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The Role of Youth Culture - Assignment Example

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This assignment "The Role of Youth Culture" focuses on young people who had extensively liberated many morals from conventional morality, but they had not detached themselves from the roles and responsibilities that they would embrace within a short period. …
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The Role of Youth Culture
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The Role of Youth Culture Living in a culture that prioritized business triumph and denied intellectual accomplishments rendered the youth to lack desire in reordering priorities (Fass 263). The youth had liberated many morals from conventional morality, but they had not detached themselves from the roles and responsibilities that they would embrace within a short period. Fass argues that the youth had no grounds to qualm that the future held anything but opportunities. Since they were secure in their current freedoms and their future hopes, they were neither negligent nor skeptical (Fass 264).

This difference was fresh latitude inexperience. In addition, the youth experienced an increase in individual liberty, new-fangled communicative nurture, and more room for experimentation. Therefore, this implies that the youth culture played a critical role in altering American history. Only a few youths were interested in imitating the lives of their professors, or in caring immensely for books. In addition, Cmiel also argues that the youth were immensely tolerant in attitude since their schools played a critical part.

It is of the essence to say that instructions exposed the youth to the relativism of philosophers and writers who had long prepared the ground for youth’s beliefs and values (Cmiel, 462). Moreover, this fresh latitude in familiarity detached the youth from their parents as well as the American past. The majority of the youth was sent to school rather than a vocation. This necessitated adjustments at a time when aged attitudes towards sex, religion, and manners paved way for newer practices such as dating, movies, communal work patterns, and Sunday golf.

This implies that this culture adopted by the youth also played a decisive role in altering American history. The youth turned enthusiastically to what was innovative in the culture and did it with utmost delight and excitement. When the youth in the early twenties altered adult standards of respectability in sexual behavior and even expanded the possibilities of women’s behavior, they were efficiently directing individuals away from adult norms, generating and approving fresh social patterns (Cmiel 463).

Therefore, it is worth mentioning that youth culture played a significant role in altering American history. As the youth opposed prohibition and drank liquor, they were merely denying the exigency of adult norms, rebuffing the perception of a static standard of morality, and questioning the legitimacy of adult laws (Cmiel 464). In adjusting to adult standards, they became more immoral and lawbreakers. Moreover, the youth asked for latitude in behavior determined by both uncongenial criteria and personal preference.

The youth knew that they lived in a varying world, that stipulated new understanding, new conventions, and invariable readjustments. This played a decisive role in altering American history. 

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