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The First World War - Research Paper Example

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The war led to the death of over 9 million people, most of whom were the combatants. Historians argue that such large number of casualties could be attributed to rapid…
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e various occurrences culminated to this occurrence of this war, it is the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand on June 28, 1914 who was the heir to Austria-Hungary throne in Sarajevo, Bosnia that eventually prompted the occurrence of the war (Gilbert 2008). The First World War involved the great powers of the world at that time. Mainly, there were two alliances that were involved: the Triple Alliance or the Central Powers who included Italy, Austria-Hungary, and Germany; and the Allies who comprised of Russia, France, and the United Kingdom (De Groot 2000).

The war paved way for a number of economic and political changes. In order to have a better understanding of the First World War, this paper will discuss the war in general, the key people that were involved, significant events of the war, technological advances during the war, the advantages and disadvantages of the war, as well as the positive things that came out of the war. The First World War occurred in a span of four years and involved many nations as well as key people. The first notable figure was Herbert Asquith who was the Britain’s Prime Minister at the time when the nation entered into the war (Strachan 2005).

During this time he struggled to unite the nation but he was unsuccessful and he eventually bowed out of the Prime Minister position. The second key figure was the then Imperial Germany Chancellor, Bethmann Hollweg; he tried to tear apart the Triple Alliance of Russia, France, and Britain. However, his efforts were unsuccessful because he lacked the support of other Germans. It should be noted that he had unsuccessfully attempted to calm the international events prior to the start of the war (Robbins 2002).

General Aleksey Brusilov is the other key figure of the First World War; he was the Russian commander during the war and he significantly contributed to success in 1914 in Galicia. He is considered one of the successful people by the standards of the war as he was able to capture

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