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It is far-reaching nevertheless to acknowledge the role that has been played by artists in ensuring that different cultures are respected across various parts of the world. One such multicultural artist is Patricia Piccinini, who was born in Sierra Leone, but spent the better part of his life in both Italy and Australia, an event that made him acquire the cultural practices of those living in the three nations, and finally Australian citizenship.
Piccinini has on several occasions shed light on the human-animal hybrid form of identity through his animal-like sculptors that resemble human traits. On the other hand, imaging requires the use of the sense of sight, a factor that makes it easier for a person, place or thing to be easily recognized. Amidst these differences, however, it is of great significance to recognize the fact that text descriptions are appealing because they provide vivid descriptions of people or places. This helps not only in painting the pictures of the people being described but their feelings as well.