitive arena (Apellt, 1999). New mechanisms of accessing new market and the needed information from far distances with continuous knowledge gain is an advantage of good ICT employment. Additionally, the information between different organizations becomes real-time which tends to enhance the relationship between the customers and the organization. ICT is also the key factor to enabling business people get immediate feedback from their customers and use it as a way of indentifying their strong and weak points. The feedbacks from the customers also help in noticing the changes of demand, preferences and new market by an organization. ICT in companies or organizations is one platform that has to be closely monitored to ensure the best of it is achieved. IT professionals are employed in these areas to ensure that each and every required data from the networks is sufficiently reliable and available. In big companies, different departments are interconnected (intranet) to ensure much is shared and creates the virtual company of working from different offices (European commission, 2000). The intranet is established through local area networking or wireless networking. Information flow within a company is determined by how the ICT infrastructures are laid and managed. This infrastructure depends on a company’s customization but the general overview of this would involve clients, routers, bridges, servers and virtual firewalls then the web. The client connects to the server through a router or a bridge; the server accepts the request and sends back the requested data. If a client needs to connect to the internet, the server will send the request through the firewall to the worldwide web. The replay path will be the same i.e. web-firewall-server –client through the router. This brings us to common point in noting that, if a company properly utilizes the potentials presented by the ICT sector, then supply, customers and knowledge enhancement will be well managed. Statement of the Problem If we now analyze this scenario using Global Water Company, we find that the information channels are mostly used for communication within the regional locations. The company’s three locations namely, South Africa, United Kingdom and United States only communicate using the public networks. This seems to do no good to internal and external communications of the company. We are also quick to note that the rapid growth in the global business has made the communications here more difficult and unreliable in this company. Moreover, we find that the South African division is the most clogged with a max of 300 clients being used by 400 workers. West Bromwich in UK also rags behind in efficiency since 200 computers are being used by 350 people. This is a great loop hole in the company in trying to keep up with the pace of the competitive world. The management has also come to its senses and noted the cost that the poor ICT structure is bringing to the company. Thanks to the management, the much required platform in gearing up competitiveness has been given the required attention and recourses allocated. The allocated money is for improving the software and virtual parts of the ICT infrastructure. The company stipulates that the required hardware is in the company and since the different locations have LAN and wireless infrastructure there is no need to purchase new ones. This way we can deduce that, the causes of these inefficiencies must be emanating from poor management of the infrastructure, outdated programs on the clients and poor maintenance of the existing hardware (Fulantelli, 2000). Also these locations act like they are independent from each other which are a great hindrance to the flow of information. The virtual infrastructure seem also to have a problem and risks the company’s data leaking to rivals and obtaining unreliable data that might have been manipulated. The findings of this research should be in a position to address the missing factors in the GW Company and enable them thrive in this business. I as an ICT expert had to see to the following question so as to come up with the best model for solving the GW nightmare. How will the new model improve the efficiency of the company? This involves the easy of working within the network, better documents sharing, and the rate of processing data in the company and much more. Will be introducing the model worth it? Any positive market changes that will follow? Market changes will include share in the market; will it be positive or negative? How will the model involve the easy of working out of office? How will the model improve the sharing of resources like printers and scanners? Will the model ensure a centralized monitoring in the LAN to ensure data security and reliability? Does the model propose the up to date and right software for the clients? Does the propose software improve the processing rate in computers? Can the model be easily be understood by the clients? Does consumer-company information flow increase or decrease using the model? Do the suppliers access the company data easily? A solution Model and how it works. Having a good scrutiny on the question and the understanding of ICT the below model will work for the GW company. The data flow will be much easier due to the fact that all the locations are connected by both wireless and cable networks. All this countries are connected to the worldwide cable network and cables can be used to create a virtual office where all the three countries work from the same platform. The UK and South Africans will have their local networks running within their premises and stretching to the next center (New York –Birmingham). The cable will then extend to the international network cable to the UK. In South Africa, same trend of connections inside the companies, then between the three cities. The connections will then run to the UK, Edinburgh city. The UK also has its company LANs and the inter companies connections. In Edinburgh, there will be a virtual gateway where all the three locations can access each other’s data and communicate. The three locations also can access the internet from this point and flow back to respective companies. Customers can Key A - Durban offices B- Birmingham offices E - Edinburgh offices R- Routers P-Printer . S- Server C-Clients G—Gate way also access the companies through the local area networks or through wireless connections within the companies. The company will use HP ProLiant ML 350 G5 1.5TB Server series. The servers will be three in number; all the countries will have one server each. Each server will cost approximately 2500pounds but that won’t be included in the capital budget since the servers are already there. All the seven servers will run on a platform of Microsoft windows server 2003 together with windows 2008 operating system. All the clients will also run on windows 2008 operating system. The windows and software will be purchased on a volume purchase agreement license. Due to the large number of the client this will drastically reduce the cost of buying these OSs. The agreement stipulates that for every 10 copies of windows 2008 bought, the company gets 5 more copies for free. About 100 laborers will see the laying down of the model. Expenditure table The total amount used =119193 pounds. The 40000 pounds annually will be used to constantly update software and ensure that repairs are done on the hardware regularly for a smooth running. The above model represents single locations of Durban, Birmingham and Edinburgh. Identical connections are done in Johannesburg and Cape Town which are then connected by the national cable. A similar scenario is to be witnessed in UK and US, all the cities being interconnected. The model will consist of clients who will be connected to the router using the standard networking cables (cat 5). The routers are specifically placed to ensure that the clients are connected perfectly. This connects a certain office block. The different cities in a country are then interconnected by the national fiber cable. A cable from the router runs to the national fiber which then connects to the international cable which connects the Americas, Europe and Africa. This scenario is repeated in all the countries and in every company making all the branches connected. Benefits of adopting the model. The firewall will prevent any unwanted intruder in the company’s network (Mowshowitz, 1997). All the clients will run the windows 2008 which will enhance the processing of documents and the overall maintenance of accounts. The routers will be configured with the latest up to date settings. The firewall will be well configured to allow the necessary information to flow in the company’s systems. Hackers are also monitored by the firewall and prevent them from accessing vital information of the company. All the clients should be up to date in terms of the program like antivirus, networking programs. The server in ever location is used to save the company’s documents and files. These servers are connected to the routers that connect back to the clients found in various offices. All the different branches can access each other’s server data with minimal movement hence the efficiency is enhanced. Moreover, with the type of connection that is displayed above the company will always be ensured of secure data since all connections can be monitored in one location. Any customer or supplier will have to connect to the company’s business and data by having to virtually go through the main gateway located in the UK. The wireless connections can be used in the company’s premises using the hosted routers. This will increase the clients connected to the company’s network at a go (Appelt, 2000). These companies enjoy the pleasure of working using a computer from any part of the premises since the wireless network will see to the great distribution of data (Rheingold, 1993). All the locations will have the wireless connections like the one shown on the South African platform. Through this they can connect to the server then to the virtual gateway in UK then the web. This will be a great break through for the company since the workload for the clients available in the offices will reduce. This entire model will also require programs that are up to date to ensure the network is running smoothly. The company’s locations will be in a position to share documents within and outside the company’s premises. 1.5 TB server in every location will ensure the best of results are achieved since the space is enough for the company’s document storage needs. On cost wise, the model costs the company little pennies owing to the fact that most of the hardware was present in the company. The only money need is to purchase new computer programs and hiring professionals to create virtual access points and configure them. Furthermore, the maintenance will be easier since the network connections are controlled in UK. Finally, the staff will have to learn to use the network well to acquire the highest benefit it. If this model is perfectly laid down, the benefits will be greater than all the cost that is used in its maintenance. In the market platform, the GW Company will be in a better position to compete with its kind in the three countries. With the increased flow of data, much is shared with easy between the three countries. This will easy the term of doing businesses between customers and the company. In scenarios of suppliers and the company making contractual agreements, the increased communication enhances the easy of doing it. Suppliers can also access their delivery data by simply logging in the company’s website and access it. This makes the working in the company easy hence the efficiency is enhanced and most suppliers will be comfortable working and supplying the company (Beamon, 1998). Customers will benefit regarding the fact that they can interact with the staff of this company without necessary having to go to the company’s premises. The internet access available in the company will improve the way customers demand services of a company. With the GW Company the customers have a path to know what the company is offering in real time. Real time deliveries are also witnessed with the increased platform to demand for the services. In terms of accounts, the different locations of the company can share the progress each is making. The networking model will be using the best programs and this will help in management of accounts. Programs like siege and excel can be of great importance to the company’s accounting department. The GW Company will also be in a better position in terms of knowing what is going on global platform and help them in determining the policies to implement to emerge the best. The UK gateway will help the company in pushing forward in terms of accessing internet information which today acts as the greatest information hub. The company will see and compare their position on service delivery noting the weak points and the much needed strategies to handle the pressure. Other companies will also share the relevant information that pushes the industry forward which GW is a member. Much of the information gained here helps in training and equipping the staff with new ideas that helps in enhancing the company’s efficiency. Workmates also share their experiences without having to move from one office to another. Since GW is a public utility company, much will be needed to known about the satisfaction it gives the people by providing the services. On the basis of the well implemented given above model the company will definitely have the feed backs from the people and any suggestions will be addressed. The marketing strategy of GW Company will have improved by adopting this model since the company will be accessible to many people. Strategies like this have helped many companies in the world to overhaul their rivals and GW will be no exception if the model is perfectly implemented and maintained. Increased communication will help in sharing of ideas across the three companies and updating each other to prevent any loop holes affecting the company’s efficiency. GW Company will be having the greater hand in competing with companies who have little or no ICT infrastructure. Challenges in implementing the model Although the benefits out do the costs, there are several challenges that comes with the implementation of the model. These challenges range from the fact that some locations like the South African offices to the management of the company. In South African offices the staffs using the computers are more than the available machines. Even if the model is implemented in some locations, the sharing of the clients’ machines might still hinder the efficiency of the company. The management of the model is also to be well maintained to gain the maximum benefits of the model. Another problem is the fact that accessing the internet has its implications. The information of the company may leak and used to harm the company’s progress. Improved ICT infrastructure may also be a negative addition to the GW Company. Employees can find the improved information flow so exciting that they misuse it (Riel, 1990). With high speed connections staff members can be wasting company’s time in social networks and streaming music and movies. Much care and monitoring is also required to ensure that the data flowing in and out of the company is safe. This can be time consuming and hard especially when the information is out on the World Wide Web. Moreover, the company’s network will require constant upgrading of the program which at time proof to be quite expensive. Finally, in case a part of the network breaks down, all the other locations will sever the consequences since they are all interconnected. This might hinder the operations of the company at large. Due to the centralization of the internet gateway, it stipulates that, if the Edinburgh station goes down, all the companies’ information flow will be greatly affected. Conclusions and recommendations In conclusion, I have highlighted the core place the ICT holds in the business world; ranging from the improved efficiency to improved consumer-company relationship. In my view, the GW company requires a model that sees to the well running of its operations and that the above model. With serious maintenance, the model will overcome the few pending challenges and greatly help the company. References Appelt, W. (1999). WWW Based Collaboration with the BSCW System. Paper presented at the SOFSEM '99, Appelt, W. (2000), New Version of BSCW Groupware System Released. ERCIM News, 42. Beamon, B. M. (1998). Supply chain design and analysis: models and methods. International Journal of Production Economics, 55 (3), 281-294. Beamon, B. M. (1998). Supply chain design and analysis: models and methods. International Journal of production Economics, 55 (3), 281-294. European Commission (1997). Adapt - The Future Of Work the Work Of The Future, Special Report, Brussels. European Commission (2000). Benchmarking Telework and E-Commerce in Europe. ECaTT Final Report. Finholt, T., & Sproull, L. (1990), Electronic Groups at Work. Organization Science. 1 (1), 41- 64. Fulantelli, G., Allegra, M., & Chiazzese, G. (2000). Distance Consulting for Small and Medium- SizedEnterprises. Paper presented at the eBusiness and eWork 2000 Conference, October 18-20, 2000, Madrid, Spain. Fulantelli, G., Allegra, M., Chiazzese, G. (2000). An Experience of Communication Management for anEuropean Transnational Partnership. Paper presented at the WebNet 2000, Oct 30-Nov. 4, 2000, San Antonio,Texas, USA. Fulantelli, G., & Allegra, M. (2001). Potentials and Risks of using ICT in SMEs. Paper presented at the WorldMulticonference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 22-26, 2001, Orlando, Florida, USA. Fulantelli, G., Allegra, M., & Vitrano, A. Z. P. (2002). The Lack of Communication and the Need of IT forSupply-Chain Management Strategies in SMEs. Paper presented at the Informing Science & IT EducationConference, June 19-21, 2002, Cork, Ireland. Mowshowitz, A. (1997). Virtual Organization. Communication of ACM, 40 (9), 30-37. Rheingold, H. (1993). The Virtual Community, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley. Riel, M., & Levin, J. (1990). Building electronic communities: Success and failure in computer networking.Instructional Science, 19, 145-16 Turoff, M. (1999). Education, Commerce, Communications: The era of Competition. WebNet Journal, 1 (1), 22-31. Read More
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